My Brother's in a Better Place Now!

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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 10, 2014
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It's been a long road these past couple of years. My brother, Ken was ALWAYS an outdoor type of guy - from early childhood. He loved critters - any critter, insect, bird, reptile, mammal, fish or fowl...didn't matter. He once opened a pet store in the house next door, stocked it all up then closed it so he could keep all the critters. He raised chickens and rabbits to feed his 10-12' long snakes. He loved people, too. He was the nicest guy on the planet. He'd do anything, for anybody and neither ask nor expect anything in return. He worked on drilling rigs all his working days - up until the accident. He was a driller for years, never weighed over 125lbs, but tough as an anvil. I never thought he'd die! I mean seriously...never. He had already survived these...

* He got bit by a rattlesnake - it died - He lived
* He got bit by some big, huge, frigging wicked-looking lizard thing he had once - it died - He lived
* A derrick on an oil rig fell and landed across his waist - and didn't break a bone - He lived
* He had a cliff diving accident and broke his skull in about 4 places - He lived
* He had lost several fingers in another rig accident - He lived

He loved his family, too. He missed his wife when away on the rig, so about Aug or Sept 2011, he quit his job and moved home to be there fulltime. (I told her more than once, whatever happens - DO NOT BITE HIM! There's a pattern in the history.

He loved his grandkids, too. Playing in the yard with those girls - he was having a great day. October 15, 2011. Then amidst the somersaults and cartwheels, grandpa does his last backflip on earth! I had seen him do many backflips in my life. He'd flip from tailgates, porches, the end of the catwalk at work, picnic tables...but the last one, he landed short. Busted his neck. Quadriplegic - bed, wheel-chair, mostly bed. He could never quite get comfortable after that. Or out of pain. Always miserable. I saw him about once a week for nearly a year and on most occasions he informed me he'd much rather God take him home or heal him - just don't leave him like that.

He took his last breath today and finally got his desire. God called him home. He has no more pain. Only bliss.

Hug your loved one's folks. Today. Every day. Let them know how much they mean to you and how much you love them.
Thanks to my OSA friends, even though I've never met any of you. Gotta close now. Can't hardly see the keyboard. Ken lived and loved.

Loosing a brother before they should be gone is a huge mental thing. Been there and done that. You have my sympathy and thoughts sir. Time will heal some of this but you are going to hurt for sure. Holidays, birthdays, etc are some of the worst. Good Luck

Parks 788

Special Hen
Oct 13, 2010
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Bristow, OK
BikerHT, sorry for your loss. I can imagine loosing my brother. May he be in a better place and the pain gone.

I am going to have my son read your post. The reason is, he is 10 years old and since he is my son (I have always been accident prone) he has started doing a little more "stunt" type things while playing with his buddies. I can't alway watch him like a hawk and tell him he needs to be real careful and know the ramifications for doing crazy/dangerous things. Like many little lessons in life, I hope that if he reads your post it will be just one more lesson he learns and remembers what can happen when doing fun yet potentially dangerous activities. Maybe your/your brother's life experience will in some way will stick in my son's memory the next time he decides to impress his friends.

Hope your heart heals from your loss.

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