Moving Forward in Oklahoma

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Jan 8, 2013
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The world changes. Society "progresses." Mayberry is gone, we now live in a dystopian atmosphere that would have given Orwell nightmares.

Yes. There are historical precedents; Classical Greece, Imperial Rome - when they reached their cultural apogee they were defeated in the field. But what is occuring now will be unprecedented, as this trend will be sustained, protected by an umbrella of thousands of nuclear weapons. Where it will lead to, harrrrrd to say...


Special Hen
Nov 11, 2012
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NE Oklahoma
There is that little Bengazi thing, and her comments about ducking bullets in the SE Europe(don't remember the country)when video's showed her getting flowers from a 12 year old on the tarmack?
The American public soon forgets.

I haven't forgotten. Passed up a guaranteed promotion to E7 because Bill got elected. I think somewhat less of her.


Special Hen
Nov 3, 2008
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Yes. There are historical precedents; Classical Greece, Imperial Rome - when they reached their cultural apogee they were defeated in the field. But what is occuring now will be unprecedented, as this trend will be sustained, protected by an umbrella of thousands of nuclear weapons. Where it will lead to, harrrrrd to say...

Well considering the Roman republic, then empire lasted for a 1000 years, I'd say there may have been other factors at play than willys being slipped in the wrong places.


Jan 8, 2013
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Well considering the Roman republic, then empire lasted for a 1000 years, I'd say there may have been other factors at play than willys being slipped in the wrong places.

Not the Republic. The Empire. Nevertheless, the point remains; the trend can't be deviated.


Jan 8, 2013
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Ok then just taking the Empire that lasted over 500 years I'd say we have plenty of time left before the germanic hordes ransack the capitol.

No, they never can. No one can. The nuclear umbrella will sustain this trend. I'm talking about forever. We've got enough nuclear weapons to stop anybody. It's almost like SciFi. Already, lesbians routinely abort male fetuses, and this is considered normal by some of the members on this thread, I suspect. This is part of the trend. It doesn't bother me because I know the direction can't be changed. But where will Western Civilization be in 1,000 years going in this direction? I know the scientific achievements will be gargantuan. But...


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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The crux of this argument to me is what bearing does the bible have on this debate? Why did you bring it up in the first place? What the bible does or does not say about homosexuality means absolutely nothing to public policy.

There are hundreds of sects of Christianity for a reason. Everyone has their interpretation. Just because you interpret homosexuality in one way, it does not make it correct. I'm sure you sin every day one way or another and any one sin is not greater than another so who cares if someone is sticking their willy in another dude? They are no worse a sinner than you. Remove the plank from your own eye before you condemn another for the splinter in theirs.

:soapbox: :end sermon:

1) I am not the one that brought it up.

2) The second part I put in bold is the complete truth and is the whole point I have been trying to lead some people to in this thread and some others. Everyone has an opinion and in this country we are all free to believe as we do and express it in public. Just because they may disagree with you, gives you no right to belittle them, run down their marriage, call them stupid, etc, etc. All of which can be seen in this thread. For people that supposedly believe in personal freedoms and rights I see a real problem with that concept among some here, and yes I have been known to poke and prod trying to get the debate going hoping for more to say something like "That is your opinion and you are entitled to it, but I disagree" Instead we get almost hatred because someone does not believe as someone else wants them to.

The legalize drug threads are a great example. My personal experiences tells me that drugs should not be made legal but when I express that a few others get royally bent out of shape about it. They accuse me of wanting the government to control peoples lives in some things but not others. In fact it is something we all do because we all believe some laws are good and disagree with others. I know people that think it should be OK for them to go into someones store and take whatever they want without paying. I bet one of the people that accuses me of the double standard is glad that is not legal but he is for legalizing drugs.

As I have discussed with a few people in PMs, the real debate is and should be recognizing each others right to disagree and hold our own opinions.

Because someone is against gay marriage does not make them an evil or stupid person, it makes them a normal person with an opinion you may not agree with, and they have just as much right to express their opinion as you do. The majority opinion will usually win out as it should but that does not take away others rights.

As for what I believe about the bible and what it says, I believe every single one of us that reads it will get something different out of it. I personally do not think it is the exact word of God but more a general guide.


Special Hen
Aug 17, 2010
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I know people that think it should be OK for them to go into someones store and take whatever they want without paying. I bet one of the people that accuses me of the double standard is glad that is not legal but he is for legalizing drugs.
If you can't see where one of these actively infringes upon the right of another person, while the other does not, then you're either being comically obtuse or deliberately disingenuous.
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