NRA Member/Supporter?

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Special Hen
May 4, 2009
Reaction score
The NRA drafted and supported the Uniform Firearms Act in the '20's which was adopted by a few states and the District of Columbia.

The NRA drafted and wholly supported the National Firearms Act of 1934.

The NRA supported the Gun Control Act of 1968.

The NRA supported the Firearm Owners' Protection Act with the "machine gun" ban intact. (This is post the alleged 1977 coup of the NRA board.)

The NRA supported pursuing only severely limited Due Process incorporation in Heller in McDonald, when the precedents for Privileges or Immunities are clearly flawed (and merit revisiting, according to the SCOTUS). Why? P-or-I incorporation would nearly put the NRA and every other "pro-2A advocate" in the legal business out of business, while Due Process incorporation ensures a steady revenue stream for at least another century. To me, that was the final bolt in the door between me and the NRA. The NRA cares more about ensuring a profitable revenue stream than it does for the natural right for which it claims to advocate protection.

And then there's the support for forcing states to recognize other states' concealed weapons permits - a position of "screw the rest of the Constitution, we just want our piece of the pie".

I agree that VM's points are worth looking at, but they are mis-characterized and without context.

1934. 1968. ? Ancient history.

You're stretching it to say that the NRA "drafted" the legislation way back then too... the NRA President was consulted along with many others in the firearms industry including leaders at Colt Firearms. (you going to stop buying Colts too?)

Besides... isn't all of that a bit old and irrelevant for today? Especially when you consider that the testimony during those hearings contains many things that the NRA is 100% against today. If you want more detailed actual history of gun control measures and the context of why they came about along with the NRA involvement in each instance, this is a good read:

It isn't the fun, one-sided skewed version that all of the other 2A groups want you to hear, but then again that wouldn't drive people away from the NRA and to their ranks now would it?

In it you'll find out that the Gun Control Act of 1968 is more to blame on Oswald, James Earl Ray and Sirhan Sirhan than the NRA or anyone else. Did you know that the act was amended the day after MLK was murdered to include handgun restrictions and subsequently became the first gun control measure to pass out of committee since 1938? Did you also know that the day after Robert Kennedy was assassinated, the bill cleared congress and was signed into law just a short while thereafter? Did you know that with the way things were back then, that a January 1970 Gallup Poll showed 70% of Americans were in favor of gun control and that handguns laws should be MORE strict?

It's actually one of the turning points of the NRA as we see it today. That period in history also gave us the assassination of Alabama Governor George Wallace in 1972 with a .38 "Saturday Night Special". There was outrage and an attempted ban on the specific weapon. Consider the Lynyrd Skynyrd lyrics from 1974... (you going to stop listening to Skynyrd too?)

Mr.Saturday night special
Got a barrel that's blue and cold
Ain't no good for nothin'
But put a man six feet in a hole

Oooh Saturday night special...
For twenty dollars you can buy yourself one too...

Well hand guns are made for killin'
They ain't no good for nothin' else
And if you like to drink your whiskey
You might even shoot yourself
So why don't we dump 'em people
To the bottom of the sea
Before some ole fool come around here
Wanna shoot either you or me

When the proposed ban on "Saturday Night Specials" came before Congress, NRA Executive Vice President Maxwell Rich testified that "the National Rifle Association concurs in principle with the desirability of removing from the market crudely made and unsafe handguns." He noted that NRA publications did not accept advertising for such "junk guns" because "they have no sporting purpose, they are frequently poorly made, and they do not represent value received to any purchaser."

Those words and testimony and attitude eventually led to him being unseated and the NRA becoming more of what it is today.

If you're argument against ALL OF THE GOOD that the NRA does is because they helped to get machine guns taxed back in 1934, or were facing an uphill battle of monumental proportions in 1968, then you're missing the point. WITHOUT the NRA, this country wouldn't have had nearly the rich firearms history and culture that we have... it would have long been taken away and again. I'd argue that in 1968, with the sentiment of the country and the steadfast proposals of gun control in the forefront, that we're lucky the politicians didn't just try to ban everything entirely. The NRA might just be the only thing that kept them from trying.

The larger point is that TODAY, the NRA wields more power against anti-gun groups and lobby efforts than anyone else. In today's world (not 1934), the NRA does fight to protect the 2A and there is NOBODY who is more effective at it.

The NRA is full of millions of honest, good citizens, lovers of freedom and supporters of the 2A. "Supporting the NRA" doesn't mean accepting everything you don't agree with 100%. It' means joining up with a group of like minded people in membership and working together to fight the 2A battles and protect our freedoms. As evidenced in 1972, the organization CAN change from within when necessary too. Of course it's much easier to just sit on the sidelines and point at every little nuance or grievance despite the mountains of good that the NRA does.


Special Hen
Jun 13, 2007
Reaction score
Tulsa, OK
1934. 1968. ? Ancient history.

I think they .gov still enforces these though. It sucks we can't get PPK's straight from Germany, and other small pistols. It sucks we have to pay $200 to cut down a shotgun.

I don't know about you, but I get pissed off about 1934 and 1968 at least 2-3 times a week.

Shall not be infringed = Shall not be infringed. The NRA lets the .gov infringe it and is therefore a traitor to MY cause.


Special Hen
May 4, 2009
Reaction score
I think they .gov still enforces these though. It sucks we can't get PPK's straight from Germany, and other small pistols. It sucks we have to pay $200 to cut down a shotgun.

I don't know about you, but I get pissed off about 1934 and 1968 at least 2-3 times a week.

Shall not be infringed = Shall not be infringed. The NRA lets the .gov infringe it and is therefore a traitor to MY cause.

I can't argue that restrictions pi$$ me off too. I just think the NRA isn't the ultimate one to blame for that. They do their best in a world of anti-gunners that are well funded and hell bent on continuing to pi$$ us off. :)


Special Hen
Jun 13, 2007
Reaction score
Tulsa, OK
I can't argue that restrictions pi$$ me off too. I just think the NRA isn't the ultimate one to blame for that. They do their best in a world of anti-gunners that are well funded and hell bent on continuing to pi$$ us off. :)

I'm not going to pretend the NRA is as evil as the Brady Bunch or other groups out there, but I think we would be better off as the funding of the NRA to put our money into a more worthwhile group. Until gun owners as a whole decide to stand up for the WHOLE 2a, nothing is going to get better.


Special Hen
May 4, 2009
Reaction score
I'm not going to pretend the NRA is as evil as the Brady Bunch or other groups out there, but I think we would be better off as the funding of the NRA to put our money into a more worthwhile group. Until gun owners as a whole decide to stand up for the WHOLE 2a, nothing is going to get better.

The problem is those other groups wield little to no power comparatively and mark my words, if or when they were to get as large as the NRA, they'd have the same flaws. I'm all for supporting other 2A groups too, so don't get me wrong there... if I had enough $, I'd put it to use spreading it around as much as was prudent.

Sometimes fighting for what you believe in means doing it within a group that doesn't exactly see 100% eye to eye with you on every point, but you can still accomplish most of your goals and work to not allow compromise on things that are your top priorities.

Chip the stone brother, chip the stone.


Special Hen
Nov 20, 2010
Reaction score
I'm not going to pretend the NRA is as evil as the Brady Bunch or other groups out there, but I think we would be better off as the funding of the NRA to put our money into a more worthwhile group. Until gun owners as a whole decide to stand up for the WHOLE 2a, nothing is going to get better.

Well just so you know many bills are full of compromises from both sides and no one really gets 100% of what they want in politics. Get out of your arm chair and go demand EVERYTHING you want from a bureaucracy... if you dont get 100% then you are a sissy.


Special Hen
Nov 18, 2008
Reaction score
if or when they were to get as large as the NRA, they'd have the same flaws

No doubt about it. I was seriously considering contributing money to GOA, until they came out in support of the McDonald decision. To me, Heller and McDonald were opportunities for "pro-2A" and "pro-Constitution" organizations to show what they were truly made of.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 6, 2010
Reaction score
Coweta, OK
Thanks for all of is enlightening. Some of it is also entertaining; you guys are very devoted to what you believe and all seem to have a humor about you. That's cool. I really am looking for an understanding of the NRA and are they a worthy group of my continued patronage? I too am annoyed at all the crap mail I get from and concerning the least one mail per week. I did call too; nothing happened to slow down the killing of the trees. My argument to the NRA was; stop the mail, save the postage and call it a donation. They told me that the solicitations were not paid for by the NRA but by folks that will take a cut of the deal if you "buy into" what ever they are selling or soliciting. This is either true or not??? I too am somewhat unhappy with the NRA and what they support or whom they support, e.g. does the NRA even know zimmerman? Let alone Heller and McDonald. And what about the 60+ year old guy that shot the 30+ year old bully in Tulsa a few years ago. If the man had been a police officer it would probably have been an acceptable shooting.
Thanks and have a good day

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