Poll: Do aliens exist?

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Do aliens exist?

  • Intelligent life exists

    Votes: 61 75.3%
  • Non intelligent life exists

    Votes: 14 17.3%
  • No alien life exists

    Votes: 6 7.4%
  • 50/50 chance ET exists

    Votes: 15 18.5%

  • Total voters


Special Hen
Jul 26, 2013
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Hey Charlie Murphy..

You mention in a post about teleportation, universal vibration, and a vibrational map.

Can you please tell me the book, website, or information you read so I can read it. I know, I know, I'm a freaky geek on that stuff. I'd love to read it and see how or if they applied or took into consideration the quantum theory of gravity or loop quantum gravity.... (application of space amd time).

I know I read all kinds of sh*t, and the more I read on gravity and all the different theories about it..yep, it is fascinating.

I know, between Dr. Sephen Hawking, Buck Owens, Agust Buermann, and Timothy Leary...I read a diversified amount of material..

The League for Spirtual Discovery...interesting,very interesting..

"Turn on, tune in, drop out".

It was in a scientific magazine, I cant remember which but I will try and find it. Gravity is an interesting subject, especially since we don't really know what it is. If you havent read the Hunt for Zero Point, you should. It is about government experiments using zero point energy to power anti gravity craft, although that is not an accurate description.

If your into string theory and that kind of thing, here is another interesting theory for you. All possible futures and past timelines exist simultaneously and time is not a law of those universes but rather a creation of it. We travel along these timelines both individually and collectively where our energy determines the which timeline we experience. The best analogy is imagine a TV. You can be tuned in and watching one channel but you are also aware that there are other channels that are existing simultaneously that you could turn to at anytime by adjusting the frequency that you are tuned in to.

I love the ideas of frequency and energy because they are at the base of everything in the universe. Tesla knew this and I think that if the government would release his research that the stole after his death, it could transform the scientific world almost over night even today.


Special Hen
Jul 26, 2013
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I hate, hate, hate..that "Acient Alien" crap they show on tv. I refuse to watch the entire show and what little I have seen I just want to throw an empty Jack Daniels bottle at the tv screen.

I absolutely hate it that those "Acient Alien" tv show producers have never taken a simple college class on algebra or geometry.

Those Hollywood nit-wits refuse the truth..I'm sure aliens are more exciting to think about than angles, slopes, "Pi", height to ratio base and seked..the acient Egyptian term for gradiant.

Sure, it took a few pyramids to get the ratios on building pyramids correct. There are old pyramyds with curved domeds and stair stepped slopes...before they got the angles correct. I really don't think they understood the concept of altitude when building the pyramids..don't quote me on that..but that's what I think

I know there are papyrus papers in the British and Moscow Museum of Fine Arts with geometric formulas the Egyptians used.

Those formulas plus slave power built the pyramids. The Pharoahs did not care how many slaves lived or died..just get it done. I guess when you take control over a losing country or place..you get to deal with the slaves as you want.

Look at Archimedes and Pythagoras...brilliant minds...waaay back then.

I guess what chaps my azz is that Hollywood thinks that acient HUMAN BEINGS weren't smart enough to build what they did and have that knowledge. It just chaps my azz!!!

That is one of the things I dislike about Ancient Aliens as well. They never propose the idea that humans could have accomplished things like the pyramids.

Ill disagree with you on a couple of points though. Most of evidence I have read, from the weathering on the rocks to the positioning of the pyramids in relation to the stars, suggests that they are much older than what is generally thought. Instead of 4,000 years old, think 10,000. That would completely turn modern history on its head. The other interesting thing is, from my research, is that the oldest pyramids are actually the most advanced. They even curved the pyramid to match the curve of the human eye so it would not appear to bend when looked at. That and they used the golden ratio more than enough times to be by chance, something supposedly not discovered until thousands of years later. I dont think that this suggests aliens where involved. I believe that them engineering technology came from a society like Atlantis after it was destroyed. That would help explain they pyramids found on all over the world by societies who supposedly had no contact with each other.

Just my opinion based on what Ive read but who really knows.


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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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"Ancient Aliens" isn't about aliens; it's about money. They laugh their way to the bank everyday.

I have personally considered that there have probably been multiple ancient civilizations which have come and gone. It wouldn't have been difficult to wipe out a civilization at that early stage in human history and force the survivors to start over from scratch. I'll be surprised if we don't someday discover evidence of civilizations far older than we've already proven.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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East of Tulsa
To me, is is definitely obvious from many viewpoints. Look at the oldest of books and stone recordings, usually religious, all point to supreme beings with superhuman abilities, or unimaginable tools. Were cave men really that smart to imagine things that we are only getting close to developing or understanding today? Look at the ancient artifact found here on earth that we can not explain, and in some cases can not duplicate. A bunch of cave men decided to figure out how to move 100 ton stones 20 miles for the fun of it? Build a 100 mile perfectly straight wide hard base road across Mexico before even horses were on this continent, etc?

I think it interesting that current man thinks he has the ultimate knowledge of the universe when we can not explain or figure out so much. We have learned a lot, but much of it is based on theory we have invented.

It seems there also has been periods of very intelligent skilled "humans" that most of their history has been erased 10-20 thousand or longer years ago with only traces of their existence reaming. Very precise structures mostly of stone we do not have equipment to duplicate.

Strange lights in the sky and visits from the heavens have been recorded from the first of history. Even our manned space flights were frequently shadowed.

Too much out there unexplainable except for government babble for me to ignore. Just my opinion.


Special Hen
Jul 26, 2013
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"Ancient Aliens" isn't about aliens; it's about money. They laugh their way to the bank everyday.

I have personally considered that there have probably been multiple ancient civilizations which have come and gone. It wouldn't have been difficult to wipe out a civilization at that early stage in human history and force the survivors to start over from scratch. I'll be surprised if we don't someday discover evidence of civilizations far older than we've already proven.

The Hopi say that we are in the 5th age. Each age has the rise and fall of a major civilization that is ended with some kind of worldwide cataclysm. If you look at the Bible, Adam and Eve were not the first humans since they send their children out into the world to mingle and mate with other people. I would guess that Adam and Eve and the Epic of Gilgamesh are symbolize the beginning of this age.


Aug 14, 2012
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The Hopi say that we are in the 5th age. Each age has the rise and fall of a major civilization that is ended with some kind of worldwide cataclysm. If you look at the Bible, Adam and Eve were not the first humans since they send their children out into the world to mingle and mate with other people. I would guess that Adam and Eve and the Epic of Gilgamesh are symbolize the beginning of this age.

Did you go to St. Gregs? Had a professor used to say n teach same idea.


Special Hen
Jul 26, 2013
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Did you go to St. Gregs? Had a professor used to say n teach same idea.

Nope, just my conclusion from everything I read. I got into reading Edward Cayce for a while and into past life regression after that. There are a lot of quacks out there but there is a bunch of evidence that says it is legit. Some people might find a certain subject to be absurd on its face but I tend to read everything I can and then decide. I have found that you can take pieces from here and there and its starts to paint a very viable forgotten history. Edgar Cayce and past life regression tie into the Hopi with similar claims of ancient societies like Atlantis and ones like Lemuria that existed before it. If anyone is curious about that type of thing you should read his work, the detail he goes into is incredible. He was a devoted Christian but he takes we known Bible verses and gives alternate interpretations that turn the commonly accepted ones on its head. My views current views on Jesus and God were very influenced by studying his work.

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