Rancher in Nevada being harassed by the FEDS and confiscating his cattle

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Jan 6, 2008
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This isn't over. The Federal government will extract their pound of flesh. I'd expect an IRS investigation to start shortly and then it'll roll from there. The Obama administration will not be shown up by a bunch of tea party activists with shotguns and revolvers. I suspect that some members of the Bundy family will meet their demise while out in the desert rounding up their cattle. An unfortunate accident they'll call it. Yep, this isn't over.


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Interesting story on a land grab by the BLM on our own Red River.

I'm in some of the same situation one one of my farms on the Salt fork river. Since it was staked during the Oklahoma Land run, the river has moved. Our neighbors land and mine join in the middle of the river now. I know of others that have had their family land end up on both sides of the river because of severe flooding that changed where the water lines exist.

Its tough getting things done when this happens. The gubberment wants to come in an declare it a wetlands, which screws the land owner forever, or whatever.

Nothing close to what this guy is going through, but there are people out there fighting the feds every day.
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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 6, 2008
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I juuuuuuuuuuust saw that picture. I'm sure it will cause a kerfuffle among the suits.

What was the radio traffic on the NV HiPo channel? I was at work and couldn't access it.


The radio traffic was just what the Nevada Highway Patrol was doing out at the command post plus all the other stuff they had going on in the las vegas metro area. It was interesting when they said they had good intel that the protestors had long guns with good glass, or something to that affect.


Special Hen
Aug 13, 2012
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I will say this. It seems the people actually involved in the protest(s) behaved themselves relatively well while sending the message they wanted heard.

Not even close, if you see the latest video, protestors getting up in the police's faces yelling and trying to force the police back and then crying about getting taxed. Seven or eight LEO's against 20-30 protestors who are doing everything in their power to get the police to react with violence. One woman "Margaret" was inciting the crowd as a poor innocent citizen who was thrown on the ground by police for no reason, she kept saying all she was doing was filming with her camera phone, the whole crowd was irrate that the police threw this woman down on the ground for no reason. This went on and on with the crowd getting more and more irate. One woman lunges toward a police officer (all of whom should get a medal for staying so calm) and gets so close another officers K-9 lunges at her to protect the officer but his handler was holding the dog back despite the woman actually kicking the dog.

"Margaret" was being led to answer questions a TV reporter was trying to get on TV, factual or not, and keeps asking "Margaret" to tell her story about the cops throwing her on the ground and how she was a sickly cancer victim with 11 kids and was brutalized despite her not doing anything but holding her camera up to film....well, at the end of the video she's so amped up she admits, on camera, that instead of just standing there minding her own business and filming with her cell phone, she was actually on a police vehicle (was a truck) because she had climbed up the front of the truck and was trying to film the officers inside. Uh huh...and that instead of just getting randomly body slammed she actually ended up on the ground because she was fighting officers who were trying to pull her of their truck.

Oh but they were all just peaceful demonstrators who weren't being aggressive and it was just the police being aggressive and brutal. That's all well and good but the video of it shows the complete opposite. This all came about because some rancher had been illegally grazing his cattle for many years, went to court and lost but still refused to remove his cattle, despite given the opportunity to do so, and instead of being a man and admitting he was finally going to have to do the right thing he starts telling stories that weren't true or if they were true they were heavily slanted in the wrong direction. So he makes it looks like he's the victim and as soon as you start talking about the government stepping on the rights of this poor innocent citizen and calling for freedom loving citizens to join him. So none of these people even bothered to look to see if he was even in the right or if they did know they didn't care because they were going to get to protest the government.

Had this guy not been a no tax paying, entitlement claiming, illegally operating rancher I would be supporting him 100% but the fact is he just manipulating people who have no idea what they are actually protesting and creating a situation so volitile that these same people are in real danger of being injured or killed should someone take one step too far, and he's fine with that because it forces the government to back off to cool things down not because he was right.

I say the government should back away, let things cool off and then go in and haul his POS ass out of there and put him where he belongs, in jail. Then his kids can either graze their cattle legally like ever other rancher in the area does or join their pops.

There were incidents where law enforcement, federal I think, overstepped their boundaries such as arresting the ranchers son for not getting in his vehicle fast enough after being told to leave a public road but, overall, these local and federal officers/agents showed incredible restraint in a situation that would test the resolve of even the most unflappable of people.


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Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
Well, except for this guy. Im guessing this happened around the same time i was posting the scanner link.
Oh, and farmerbyron, post #177. :wink2:

He's lucky he didn't get drilled by a counter-sniper. What a big mess this whole thing was. It's such a mess, I can't even bring myself to pick a side. Plenty of buffoonery on both sides.

In one news clip from yesterday, one of the Bundy clan was negotiating with what appeared to be the HMFIC at the corral site. The visual made an impression....rancher in a cowboy hat facing off with a "LEO" who looked like he just stepped out of a James Yeager "high speed operator" class; Sunglasses, backwards ball cap, multi-cam plate carrier with a short sleeve black T-shirt etc....

Visuals work. Looks like Bundy gets a breather, for now.

uncle money bags

Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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Brandi, thank you for your well thought out comments. My statement referred to the final hours of the situation as it pertained to audio from the scanner link. I thought that was clear since Dennis and i had restricted out comments to each other on that time frame and reference.

Next time; if i suspect there may be some misunderstanding and you will be reading my posts, i will endeavor to draw a picture... or add a GIF.:wink2:

Do you have a link to the vid of the woman kicking the dog? The only one i saw was where the dog was set on a male and he kicked it then was tased. Also, the vid i saw where the woman was knocked to the ground was a result of a blind side body check from a BLM officer while she was firmly on the ground next to a BLM SUV doing her screaming and hand waving routine. I concur that the protest your talking about was getting out of hand, but i also believe it was as much the officers fault as it was the protesters from the video i saw.

So far i have not sided with the rancher, per se. On the surface he seems to be in the wrong, but i dont understand the vagaries of the rancher, grazing, open public land debate enough to say one way or the other. What i do understand is how politicians and beaurocrats work. The only reason this came to a head now is because somebody in power wanted that land, so they sent the "pawns" to take it by force. When the potential cost became more than acceptable they backed off to find another way. They will be back, by hook or by crook.
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