Rancher in Nevada being harassed by the FEDS and confiscating his cattle

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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Not even close, if you see the latest video, protestors getting up in the police's faces yelling and trying to force the police back and then crying about getting taxed. Seven or eight LEO's against 20-30 protestors who are doing everything in their power to get the police to react with violence. One woman "Margaret" was inciting the crowd as a poor innocent citizen who was thrown on the ground by police for no reason, she kept saying all she was doing was filming with her camera phone, the whole crowd was irrate that the police threw this woman down on the ground for no reason. This went on and on with the crowd getting more and more irate. One woman lunges toward a police officer (all of whom should get a medal for staying so calm) and gets so close another officers K-9 lunges at her to protect the officer but his handler was holding the dog back despite the woman actually kicking the dog.

"Margaret" was being led to answer questions a TV reporter was trying to get on TV, factual or not, and keeps asking "Margaret" to tell her story about the cops throwing her on the ground and how she was a sickly cancer victim with 11 kids and was brutalized despite her not doing anything but holding her camera up to film....well, at the end of the video she's so amped up she admits, on camera, that instead of just standing there minding her own business and filming with her cell phone, she was actually on a police vehicle (was a truck) because she had climbed up the front of the truck and was trying to film the officers inside. Uh huh...and that instead of just getting randomly body slammed she actually ended up on the ground because she was fighting officers who were trying to pull her of their truck.

Oh but they were all just peaceful demonstrators who weren't being aggressive and it was just the police being aggressive and brutal. That's all well and good but the video of it shows the complete opposite. This all came about because some rancher had been illegally grazing his cattle for many years, went to court and lost but still refused to remove his cattle, despite given the opportunity to do so, and instead of being a man and admitting he was finally going to have to do the right thing he starts telling stories that weren't true or if they were true they were heavily slanted in the wrong direction. So he makes it looks like he's the victim and as soon as you start talking about the government stepping on the rights of this poor innocent citizen and calling for freedom loving citizens to join him. So none of these people even bothered to look to see if he was even in the right or if they did know they didn't care because they were going to get to protest the government.

Had this guy not been a no tax paying, entitlement claiming, illegally operating rancher I would be supporting him 100% but the fact is he just manipulating people who have no idea what they are actually protesting and creating a situation so volitile that these same people are in real danger of being injured or killed should someone take one step too far, and he's fine with that because it forces the government to back off to cool things down not because he was right.

I say the government should back away, let things cool off and then go in and haul his POS ass out of there and put him where he belongs, in jail. Then his kids can either graze their cattle legally like ever other rancher in the area does or join their pops.

There were incidents where law enforcement, federal I think, overstepped their boundaries such as arresting the ranchers son for not getting in his vehicle fast enough after being told to leave a public road but, overall, these local and federal officers/agents showed incredible restraint in a situation that would test the resolve of even the most unflappable of people.

How do you know what the "real" story is? Do you have inside information that the rest of us don't? It seems to me that you've made a decision on who's right and who's wrong, based on your own bias?

So the justification for setting the fees and controlling the herd size was the desert tortoise. Now they're spending over $1M to remove the cattle. Yet they're going to kill the very turtles they used as the basis for their rules due to a lack of funds? Seems to me they know where to get an extra $1M dollars to sustain those turtles? :anyone:


Now let's add in the fact that an Acting Deputy Director of the BLM was Sen. Harry Reid’s former senior adviser, and that Reid has been linked to a $5B plan to develop solar energy in Clark County NV by the Chinese.


Bundy claims that there used to be 52 other local ranchers, but he's the last one because the BLM drove the others out of business. Do you know exactly how many other ranchers are still grazing cattle "legally" in the area?


I'll leave it with this snippet:

In 2012, the New American reported that Harry Reid’s son, Rory Reid, was the chief representative for a Chinese energy firm planning to build a $5-billion solar plant on public land in Laughlin, Nevada.

And journalist Marcus Stern with Reuters also reported that Sen. Reid was heavily involved in the deal as well.

“[Reid] and his oldest son, Rory, are both involved in an effort by a Chinese energy giant, ENN Energy Group, to build a $5 billion solar farm and panel manufacturing plant in the southern Nevada desert,” he wrote. “Reid has been one of the project’s most prominent advocates, helping recruit the company during a 2011 trip to China and applying his political muscle on behalf of the project in Nevada.”

“His son, a lawyer with a prominent Las Vegas firm that is representing ENN, helped it locate a 9,000-acre (3,600-hectare) desert site that it is buying well below appraised value from Clark County, where Rory Reid formerly chaired the county commission.”

Although these reports are in plain view, the mainstream media has so far ignored this link.

The BLM’s official reason for encircling the Bundy family with sniper teams and helicopters was to protect the endangered desert tortoise, which the agency has previously been killing in mass due to “budget constraints.”

“A tortoise isn’t the reason why BLM is harassing a 67 year-old rancher; they want his land,” journalist Dana Loesch wrote. “The tortoise wasn’t of concern when [U.S. Senator] Harry Reid worked with BLM to literally change the boundaries of the tortoise’s habitat to accommodate the development of his top donor, Harvey Whittemore.”

“Reid is accused of using the new BLM chief as a puppet to control Nevada land (already over 84% of which is owned by the federal government) and pay back special interests,” she added. “BLM has proven that they’ve a situational concern for the desert tortoise as they’ve had no problem waiving their rules concerning wind or solar power development. Clearly these developments have vastly affected a tortoise habitat more than a century-old, quasi-homesteading grazing area.”

So ask yourself, if ANY of this is true, who do you really believe? Sen. Harry Reid and the BLM? Or the last remaining rancher in a fight with the federal government to retain his life, liberty and pursuit of happiness? If any of this is true, do those BLM agents have any business being there in the first place? :anyone:

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
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Not even close, if you see the latest video, protestors getting up in the police's faces yelling and trying to force the police back and then crying about getting taxed. Seven or eight LEO's against 20-30 protestors who are doing everything in their power to get the police to react with violence. One woman "Margaret" was inciting the crowd as a poor innocent citizen who was thrown on the ground by police for no reason, she kept saying all she was doing was filming with her camera phone, the whole crowd was irrate that the police threw this woman down on the ground for no reason. This went on and on with the crowd getting more and more irate. One woman lunges toward a police officer (all of whom should get a medal for staying so calm) and gets so close another officers K-9 lunges at her to protect the officer but his handler was holding the dog back despite the woman actually kicking the dog.

"Margaret" was being led to answer questions a TV reporter was trying to get on TV, factual or not, and keeps asking "Margaret" to tell her story about the cops throwing her on the ground and how she was a sickly cancer victim with 11 kids and was brutalized despite her not doing anything but holding her camera up to film....well, at the end of the video she's so amped up she admits, on camera, that instead of just standing there minding her own business and filming with her cell phone, she was actually on a police vehicle (was a truck) because she had climbed up the front of the truck and was trying to film the officers inside. Uh huh...and that instead of just getting randomly body slammed she actually ended up on the ground because she was fighting officers who were trying to pull her of their truck.

Oh but they were all just peaceful demonstrators who weren't being aggressive and it was just the police being aggressive and brutal. That's all well and good but the video of it shows the complete opposite. This all came about because some rancher had been illegally grazing his cattle for many years, went to court and lost but still refused to remove his cattle, despite given the opportunity to do so, and instead of being a man and admitting he was finally going to have to do the right thing he starts telling stories that weren't true or if they were true they were heavily slanted in the wrong direction. So he makes it looks like he's the victim and as soon as you start talking about the government stepping on the rights of this poor innocent citizen and calling for freedom loving citizens to join him. So none of these people even bothered to look to see if he was even in the right or if they did know they didn't care because they were going to get to protest the government.

Had this guy not been a no tax paying, entitlement claiming, illegally operating rancher I would be supporting him 100% but the fact is he just manipulating people who have no idea what they are actually protesting and creating a situation so volitile that these same people are in real danger of being injured or killed should someone take one step too far, and he's fine with that because it forces the government to back off to cool things down not because he was right.

I say the government should back away, let things cool off and then go in and haul his POS ass out of there and put him where he belongs, in jail. Then his kids can either graze their cattle legally like ever other rancher in the area does or join their pops.

There were incidents where law enforcement, federal I think, overstepped their boundaries such as arresting the ranchers son for not getting in his vehicle fast enough after being told to leave a public road but, overall, these local and federal officers/agents showed incredible restraint in a situation that would test the resolve of even the most unflappable of people.

So, since you have issues with your perceived ill behavior of one woman, none of the protestors handled themselves well? :scratch:

If the what the government is doing is wrong and not best for We The People, should we just lay down and take it or should we do whatever is necessary to stop the government?


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
Not even close, if you see the latest video, protestors getting up in the police's faces yelling and trying to force the police back and then crying about getting taxed. Seven or eight LEO's against 20-30 protestors who are doing everything in their power to get the police to react with violence. One woman "Margaret" was inciting the crowd as a poor innocent citizen who was thrown on the ground by police for no reason, she kept saying all she was doing was filming with her camera phone, the whole crowd was irrate that the police threw this woman down on the ground for no reason. This went on and on with the crowd getting more and more irate. One woman lunges toward a police officer (all of whom should get a medal for staying so calm) and gets so close another officers K-9 lunges at her to protect the officer but his handler was holding the dog back despite the woman actually kicking the dog.

"Margaret" was being led to answer questions a TV reporter was trying to get on TV, factual or not, and keeps asking "Margaret" to tell her story about the cops throwing her on the ground and how she was a sickly cancer victim with 11 kids and was brutalized despite her not doing anything but holding her camera up to film....well, at the end of the video she's so amped up she admits, on camera, that instead of just standing there minding her own business and filming with her cell phone, she was actually on a police vehicle (was a truck) because she had climbed up the front of the truck and was trying to film the officers inside. Uh huh...and that instead of just getting randomly body slammed she actually ended up on the ground because she was fighting officers who were trying to pull her of their truck.

Oh but they were all just peaceful demonstrators who weren't being aggressive and it was just the police being aggressive and brutal. That's all well and good but the video of it shows the complete opposite. This all came about because some rancher had been illegally grazing his cattle for many years, went to court and lost but still refused to remove his cattle, despite given the opportunity to do so, and instead of being a man and admitting he was finally going to have to do the right thing he starts telling stories that weren't true or if they were true they were heavily slanted in the wrong direction. So he makes it looks like he's the victim and as soon as you start talking about the government stepping on the rights of this poor innocent citizen and calling for freedom loving citizens to join him. So none of these people even bothered to look to see if he was even in the right or if they did know they didn't care because they were going to get to protest the government.

Had this guy not been a no tax paying, entitlement claiming, illegally operating rancher I would be supporting him 100% but the fact is he just manipulating people who have no idea what they are actually protesting and creating a situation so volitile that these same people are in real danger of being injured or killed should someone take one step too far, and he's fine with that because it forces the government to back off to cool things down not because he was right.

I say the government should back away, let things cool off and then go in and haul his POS ass out of there and put him where he belongs, in jail. Then his kids can either graze their cattle legally like ever other rancher in the area does or join their pops.

There were incidents where law enforcement, federal I think, overstepped their boundaries such as arresting the ranchers son for not getting in his vehicle fast enough after being told to leave a public road but, overall, these local and federal officers/agents showed incredible restraint in a situation that would test the resolve of even the most unflappable of people.

And for what crime would you have him jailed?


Special Hen
Mar 28, 2013
Reaction score
Green Country
Pretty "coincidental" timing on both the appointment of Dingy Harry's old aide as BLM director as well as the advent of the Bundy Ranch water "problems".

According to this article; http://www.americanthinker.com/2014...nment_and_the_nevada_water_tipping_point.html

"Furthermore, it might be coincidental that the problems with the Bundy cattle ranching began in 1993, the same year Patricia Mulroy began serving as general manager of the Southern Nevada Water Authority. From 1989, Ms. Mulroy was also the general manager of the Las Vegas Valley Water District. The author attempted to contact Ms. Mulroy for a comment, but she retired from both positions a few months ago in February."

So to briefly lay this out, the Federal Government owns 94 percent of the land in Nevada, a sitting senator's former policy director is appointed to chair a federal bureau who is directly responsible for the management of said lands, a rancher who has been under scrutiny for decades is suddenly catapulted to the forefront, using millions of dollars of federal resources, because his cattle were grazing on BLM land?

The solar project which would benefit the senator's son, the water rights which would benefit the developers who are heavily invested in said senator probably have nothing to do with this right??

Right?? This isn't really what it appears is it? Massive collusion and corruption at the federal level to personally benefit elected officials and their families.....is it??

uncle money bags

Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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And all of this is just the tip of the iceberg. We havent even touched on the states rights issue. I am disappointed that so many people seem to just stand by the sidelines and ignore the whole picture while taking for granted that since there is someone there with some supposed governmental authority and has a gun then they must be in the right. It makes me wonder how much of that attitude is a result of ignorance, sheepish compliance or outright support of that type of regime.
Or maybe its just me.
What say you Hobbes?


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Pretty "coincidental" timing on both the appointment of Dingy Harry's old aide as BLM director as well as the advent of the Bundy Ranch water "problems".

According to this article; http://www.americanthinker.com/2014...nment_and_the_nevada_water_tipping_point.html

"Furthermore, it might be coincidental that the problems with the Bundy cattle ranching began in 1993, the same year Patricia Mulroy began serving as general manager of the Southern Nevada Water Authority. From 1989, Ms. Mulroy was also the general manager of the Las Vegas Valley Water District. The author attempted to contact Ms. Mulroy for a comment, but she retired from both positions a few months ago in February."

So to briefly lay this out, the Federal Government owns 94 percent of the land in Nevada, a sitting senator's former policy director is appointed to chair a federal bureau who is directly responsible for the management of said lands, a rancher who has been under scrutiny for decades is suddenly catapulted to the forefront, using millions of dollars of federal resources, because his cattle were grazing on BLM land?

The solar project which would benefit the senator's son, the water rights which would benefit the developers who are heavily invested in said senator probably have nothing to do with this right??

Right?? This isn't really what it appears is it? Massive collusion and corruption at the federal level to personally benefit elected officials and their families.....is it??

Do they? Have we examined the deeds for this land the feds allege to own? How much did they pay the State of Nevada for this land since statehood?


And all of this is just the tip of the iceberg. We haven't even touched on the states rights issue. I am disappointed that so many people seem to just stand by the sidelines and ignore the whole picture while taking for granted that since there is someone there with some supposed governmental authority and has a gun then they must be in the right. It makes me wonder how much of that attitude is a result of ignorance, sheepish compliance or outright support of that type of regime.
Or maybe its just me.
What say you Hobbes?

No, we haven't. Before we land this guy in federal debtor's prison, perhaps we should? :anyone:


Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
Reaction score
The Nations
What say you Hobbes?

I find it amusing that the same group that complains about people that don't pay their share, the takers who feel entitled to something, are also the same group cheering on a man who owes taxpayers more than a million dollars and continues to graze his cattle on federal land for free.

It's absolutely rich with irony.:popcorn:


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
I find it amusing that the same group that complains about people that don't pay their share, the takers who feel entitled to something, are also the same group cheering on a man who owes taxpayers more than a million dollars and continues to graze his cattle on federal land for free.

It's absolutely rich with irony.:popcorn:

Perhaps you've missed the point or are just choosing to ignore it, but does he really owe the fees to the BLM? Or is it the State? Or is it the county? Perhaps before we go jailing this guy someone should find out instead of just relying on the word of Big Brother. The Reid angle is completely supportive of throwing a little bit of skepticism towards Big Brother.

Shootin 4 Fun

Special Hen
Feb 23, 2009
Reaction score
I find it amusing that the same group that complains about people that don't pay their share, the takers who feel entitled to something, are also the same group cheering on a man who owes taxpayers more than a million dollars and continues to graze his cattle on federal land for free.

It's absolutely rich with irony.:popcorn:

Yeah, comparing the leaches of our society to a rancher that is battling the government is just chock full of irony. Now, if you get wind of Bundy using an Obama phone, food stamps or living in government housing let us know and we can discuss the irony.

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