New Scotch.... can't wait!

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Jan 8, 2013
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Is all Jack Daniels the same? The one that pops into my mind has the black label. No, they can't all be the same. Aren't they redistilled sometimes? Yes, and some have been in the barrel a very long time. Different barrels, red oak, charred on the inside? I'd like to know which Jack Daniels to get. I guess I could ask the proprietor, but I feel embarrassingly stupid on the subject. I used to drink Mickeys, but have simply got burned out on drinking beer. Back in June I bought 12 Mickeys and after 10 of them instead of a buzz, I had a headache. Two of them are still in the fridge.


Jan 8, 2013
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You don't have to go with a real high dollar super aged, 20+ year one or anything to get your feet wet... but to give it a fair chance, at least get something that is single malt whiskey, or single barrel/small batch in the case of bourbon. For cheaper ones to try, I recently bought some Elijah Craig 12 year small batch Kentucky straight bourbon that was only $18 or so, and is pretty damn good sipping whiskey. Another one of my favorites is Michael Collins single malt Irish whiskey. I think it's $30 or less... it is very smooth and is lightly peated, if you want to see what that's all about. You just have to try different ones and see what you like. The more you try the more you will start tasting the differences in them, and figuring out what you like. I like to try new single malts when I'm at a pub or restaurant... that way I can just get one glass and see if I like it, and maybe even try 2 or 3 different ones to compare.

I can see that I will need to Google the subject. I don't know what a single malt means. I appreciate the advice that you and ignerntbend have provided. I don't mind spending $30 on a bottle.. To me this will be like a science experiment.


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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Is all Jack Daniels the same? The one that pops into my mind has the black label. No, they can't all be the same. Aren't they redistilled sometimes? Yes, and some have been in the barrel a very long time. Different barrels, red oak, charred on the inside? I'd like to know which Jack Daniels to get. I guess I could ask the proprietor, but I feel embarrassingly stupid on the subject. I used to drink Mickeys, but have simply got burned out on drinking beer. Back in June I bought 12 Mickeys and after 10 of them instead of a buzz, I had a headache. Two of them are still in the fridge.
All the same, all the same. Buy Evan Williams or Ezra Brooks. Buy Weller, Makers Mark or any of the wheated bourbons. Just go American, that's the main thing. This sipping thing that people are talking about? This sipping thing? If you NEED to fortify yourself with whiskey, you need to make yourself brave son!! GLUG GLUG GLUG!

Else, what's a heaven for?


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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Jack costs too much in my opinion. Moonshine from the liquor store is but a poor imposter of the stuff my uncle Claud brought home from Arkansas.
So where does that leave us? We're lost in the wilderness and we're deeply conflicted about how to get drunk. The very fabric of our society has begun to unravel.


Special Hen
Oct 3, 2007
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Part time Vegas, Galveston, Oklahoma

Hey Brother!! I'm with ya..can't do Scotch, but I do love my American Bourbon and Whiskey.

Give these a try:

George it.

Evan Williams Single Barrel...must be single barrel..good stuff.

Maker's Mark


Fighting Cock

Jim Beam..Rye...Rye...good stuff.

Little costly and varies in heat and taste because it's a single barrel..Jack Daniels Single Barrel.

Look for a liquor store that has the little ..airline bottles...sample, sample, and sample. Or buy the smallest bottle, which equals less cost if you don't like it.

Crown Royal Black

If your ever in a restaurant that serves Scotch, ask the bartender if they'll give you a tiny sample. Explain you'd hate to buy a glass amd waste it by throwing it away. Also, if tbey won't give you a sample/freebie..ask for a half shot...a splash or whisper and how much.

That's how I sampled Johnnie Walker to see if I liked it..from red all the way to blue.

I've said it a million times...I wish my tounge liked Scotch but I just can't stand the smoky iodine with a mix of Irish Spring soap and a splash of rubbing alcohol. matter what.


Jan 8, 2013
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Hey Brother!! I'm with ya..can't do Scotch, but I do love my American Bourbon and Whiskey.

Give these a try:

George it.

Evan Williams Single Barrel...must be single barrel..good stuff.

Maker's Mark


Fighting Cock

Jim Beam..Rye...Rye...good stuff.

Little costly and varies in heat and taste because it's a single barrel..Jack Daniels Single Barrel.

Look for a liquor store that has the little ..airline bottles...sample, sample, and sample. Or buy the smallest bottle, which equals less cost if you don't like it.

Crown Royal Black

If your ever in a restaurant that serves Scotch, ask the bartender if they'll give you a tiny sample. Explain you'd hate to buy a glass amd waste it by throwing it away. Also, if tbey won't give you a sample/freebie..ask for a half shot...a splash or whisper and how much.

That's how I sampled Johnnie Walker to see if I liked it..from red all the way to blue.

I've said it a million times...I wish my tounge liked Scotch but I just can't stand the smoky iodine with a mix of Irish Spring soap and a splash of rubbing alcohol. matter what.

I will head down to Durant tomorrow and get small bottle of a bourbon. I don't even understand the sizes; a "5th" seems to be popular. I'm a little uneasy about this.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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Get pints for now if you can find them.

The subtleties took me a long time to figure out, and that was with someone there coaching me and showing me I really could distinguish the differences... we had about 10 different kinds to try in front of us. I don't worry myself about it too much now... I just drink what I enjoy and leave the subtleties to the smarter, fancier folk.


Jan 8, 2013
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Get pints for now if you can find them.

The subtleties took me a long time to figure out, and that was with someone there coaching me and showing me I really could distinguish the differences... we had about 10 different kinds to try in front of us. I don't worry myself about it too much now... I just drink what I enjoy and leave the subtleties to the smarter, fancier folk.

I think you're right; a pint should be sufficient. Jack Daniels has got that reputation, but "Fighting Cock," jaja! what a name!


Special Hen
Dec 20, 2012
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Anchorage, AK
I don't know how yall can taste those subtle nuances. I've drank whiskey only a couple of times, and I thought it tastes like fire. I've never bought a bottle, but these threads make me want to experiment with it, at room temp, and neat. I can knock'em back with the best of'em - I did that 8 or 9 months ago at a fish fry. But these hints of peat, and of smoke, or being able to identify the field in Scotland from the taste, that takes a gentleman. I really am not sure what I should look for at the package store. Since I can't identify these subtleties inherent in the drink, a really top notch brand would probably not be appreciated by me. But I'd at least like to know which I should try first, to get some idea.
We can do it because we've tried a lot and trained our palates. You don't become a wine expert or head chef by reading a few books and jumping right in. You have to taste, experiment and read to built your flavor/smell encyclopedia. Don't just stick with scotch, try everything. It's best to try it with a little water at first, until you get accustomed to the alcohol intensity in the drink. Now I can swirl a scotch around in my mouth like I can a wine. I couldn't do that when I started getting into whiskey, it takes time. You'll probably find you naturally progress to less and less water until you drink it neat or, like I do, a few drops of water in a glass to open up the aromas. It helps to try a few side-by-side. It allows you to break out the nuisances and find differences between the different malts. Start with good American whiskeys, Irish whiskeys and 10-12 year Scotch. I like single malts, but there are some really good blends as well. Compass Box makes some good ones, but I'm not a huge fan of the flavor profile. It is quality stuff. Once you have an understanding of Scotch vs American vs Canadian vs Irish, break into the different regions, different grains (in American whiskey), different ages. Read internet profiles so you know what flavors to look for and just enjoy.

For 'budget whiskey,' I like Glenmorange 10yr, Highland Park 12yr, Woodford Reserve bourbon, Jefferson bourbon, Jefferson Rye, Bullet Rye, Ardbeg 10yr, Laphroaig 10yr, and a few others I'm forgetting. Those all fall into the $25-40 price range, the last 2 being really acquired tastes. They're Isla scotches and are they type that run people out of the Scotch world. Once you work up to them you will probably really appreciate the complexity and layers in the drams. Don't expect to love them at first though. Very few do.

Always remember, drink what you like, try new stuff and try things you didn't love after a few other malts to see if your palate shifted.

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