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Feb 27, 2011
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Oklahoma City
Obesity is as legitimate a medical issue as any other, and it should be treated as such. I’m happy that you’re taking steps to take care of yourself, for your sake and your family.

I’d switch to diet soda or cut it out entirely and that alone might make a huge difference…drinking calories is so mindless you don’t even realize it


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Nov 18, 2009
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Edmond OK
I've been big my entire life. Hell, when I was born I weighed in at over 10 pounds. By kindergarten I was wearing a mens size 38 jeans and an adult XL shirt. Yeah, it's been an issue my entire life.

I never really thought I had a problem with food. I mean, I love good vittles, always have. But I didn't think it controlled my life. Maybe it has. Maybe my head is in the sand. Who knows.

I weigh myself every Monday morning. It usually goes up and down by a few pounds week after week. This morning I weighed 456. That's not the most ive ever weighed nor is it the least.

I bought these scales on Amazon. They weigh up to 600 pounds. I decided to purchase them after my last hospital trip, where I weighed in at a whopping 483 pounds. I suffer from Edema. If you're not familiar with that, it's when your blood doesn't circulate properly and your legs swell because of that. Usually to the extreme of small blisters forming and your skin bursting open.

Well, back on July 6th of 2021, mine did just that. So badly that they became infected and sepsis set in, causing me to go into septic shock. If you've never had septic shock before, trust me - you don't want it!

I can still remember it being in the 90s that day and I was sweating profusely while covered up to my chin with a blanket, literally freezing to death! I'm talkin' teeth chattering, body shaking, complete misery. I thought I was a goner. I spent 3 days in the hospital, on an IV drip of an antibiotic strong enough to :censored:ING kill a horse.

Anyway, back to today.

Like I said earlier, I can usually drop a few pounds just by cutting out soda, candy and other sweets, but a few pounds just ain't enough. I've tried every diet imaginable from Atkins to Keto, high carb, no fat, blah be blah be blah.

My son in law has been using the Zepbound injections and he has lost close to 60 pounds in about 2-3 months. He claims all you basically gotta watch is your starches and sugars.

So today I started the same thing. Hopefully it'll work. I'm gonna miss bread, pasta and taters. And I reckon I gotta go back to black coffee as well. God knows I've tried everything else. Why not this? Wish me luck!

So sorry for the novella. :sorry1:
Good LUCK to you. Im not at your point, but with my home job and the lack of moving around. Im catching up. I need to nip my fluff in the bud now.


Special Hen
Nov 1, 2023
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february last year I decided to try semaglutide after years of being too heavy. I weigh in and get a shot every Monday. Today I am down 72 and hope to hit 75 by my anniversary date next week

regardless of what some say, semaglutide, ozempic, monjauro, etc is not a quick and easy, zero discipline program— If you have been overweight for any length of time your body is stubborn and will fight back

I have had to exercise extreme discipline with the diet but now thanks to a nice deer season all I have in the freezer is venison

costs me 400 a month for the shots and if you are Oklahoma City metro area if you PM me I will gladly give you the information for the clinic or just look it up because it is Rapha Wellness in Moore

and people have told me that that sounds expensive bud I am saving more than that in food and drink I am not consuming anymore. Hell, a Sunday morning Bloody Mary And an appetizer with my motorcycle buddies turns into 50 bucks a pop pretty easy and then there’s going out to eat during the week plus drinking too much beer


Special Hen
Oct 23, 2008
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I'm just over 8 months in on monjouro. Currently at the next to the highest dose. I've lost 30 pounds so far and feel better than I have in a while. Started out at 275.
It helps that my wife is also on it. She had to do something to control her diabetes. When the doc told me I had the sugars and wanted me to start insulin I asked for the skinny pen shot instead.

It's a little rough at first dealing with the nausea but once you get past that it's an amazing drug.

Hang in there GED. You got this !!!

Edit to add,
Yes you will gain the weight back if you come off it. You have to make a lifestyle change to maintain that weight loss. But I'm hopeful that it will be a lot easier to do that if I can get the weight off first and get back to being active like I used to be.


Special Hen
Nov 1, 2023
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The problem with taking weight loss meds is that when you stop taking them, you gain the weight back! I've heard a lot about semiglutide and how it can cause muscle loss so resistance training should be incorporated in your journey!

when you look like this AFTER losing the first 45 - you don’t sweat the small stuff —.

However , this Is a pic of about half my home gym setup. The functional trainer machine and dumbbells and benches aren’t in the frame, but the gym’s got it all. (just don’t use it enough). I get my body composition tested every 2 or 3 months to ensure the percentages are still where they need to be



Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 4, 2009
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Canadian County
All the best to you, Evan. We need you around here (heck, who would I buy my holsters from?) and I know your family needs you more. You can conquer this.

I believe this to be the best advice possible.

Every person I know who has succeeded in losing weight,,,
Did it by a combination of diet control,,,
And walking.

Talk to your doctor and determine a walking routine,,,
My uncle lost well over 200 lbs. in two years.

He started by walking for ten minutes three times a day,,,
Then he upped the time incrementally several times.

He said it almost killed him at first,,,
But he persevered and eventually it worked,,,
He went from being huge to stout and gained strength.

Whatever you do though,,,
I wish you good fortune and pleasant results.


^This 100%. Don't be sedentary. Walking is great. After my heart attack I worked up to more than 2 miles per day. Felt great! This was up from short walks. Then came Covid, but that's another story. The main thing is to keep moving.

We know you can do this. Go get'em!

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