Oklahoma Shooters. I bid you farewell.

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Special Hen
Mar 13, 2010
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73127 okc
Well waiting….. there’s so many different views of those of the Protestants faith they can’t even agree with each other so start another church.

Why was the Apocrypha removed from the KJV of the Bible? It used to be widely accepted
Who wrote the books in the Apocrypha? As I know it, It was anonymous, If you believe in God and the devil you would probably know or think that the devil is a liar and uses people as false prophets.

The only power the devil has is getting people angry and getting people to lie. He cant move peoples hands but he can get people so pissed off that they murder or get people to feel sorry for themselves and steal.

He gets people to be so self absorbed that they think rape is justifiable like...I hate women but I still want sex and to overpower them or This person is so bad that I must murder them and it doesn't matter if I'm caught because I am the long arm of the law, I will probably get away with it and if I don't the jury will probably feel sorry for me and let me off easy, prison isn't that bad.

The devil starts you off with small things like stealing gum and burning ants or being a bully then you get caught and start feeling sorry for yourself and rebelling against authority like when teachers, parents and cops correct you and instead of turning away you get more pissed and say ...i'll show them then instead of stealing gum and burning ants or being a bully you rob people, torture animals and beat your wife and kids or set your husband up for assault when he didn't do it (I wanted to be fair and include women because I'm not a misogynist).


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 31, 2008
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Del City
Who wrote the books in the Apocrypha? As I know it, It was anonymous, If you believe in God and the devil you would probably know or think that the devil is a liar and uses people as false prophets.

The only power the devil has is getting people angry and getting people to lie. He cant move peoples hands but he can get people so pissed off that they murder or get people to feel sorry for themselves and steal.

He gets people to be so self absorbed that they think rape is justifiable like...I hate women but I still want sex and to overpower them or This person is so bad that I must murder them and it doesn't matter if I'm caught because I am the long arm of the law, I will probably get away with it and if I don't the jury will probably feel sorry for me and let me off easy, prison isn't that bad.

The devil starts you off with small things like stealing gum and burning ants or being a bully then you get caught and start feeling sorry for yourself and rebelling against authority like when teachers, parents and cops correct you and instead of turning away you get more pissed and say ...i'll show them then instead of stealing gum and burning ants or being a bully you rob people, torture animals and beat your wife and kids or set your husband up for assault when he didn't do it (I wanted to be fair and include women because I'm not a misogynist).


Special Hen
Mar 13, 2010
Reaction score
73127 okc
You know what fellas? I can tolerate a lot of things. While as a member of Oklahoma shooters I have been trolled, I have been wrong. I have been proven wrong. I’ve tried to learn all of my lessons as best as I could and become a valid member of this community. But lately it seems I’ve become more and more offended by things that are getting posted. The latest one is a remark about members of the Catholic faith. I am Catholic and I was deeply offended by something that was put on here, and more importantly something that was allowed to remain on here. Therefore, I feel very since I am not part of the solution I am part of the problem. I’m afraid I’m gonna have to move on. I wish all of you well. I’ve met some good guys. I hope you live long lives. I hope you live happy lives. Take care.


This is what happens when liberals control the media. Black lives can matter but saying you have white pride is racist. You can't say **** against Satanists, devil worshippers, pagans or Muslims and definitely not Jews (not that I want to) but Christianity can be mocked in pretty vial ways. Gays say that we have been pushing heterosexuality's in movies for years but it is just normal people kissing.

They don't understand that sodomy is a pretty grose thing to some of us because they want a reaction or they have been trained since birth that it is totally normal. They don't care and that isn't very tolerant in my eyes. I grew up taking up for gays because they were being assaulted. If I knew how they would turn against people like me and shove their sexuality in my children's faces, I'm not sure I would be so supportive.

Like one senator said...You have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price


Special Hen
Jan 31, 2010
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Blanchard, America
Whoa, whoa, whoa there. Hold up a damn minute. I burned a few ants in my day. Hell, I thought that was why magnifying glass was invented.

I don't recall ever bullying, robbing, torturing, beating or murdering though.

I think you might have leaped a bridge too far there, but that's just me, and I'm an ant burner. Prolly not gonna get into Heaven.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
Who wrote the books in the Apocrypha? As I know it, It was anonymous, If you believe in God and the devil you would probably know or think that the devil is a liar and uses people as false prophets.

The only power the devil has is getting people angry and getting people to lie. He cant move peoples hands but he can get people so pissed off that they murder or get people to feel sorry for themselves and steal.

He gets people to be so self absorbed that they think rape is justifiable like...I hate women but I still want sex and to overpower them or This person is so bad that I must murder them and it doesn't matter if I'm caught because I am the long arm of the law, I will probably get away with it and if I don't the jury will probably feel sorry for me and let me off easy, prison isn't that bad.

The devil starts you off with small things like stealing gum and burning ants or being a bully then you get caught and start feeling sorry for yourself and rebelling against authority like when teachers, parents and cops correct you and instead of turning away you get more pissed and say ...i'll show them then instead of stealing gum and burning ants or being a bully you rob people, torture animals and beat your wife and kids or set your husband up for assault when he didn't do it (I wanted to be fair and include women because I'm not a misogynist).
The Maccabean war was real and that is one of the books in the Apocrypha...I'm not sure if the King James version is "the" only legitimate version or not, but I believe that the apocrypha was considered part of the Bible until after the protestant reformation? Would the devil want to divide the church and compel people within to rebel and fight amongst one another? Absolutely.

If we want to protect ourselves from all the scrutiny that is coming our way, we best unify on the main principles of the faith.

The rebellion you are describing later down in your post has led to Luciferianism for many of the ruling class. They never had their moral compass kick in and realize the error of their ways as they matured. Most kids grow out of ant burning, etc. and can later say it was wrong and teach their kids the same. But these people I'm speaking of think the devil was the good guy and rebelled against an oppressive God (sound familiar like the protesting left-wing LOL???). They can rationalize/justify anything, and make up into down and night is day, etc...That is called Luciferan inversion. Make morality whatever you want it to be to justify your actions. Or as the late low-life Alister Crowley said, they should "do as thou wilt". I believe the people who follow this ideology are actually a mix of atheists and non-atheists.
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May 19, 2010
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