What is Spook?Sounds like a “spook” trying to recruit a new “spook”.
What is Spook?Sounds like a “spook” trying to recruit a new “spook”.
Ahhh. Had to look that up. Not a spy, as far as I know. Probably an individual you’d want in your corner when SHTF.Sounds like a “spook” trying to recruit a new “spook”.
Spook just means they do field work for an intelligence agency, not that they’re necessarily a spy.Ahhh. Had to look that up. Not a spy, as far as I know. Probably an individual you’d want in your corner when SHTF.
Sweet. I'm always looking for a new podcast to list to. Will find it for my long commute to work in the morning. Thanks for the recommendation.BTW, you might want to listen to the latest episode of Jack Carr’s Danger Close podcast, which features Sean Parnell. Parnell graduated college and went into OCS, and he talks a little bit about the process. (Parnell wrote the memoir Outlaw Platoon about his time as a platoon commander in Afghanistan, which I cannot recommend highly enough.)
Probably not field work for this guy. I do know for a fact he was (don't know official title) the head guy in charge of all mid-East intellegence for a number of years.Spook just means they do field work for an intelligence agency, not that they’re necessarily a spy.
Not specifically OCS track, but my son went through the Navy Medical Program to become a doctor. Everyone has heard of the 90 day wonder officers. Well, he was a 45 day wonder. Went for 45 days in Rhode Island to learn how to salute, wear officer uniform. Entered/exited 45 day program as a 2nd Lt, never lower rank. Stationed first year residency at Bremerton Naval Base, last two years residency at Bethesda Naval Hospital. Then, served 6 years at Bethesda Naval Hospital, several at Camp LeJeune as Navy provides Marine medical staff, got several promotions, forget at what rank he exited, total years served, but Medical School was counted at some percentage. Never at rank below 2Lr.Have a question for you Vets or those that know a fair amount about the military. Not specifically the Army but if you have specific intel about this branch then even better. Not sure I'll even ask the question properly, so bear with me/my question.
Can yall educate me about an individual going into Officers Candidate School. What happens after boot camp compared to a kid going into the military as an 18 year old right out of HS? What is your experience or what have you seen these individuals who go through Officers Candidate School do after 4 years in, 10 years in, etc? How do these careers generally differ than a kid joining the military at 18-19 years old.
I can elaborate on why Im asking this if needed. Thanks for any insight into this.
I was an enlisted (E6) in the Army for 8 yrs. I had a college degree and applied to get a commission in the in the Air Force. I was accepted and went to OCS in Lackland AFB. I retired after 20 years of combined service in Army and Air Force.Have a question for you Vets or those that know a fair amount about the military. Not specifically the Army but if you have specific intel about this branch then even better. Not sure I'll even ask the question properly, so bear with me/my question.
Can yall educate me about an individual going into Officers Candidate School. What happens after boot camp compared to a kid going into the military as an 18 year old right out of HS? What is your experience or what have you seen these individuals who go through Officers Candidate School do after 4 years in, 10 years in, etc? How do these careers generally differ than a kid joining the military at 18-19 years old.
I can elaborate on why Im asking this if needed. Thanks for any insight into this.