Open Carrier Robbed and disarmed at gunpoint.

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Special Hen
Oct 7, 2008
Reaction score
sand springs
Lol, I have posted numerous instances of an OC firearm failing to be a deterrent. Why have I done this? So hopefully some people will question their position that OC fends off the bad men. I don't carry a weapon as talisman, but I support peoples right to be foolish if it doesn't affect me or mine. BTW, in 2 of the articles I have posted the individuals were targeted specifically for their firearm. Can you point me to where this has happened with CC?

Just curious, is it your wish that open carry be made illegal again or are you just trying to convince everyone that your opinion is superior?

Either way, nobody is trying to force you to open carry, if you don't want to open carry, don't.

Clearly, there are instances of open carriers losing their guns in an assault (as mentioned, it even happens to cops), however, if it was a common occurrence, you wouldn't have to look nearly as hard as you do to find examples to post.

I find it difficult to understand people, such as yourself, who can't accept that others don't follow your "superior" opinion and do things exactly the way you do.

Why do you care, and how is it any of your business how someone else chooses to carry??

Bottom line, we know you think open carry is a bad idea, you have made that abundantly clear, and, you may find this hard top believe, but most of us don't really care what you think. Most of us are quite capable of deciding for ourselves without your input.


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
Just curious, is it your wish that open carry be made illegal again or are you just trying to convince everyone that your opinion is superior?

Either way, nobody is trying to force you to open carry, if you don't want to open carry, don't.

Clearly, there are instances of open carriers losing their guns in an assault (as mentioned, it even happens to cops), however, if it was a common occurrence, you wouldn't have to look nearly as hard as you do to find examples to post.

I find it difficult to understand people, such as yourself, who can't accept that others don't follow your "superior" opinion and do things exactly the way you do.

Why do you care, and how is it any of your business how someone else chooses to carry??

Bottom line, we know you think open carry is a bad idea, you have made that abundantly clear, and, you may find this hard top believe, but most of us don't really care what you think. Most of us are quite capable of deciding for ourselves without your input.
Do I want OC to be illegal? As I said before, I support the right for people to be foolish if it doesn't bother me or mine.

Is my way of thought superior? Obviously for me it is. Is it for others? I couldn't tell you. Why do I post my views? Well, the people who are dead set for OC I could care less about. What I do care about are the uninformed who come to this site. I believe it would he a disservice to them to come on here and see an OC circle...uh, event. It is important for them to see both sides of the coin.

With all that said I will offer you this. If you can list me 5 top level, sought after, respected national trainers that advocate OC for daily carry, then I will not post another such thread.


Special Hen
Aug 16, 2006
Reaction score
Tuttle, OK
No, it's a strange way the Israelis carry. They practice chambering a round on the draw, in one fluid motion.

Edit: Open Carry is wide spread in Israel, but they mostly don't carry with one in the tube. They practice chambering a round using the FOBUS, or they slingshot as they draw. I've seen'em on YouTube in competitions and they are lightening fast. But if this OC guy was going Israeli, the struggle for the gun developed without a round in the tube.

It is very difficult for the average citizen in Israel to get a weapons permit. Their gun control is tighter than ours except for the military, according to some of my family members who have been there as part of our embassy staff.
Here is a link to info on Israels gun laws.


Special Hen
Aug 16, 2012
Reaction score
No, it's a strange way the Israelis carry. They practice chambering a round on the draw, in one fluid motion.

Edit: Open Carry is wide spread in Israel, but they mostly don't carry with one in the tube. They practice chambering a round using the FOBUS, or they slingshot as they draw. I've seen'em on YouTube in competitions and they are lightening fast. But if this OC guy was going Israeli, the struggle for the gun developed without a round in the tube.

Interesting. Didnt know that was an Israeli thing.


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
Bing Israeli Carry, has something to do with everyone being armed and less accidental discharges. There's a lot of YouTube on the subject, too.

It's from the IDF having a hodgepodge of semiauto handguns. Hi Power, S&W, Beretta, CZ, Jericho, Sig etc, can all be carried and used the same way with any safety off and chamber empty.


Special Hen
Oct 7, 2008
Reaction score
sand springs
Do I want OC to be illegal? As I said before, I support the right for people to be foolish if it doesn't bother me or mine.

Is my way of thought superior? Obviously for me it is. Is it for others? I couldn't tell you. Why do I post my views? Well, the people who are dead set for OC I could care less about. What I do care about are the uninformed who come to this site. I believe it would he a disservice to them to come on here and see an OC circle...uh, event. It is important for them to see both sides of the coin.

With all that said I will offer you this. If you can list me 5 top level, sought after, respected national trainers that advocate OC for daily carry, then I will not post another such thread.

Again, it is your opinion, and only an opinion, that open carry is foolish. You say it doesn't bother you, but, as proven by your many posts on the subject, it clearly does.

As I stated before, if this was a common occurrence, you wouldn't have to work so hard to find examples to post.

You claim you post to inform the uninformed, do you have a Messiah complex or something?? Do you think everyone needs to hear your opinion before they can make the "correct" decision on the best way for them to carry?? Did I miss the ceremony where you were crowned the carry method authority??

Apparently, you think everyone who lobbied for the law, all those who voted to pass it, the Governor who signed it and everyone who chooses to carry in accordance with it are not as smart as you???

Your side lost, the law passed, let it go.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
Reaction score
Some cops get their guns taken too. Are they suffering from a lack of training? It can happen.

Police officers are trained professionals who take carrying a handgun and it's implication very seriously and train to do everything in their power to keep their weapon from being taken away. They bear ZERO resemblance to the man in this story, if your reasoning is that since trained professionals do occasionally have their weapons taken that anyone else is automatically exempt from responsibility I call B.S..

Generally when a police officer has his weapon taken it's during a struggle, on the ground fighting. The guy in this case (which actually occurred last year) didn't lose his gun in a fight. In this case the man open carrying was in a busy area of town when the bad guy, who was also armed, approached him and told him he wanted his gun. The victim agreed to give it to him, going so far as to HELP the bad pull the gun out of his retention holster because the bad guy couldn't get it out on his own.

Does that sound anything like any situation you've ever heard of involving a police officer ( Hollywood movies/TV excluded )? Would a trained and or experienced open carrier do that? Would they carry a gun around for all to see and then, when a situation arises where they actually had to use the gun, suddenly decide they'd rather just let an armed bad guy actually get into their personal space to take the gun, and then help the bad guy remove their own gun and give it to the him not knowing if he's going to kill them afterwards? That doesn't sound like the actions of any police officer I ever knew and I was a police officer.

That guy in this story bought a gun because he was previously the victim of a crime and he carried that gun openly to try and intimidate potential bad guys. He obviously thought wearing the gun would keep bad guys away and that's all he wanted. He obviously didn't train with the gun and I'm guessing he never even thought he's have to use it because carrying openly should have been enough in his mind.

When an armed bad guy actually did confront him, his response was to give up and give up his gun. He was awful damn lucky that particular bad guy didn't put several shots into him before fleeing. I wouldn't want to appear on camera or have the details of what happened on the news either if was him.

I support the right to carry openly if someone chooses too but should that person give up their gun at the first sign of a situation where using it may be required, I'm going to say the same thing I said about this guy.

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