Man Born in 1846 Talks About the 1860s and Fighting in the Civil War - Restored Audio..sounds like today IMO

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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2007
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If you guys want to talk the union freed the slaves let’s do it. They only transferred them to the big cities to factories, building rail roads, and such.

They were pawns IMO and it goes on today under rightnesses ☹️

-When did women get to vote? Were there masters of their men?

- Was one allowed to live in this country free or we’re they required to fight the politicians wars for power and wealth?

-Why did the Indians get wiped out and land stole for wealth even though they had signed contracts? Why did they steal the tribes kids to brainwash them and future generations into compliance for the union’s prosperity?

- Did the Indians not have slaves?

-Were the those coming into the country not abused and treated as subhuman? Chinese, Catholics, African's, even European’’s?

- Why was the civil rights movement of the 50’s and 60’s fought, because the Union made them equal and free? Maybe free to starve unless you comply IMO.
- Did the mighty Union save us in 1913, 1933, 1973 or did they scam us for power and wealth to enslave us?

Well there’s a few topics we can discuss and much more.

A wise women I’ve been with going on 15 years says “watch what people say, then watch what people do “

After all the wars are we getting free or we moving backwards centuries ?

The NWO to me was bringing people up to the 21st century, not moving back to the kings, queens, and self appointed blue bloods.

JMO of course………
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Raido Free America

Radio Free America
Special Hen
Jan 24, 2020
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Tulsa, OK.
In the first year of secession the one thing the South was willing to END to make secession a success was SLAVERY. The historical record is clear that in the Spring of 1862 the South began offering to end slavery in hopes of gaining French and British support in its war for Southern independence. France agreed to do so if Britain would ally with them. According to the Belgian paper “The Independent Belge,” a French diplomat went to Britain to push for alliance on behalf of the CSA. Britain agreed but said it wanted to wait until “the Roman Problem” was resolved. Unfortunately for the CSA, the Roman Problem was not resolved until 1871. So the offer to end slavery remained on the table. Later in 1864 CS Congressman Duncan Kenner, the largest slave holder in Louisiana, convinced Jeff Davis to let him travel to London to try and convince the British to accept the CS offer to end slavery in exchange for military support. But time ran out while Kenner was talking to the British as Lee surrendered at Appomattox.

This willingness to end slavery to secure independence is absolute proof that when Southerners said they did NOT secede to “preserve and extend slavery,” they meant it. You do not give up your cause for seceding in order to successfully secede. That would make no sense!!! CS Sec of State Judah Benjamin gave a note to Kenner for him to give to CS European diplomat Slidell which explains why the South was willing to endure the great economic and humanitarian hardship of ending slavery:

“The sole object for which we would ever have consented to commit our all to the hazards of this war, is the vindication of our right to self-government and independence... For that end no sacrifice is too great, save that of honour.’” Judah Benjamin to John Slidell, Dec 27, 1864.

The South was willing to end slavery to gain self-government and independence.
VERY WELL SAID! The vast majority of Americans today have no clue about the Civil War, and the truth behind the BLOODIEST CONFLICT IN AMERICAN HISTORY!!! And don't care to learn! I hope the old saying, " Those that don't remember the past, are doomed to repeat it," is not true! I find it absolutely amazing that most people will believe ANYTHING the lap dog news media tells them to believe! Our Civil War History is a perfect example of this, another example is pipeline safety! Our own government agencies task with keeping statistics on safety, the DOT, NIOSH, OSHA, EPA, etc. ALL show that petroleum pipelines are MUCH, MUCH, SAFER than any other means of transporting petroleum products, tanker trucks, and rail cars, and yet the vast majority of Americans allow themselves to be FOOLED into believing the exact opposite!! Is this just LAZINESS, or is the DUMB-ING DOWN OF AMERICA ABOUT COMPLETE?

Raido Free America

Radio Free America
Special Hen
Jan 24, 2020
Reaction score
Tulsa, OK.
If you guys want to talk the union freed the slaves let’s do it. They only transferred them to the big cities to factories, building rail roads, and such.

They were pawns IMO and it goes on today under rightnesses ☹️

-When did women get to vote? Were there masters of their men?

- Was one allowed to live in this country free or we’re they required to fight the politicians wars for power and wealth?

-Why did the Indians get wiped out and land stole for wealth even though they had signed contracts? Why did they steal the tribes kids to brainwash them and future generations into compliance for the union’s prosperity?

- Did the Indians not have slaves?

-Were the those coming into the country not abused and treated as subhuman? Chinese, Catholics, African's, even European’’s?

- Why was the civil rights movement of the 50’s and 60’s fought, because the Union made them equal and free? Maybe free to starve unless you comply IMO.
- Did the mighty Union save us in 1913, 1933, 1973 or did they scam us for power and wealth to enslave us?

Well there’s a few topics we can discuss and much more.

A wise women I’ve been with going on 15 years says “watch what people say, then watch what people do “

After all the wars are we getting free or we moving backwards centuries ?

The NWO to me was bringing people up to the 21st century, not moving back to the kings, queens, and self appointed blue bloods.

JMO of course………
Most of what you said is true, but this coutry is still without a showdow of doubt, the BEST, place on this earth to live! Thats like comparing ANY Family to OZZY, and HARRIET! None mesure up, NOT EVEN OZZY, AND HARRIET! What sets our nataion apart is, not our short comings, and mistakes, but the FACT that we always have, and continue to TRY AND CORRECT, AND LEARN FROM THEM, AND TAKE STEPS TO AVOID MAKING THEM AGAIN!!!!! We really are THE LAST BEST HOPE OF HUMANITY, AND ALWYS A HAVE BEEN! I HOPE YOU VOTE, IF NOT, THEN I FOR ONE AM NOT INTRESTED IN HEARING YOU GRIPE ABOUT OUR GREAT NATION!

Raido Free America

Radio Free America
Special Hen
Jan 24, 2020
Reaction score
Tulsa, OK.
There was also a bit of political posturing going on in talking about slavery (in the four Declarations that mentioned slavery) in that it made Lincoln’s attempts to raise troops seem to be for a war over slavery. The ploy almost worked as Northern newspapers and even members of Lincoln’s own cabinet were calling for him to “just let the South go.” Northerners wanted nothing to do with a war over slavery. Lincoln had to exclaim loudly and often that allowing the South to secede meant economic ruin for the North - It was about revenue and not slavery Lincoln repeated.

Raido Free America

Radio Free America
Special Hen
Jan 24, 2020
Reaction score
Tulsa, OK.
I find it quite a coincidence that the switch from keeping the union together, to slavery, being the reason to fight, occurred at exact same time, as The battle of Gettysburg, the draft riots in NYC, and the announcement of the emancipation proclamation, that was written in Jan. and ALL three occurred in early July of 1863? The NYC draft riots were mainly due to NYC white men being drafted to fight, and die, casualty reports had just reached NYC, from Gettysburg, to free black men, that had not been used in combat yet! Another reason was the pratice of allowing wealthy people to HIRE substitutes, to avoid the draft!


Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
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nw okc
yes again, it's a simple question that the people who keep crying "muh slavery" won't even attempt to answer.

>was the South fighting to *impose* slavery in the North?
>was the North fighting to *end* slavery in the South?

these aren't mutual. we fought to "end terrorism" when we invaded the middle east. i remember W flying in on that jet and declaring "mission accomplished" but last time i checked there's still terrorism, especially in that part of the world?

like i established in my previous posts, *slavery does indeed still exist in the world, and arguably in every major city in the US, particularly the "sanctuary cities".*

if you view the war as the South fighting the North, being the aggressor, how can you be an aggressor when you are fighting to *maintain* something that is being eliminated thru an external force?

if you view the war as the North fighting the South, being the aggressor, then it makes sense how the North would be literally *invading* the South in order to end slavery. ***of course*** it makes sense for the media manipulators of the times then *and* the times now to refer to the civil war as a "war on slavery".

but as my analogy, it is really proper to call our middle east engagements, the longest in US history, a "war on terror"?

a war on drugs?

like, you're still operating under the completely false assumption that the South being defeated *ended* slavery.
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Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
Reaction score
nw okc
also: you REALLY need to realize there is no middle ground anymore. not that there ever really was, but certainly not now.

if there are those who think opinions expressed in this thread and others are being "racist", i ASSURE YOU, things YOU have written ARE CONSIDERED RACIST BY ***SOMEONE***.

there is no middle ground.
you are a tranny loving child mutilator
or a racist nazi

that's it.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
Here, but occasionally There.
I have no idea what the "Al 13." that you were responding to is and am not inclined to risk pulling it up in Google.

As for your post, trying to justify slavery by citing the near eradication of native Americans is nonsense. You might as well say that it is okay to kill person A if you have already killed person B. That is the sort of total logic fail that accompanies pro-racist justifications. Unfortunately you are unlikely to find your way out of that rabbit hole because self-deception is the deepest deception of all.

As for using "nation" in quotes, isn't is customary for your ilk to say that if you hate this country that you should go back to where your ancestors came from?

I originally came to this site thinking that it was a gun site (you know, because of the name) but have found that it is at least as much a pro-racist, anti-U.S. seditionist, pro-divide the country through attacks upon other Americans, anti-law enforcement (everyone here claims to support law enforcement until they actually do their jobs), pro-wack-a-doodle conspiracy theory site.

In another thread a user dropped out because of attacks upon his faith and people told him to just block the users that 'trigger' him. However, that advise fails to address that this is a site that many would never visit or join in the first place if it was appropriately named for what it actually is such as hateotherracesandbringdownamerica . com or some such. I cannot for the life of me understand why I have remained here for almost a year when I would usually give this nonsense no quarter.

I'm out. You can proceed with your butthurt comments which the admins will ignore even though it is expressly against their own written policies. I won't see those posts and I'll be much happier not abiding racists and seditionists.

If you have truly left the forums, you won't see this reply, but if you do stick around, you know nothing about me. I wasn't, and never will, justify slavery.

Try reading my comment again.

Raido Free America

Radio Free America
Special Hen
Jan 24, 2020
Reaction score
Tulsa, OK.
Today it is politically correct to demonize anyone that don't agree with you! Great men of the Civil War, General Lee, for example and many, many more, by people that know absolutely NOTHING about them, or the Civil War era. All they know came from some movie, or a CARTOON, and has absolutely nothing to do with the facts! During the Civil War, on many, many, occasions BOTH sides HONORED the other sides COURAGE, and COMMITMENT, while these very same men were being literally TORN APART ON SOME BATTLE FIELD, KNOWING ANY WOUND WOULD LIKELY BE FATAL!! These men would stand and CHEER, a courageous, or kind act, by there enemy, and in many other ways, far too many to try and teach here, they HIDE FACTS LIKE THAT IN BOOKS, IF THESE BOOKS HAVE NOT BEEN BAND! Now these SPOILED BRATS with no HONOR, and that think COURAGE is admitting/bragging publicity, you are a homosexual! Just one example of this is the "ANGEL OF MERCY", AT THE BATTLE OF CHANCELLORSVILLE in May of,1863! literally thousands of men from both sides lay dead, and dying in the valley at the foot of Marie's Hights when dark came. any movement by anyone brought instant death! wounded men cried, and begged for water, After hours of this, ONE MAN, it was too dark to see the color of his uniform, but it was likely red, lay his rifle down and stood up. He went to the well and drew water and walked through the wounded giving water to these poor men no mater of their political believes! he continued all night, and then he lay back down without ever taking any credit for what he had done! To this day, no one even knows which side he was on, THAT MY FRIEND IS COURAGE! These PUNKS are not worthy to clean the manure off these GREAT MEN'S boots, and they insist their statues be taken down because they offend their tender feelings! I DON'T H THINK SO! WITHOUT HONOR, AND A PROUD HISTORY, CAN WE CLAM TO BE A GRAET NATION? VOTE!!!!!!! TO TAKE OUR GREAT NATION BACK! VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!

Raido Free America

Radio Free America
Special Hen
Jan 24, 2020
Reaction score
Tulsa, OK.
yes again, it's a simple question that the people who keep crying "muh slavery" won't even attempt to answer.

>was the South fighting to *impose* slavery in the North?
>was the North fighting to *end* slavery in the South?

these aren't mutual. we fought to "end terrorism" when we invaded the middle east. i remember W flying in on that jet and declaring "mission accomplished" but last time i checked there's still terrorism, especially in that part of the world?

like i established in my previous posts, *slavery does indeed still exist in the world, and arguably in every major city in the US, particularly the "sanctuary cities".*

if you view the war as the South fighting the North, being the aggressor, how can you be an aggressor when you are fighting to *maintain* something that is being eliminated thru an external force?

if you view the war as the North fighting the South, being the aggressor, then it makes sense how the North would be literally *invading* the South in order to end slavery. ***of course*** it makes sense for the media manipulators of the times then *and* the times now to refer to the civil war as a "war on slavery".

but as my analogy, it is really proper to call our middle east engagements, the longest in US history, a "war on terror"?

a war on drugs?

like, you're still operating under the completely false assumption that the South being defeated *ended* slavery.
There are so many FACTS these screwballs don't know, they just repete what they are told to think, and say, by the talking heads on the lap dog news media! Crooked politicians USE anything that creates HATE and DEVISION to control the IGNORATE MASSES!

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