Pump shotguns…. Useless?

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Here for Frens
Special Hen
Sep 26, 2014
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Now that I have your attention and a few tail feather ruffled, I’m hoping to start a conversation about shotguns. Specifically, about differences in shotgun actions and their purpose.

I find myself wanting to sell my pump guns and use that money towards a beretta 1301 tactical. I don’t find I use them. They’re simply my “loaner guns” when I don’t have anything else to loan out. With me at least, my semi’s/double barrels are my primary hunting shotguns, and my pumps are all platforms with multiple barrels that I can loan out or keep short barrels on for special purposes. Mostly wasting ammo/having fun at the range or loaded with #4 buck to be used as close up coyote medicine.

In terms of utility, pump guns rule. You can have one pump gun, and any number of barrels available to swap at a moments notice. Slugs, home defense, birds, you have it all. But the rate of fire is slower than modern semi autos and even double barrel guns if you have a little practice. You’re much more likely to have jams than with a quality, well maintained semi auto or double barrel, simply because you add more human element to the function of the firearm. I feel that semi autos have their utility, and double barrels have their class. Where does that leave pump guns? What (other than money) is stopping you guys from selling your pump guns and going all semi/double barrel? I feel like I’m missing something (other than a beretta 1301) that is completely obvious.


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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 24, 2020
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Medicine Park, Oklahoma
I think it’s all in what you’re familiar with and comfortable shooting. And by all means please feel free to send all your pump shotguns my way and I’d be happy to give them a foster home. 😉
True story, when I was a teen, maybe 15-16 years old my father and I shot a LOT of skeet and I had a BPS 20 gauge Upland Special that was all I used for skeet. As an aside note I also used that for quail and shot it so much the bluing is worn off the tang from my using the safety. In any event, I’d just load two shells for my singles and apparently after I’d shot the first bird one of the guys shooting with us said to my father “isn’t he going to shuck that gun?” My father replied “he already did.” My point is I worked that action so fast you literally couldn’t see it and I have a hard time believing a semi-auto would buy me anything. To boot I can’t tell you how many thousands of rounds I’ve ran through my BPSs, Model 12s Model 87s but in all that shooting I have never had a jam. Now I have had a dud or two and all I did was shuck the action and I was back in business. I do own semis, in fact right now their is a pristine A5 Light 12 and a 12 gauge Superposed sitting in my safe although I’ve never fired them. Kind of like you and your pumps, I don’t see a real use for them.
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 6, 2007
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Thirty-forty years ago, trying to train, shoot three shot drills, transitioning to three different IPSC targets with a ”tacticaled” out Rem 870 slide action, I either tired out or tried to move faster than my current skill level (at that time) would permit and short shucked the slide several times. Frustrating, realize now I needed an instructor. Other than low skilled operator error, pump/slide action shotguns will function with less maintenance, perhaps even neglect, from the owner/operator than similarly neglected autoloaders, I believe. My practice is to maintain them all according to the manufacturers manual guidelines. One reason to sell off your pump shotguns to fund an acquisition like a Beretta 1301, (which I greatly admire) is, not enough room in the gun safe for another long gun. Okay, two reasons, to generate the funds for the Beretta. Once or twice a year, I like to take pump shotguns out to the plinking range and wear myself out firing bird and buck shot rounds at plastic jugs and cans. Does me some good. Reminds me to lean into that butt, enjoy felt recoil.
May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
The Sound of Racking of a Pump Shotgun is Known Around The World. It will get your attention!

It might also get you killed. Sound is a classic target indicator and alerts your adversary to your position.

It sounds tough and cool when you say that but in the real world it's a stupid tactic.
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
I just don't understand how pumps are more "versatile" than autos. They shoot the same shells. I can swap the barrel on my dad's Remington 1100 just as fast as anyone with their 870.

I can port load my Browning with a full mag just like with any pump. Benelli Novas and Super Novas are even easier yet but are pumps so slower to shoot.

A good auto with good ammo will do everything a pump will do and do it easier and faster.
May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
I'll take an auto. I have an 11/87 Police Magnum. It's strictly a defensive tool and it's loaded with either 00B or slugs so I have no worries about it functioning. My son just got a Beretta 1301 Tactical...that's a really nice looking gun and I wouldn't mind having one. I had a 1201FP at one time...fastest auto I've ever shot. I'm guessing the 1301 is similar.


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Special Hen Banned Supporter
Aug 13, 2016
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It might also get you killed. Sound is a classic target indicator and alerts your adversary to your position.

It sounds tough and cool when you say that but in the real world it's a stupid tactic.
I pretty much agree. That's why it stays loaded.

I'll say if I could have only one pump shotgun, it'll be a 97. Slamfire magic.

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