Left lane road hogs

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Special Hen Supporter
Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
I have a two mile rule. If I'm two miles from a left turn/exit, I stay in the left lane. I've been in situations where if I hadn't, there would have been little to no chance of getting back in that lane to make the turn. That same rule applies for right hand turns/exits as well.



Special Hen
Mar 27, 2007
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Generally Oklahoma drivers are courtious enough that if you turn on the signal light to merge in another lane, one of the next few drivers will let you over, especially when close to exits.


Special Hen
Apr 14, 2010
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if he was doing the speed limit what was the problem. sounds like the ones you should be mad at were all the people breaking the law by speeding


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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The left lane is only for passing. You are breaking the law by camping out in the left lane, regardless of the speed you are driving. the only exception is when there is other traffic around you. You are still supposed to speed up or slow down to merge to the other lane when faster moving cars are behind you.

I got pulled over for doing 85 on the way to airport once. I was running late. Hi-po pulled up behind me and hit the lights. He said the only reason he pulled me over was because I didn't move over fast enough and he had to slow down. Let me go with just the verbal warning.

A few months ago, I was headed down i40. Left lane clear, right lane full of semis and slow traffic. I was doing 70-75. Car comes up behind me, I can't move over. I push it to 80. He gets closer to my bumper. 90. He is practically tasting what I had for dinner. At 94, the governor on my truck kicks in, I have to slow to 89 before it will accelerate again. This continues for about 10 miles. Finally, I get a clear spot in the right lane and pull over.

Yeah, it was 2 hipos. They sped past med at 110-ish once I pulled over. Never popped a light, nothing. I would been more aggressive in merging had they flashed the head lights or popped the cherries n berries. I guess they just figured merging was not an easy thing at that point and were not going to worry about it. That was an interesting night.

What I want to know is why are we hearing about this and not a story about how your "friend" had to hitchhike back home? :hot:


Staff Member
Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Nov 28, 2010
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if he was doing the speed limit what was the problem. sounds like the ones you should be mad at were all the people breaking the law by speeding

Are you that guy always hanging out in the left lane between Okarche and Kingfisher????? :) lol I have to admit, when traveling South from Kingfisher, I do take the left lane all the way into Okarche because the the seams in the right hand lane will bounce your kidneys loose in my truck.


Jan 24, 2013
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We have a place at Texoma. We enter I35 at the I40 interchange and exit at Exit 28. So we drive about 100 miles on I35 25+ times a year. Have been making the trip for 20 plus years. Without a question, the worst left lane bandits are from Texas. It's almost comical. And the absolutely worst are young, usually blond, girls talking on their phones. They will have Texas plates and an OU sorority window sticker. They will be planted in the left lane going about 78mph. I've seen big rigs get so close to their bumper you can't see a gap, and they will not move. Completely oblivious to what's going on around them.
Last trip down, two weekends ago, we were in the right lane near Exit 66 going north. They are doing bridge work, so you have to merge into the right lane. Some a-hole was passing everybody on the left, even past the sign that says, "State Law, Merge Now". Some guy in a big Ford F350 moves over in the left lane trying to block the a-hole. A-hole decides he will go into the grass to go around big truck. Grass is very wet. A-hole is now stuck in the grass\mud. Schadenfreude was had by all.


Jan 19, 2010
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We have a place at Texoma. We enter I35 at the I40 interchange and exit at Exit 28. So we drive about 100 miles on I35 25+ times a year. Have been making the trip for 20 plus years. Without a question, the worst left lane bandits are from Texas. It's almost comical. And the absolutely worst are young, usually blond, girls talking on their phones. They will have Texas plates and an OU sorority window sticker. They will be planted in the left lane going about 78mph. I've seen big rigs get so close to their bumper you can't see a gap, and they will not move. Completely oblivious to what's going on around them.
Last trip down, two weekends ago, we were in the right lane near Exit 66 going north. They are doing bridge work, so you have to merge into the right lane. Some a-hole was passing everybody on the left, even past the sign that says, "State Law, Merge Now". Some guy in a big Ford F350 moves over in the left lane trying to block the a-hole. A-hole decides he will go into the grass to go around big truck. Grass is very wet. A-hole is now stuck in the grass\mud. Schadenfreude was had by all.
I like happy endings. Really


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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Last trip down, two weekends ago, we were in the right lane near Exit 66 going north. They are doing bridge work, so you have to merge into the right lane. Some a-hole was passing everybody on the left, even past the sign that says, "State Law, Merge Now". Some guy in a big Ford F350 moves over in the left lane trying to block the a-hole. A-hole decides he will go into the grass to go around big truck. Grass is very wet. A-hole is now stuck in the grass\mud. Schadenfreude was had by all.

I usually merge at or just before the state law sign. When everybody parks in the single lane, it causes a bigger traffic jam than is necessary. If everyone were to just be courteous and not slow to 20 under, then things would move much smoother. It is like trying to continue south on 35 at 35/40 zig-zag. 200 people block the left lane for 5 miles, creating a huge bottleneck instead of just merging later on 1/2 mile from the actual exit. I have watched people wait in that line and then continue on straight.

BTW, if you do the half-in half-out thing in the merge line and somebody hits you, it is your fault and you will get a ticket. That is being a double-douche.


Jan 24, 2013
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I usually merge at or just before the state law sign. When everybody parks in the single lane, it causes a bigger traffic jam than is necessary. If everyone were to just be courteous and not slow to 20 under, then things would move much smoother. It is like trying to continue south on 35 at 35/40 zig-zag. 200 people block the left lane for 5 miles, creating a huge bottleneck instead of just merging later on 1/2 mile from the actual exit. I have watched people wait in that line and then continue on straight.

BTW, if you do the half-in half-out thing in the merge line and somebody hits you, it is your fault and you will get a ticket. That is being a double-douche.

I was driving in Louisiana. The two lanes were being narrowed down to one. There was not a clear merge left or merge right. They had several signs like this:

I was surprised how well it worked.

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