Robber shot dead by customer in restaurant.

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Dec 9, 2021
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Tulsa, OK
In theory: I am eating in a restaurant which is being robbed. Perp turns back to me still waiving their gun. I put six rounds into them. They drop. I walk towards the perp to kick their weapon away, maybe get patron’s wallets so I can hand them back. Adrenaline is still pumping. I see his arm move near the pistol, my immediate reaction while standing near the perp and seeing the hand with gun start to move might be to add one more round in an area I am certain will end the threat. Again, all theory. I feel for the civilian.

Shoot Summ

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 24, 2006
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In theory: I am eating in a restaurant which is being robbed. Perp turns back to me still waiving their gun. I put six rounds into them. They drop. I walk towards the perp to kick their weapon away, maybe get patron’s wallets so I can hand them back. Adrenaline is still pumping. I see his arm move near the pistol, my immediate reaction while standing near the perp and seeing the hand with gun start to move might be to add one more round in an area I am certain will end the threat. Again, all theory. I feel for the civilian.
Watch the video, full screen, slow.

Guy shoots the Perp 4 times from behind, Perp is face down, not moving, guy adds 4 more rounds, removes his weapon, then adds the last round while he is holding the perps weapon.

The issue here isn't if he was justified, it is if it is defendable in court, both criminal, and civil. This will likely break the guy financially defending himself.
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Special Hen
Nov 18, 2022
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I read an article that quoted the sheriff and DA saying it was totally justified, I know in Oklahoma he would be in deep trouble but Texas law may differ ?? I sure hope the law and the perps family leaves him alone !!

If you want to pick nits Ersland was in trouble because he was in Oklahoma County and David Prater is no friend of gun owners. He has charged and attempted to charge people in the past involved in self defense situations. And IIRC after the Ersland trial and conviction the Oklahoma Legislature modified the law to minimize the chances of that happening again at least the way it did to Jerome Ersland


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Jan 12, 2007
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Now do his odds of same with a public defender.
Actually PD or top notch defense attorney, I’m revising my odds to 100% he walks:
So capital murder in 2013, winnowed down to 15 years for aggravated robbery in 2015, out on parole in 6 years in 2021, and was out on bond for assaulting his girlfriend in 2022? Why wasn’t he back in prison for parole violation?

If anyone should catch a charge here, it should be the so-called “justice” system that let this savage out of his well earned cage. The Good Samaritan should get a ****ing parade in his honor. IDGAF what the law says in a case like this, they move to charge him they should get their **** pushed in hard. :mad:
Looks like a grand jury gets to decide, so it may be out of the hands of a prosecutor.

FOX News - Houston Police Question Man in Fatal Taqueria Shooting - Case Referred to Grand Jury

So, maybe he will get a no-bill from that Grand Jury.
First a no-bill, then a ticker tape parade!


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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
I read an article that quoted the sheriff and DA saying it was totally justified, I know in Oklahoma he would be in deep trouble but Texas law may differ ?? I sure hope the law and the perps family leaves him alone !!
Not arguing that you didn't read an article saying as much, but I'd be pretty shocked that a DA in Houston wouldn't be tooting their woke bullhorn and frothing at the mouth to send this guy up on any charge he could. Houston is as bad as Austin.

If this was in Oklahoma I'd lay money on the table that he'd get charged. Remember that LEO that shot and killed the female active shooter in the process of committing the crime? He got charged with murder IIRC. On duty, in the line of duty, and all. Seems he fired too many rounds from his high caliber AR15 and it just looked too mean since she wasn't actually shooting at that very instant. Nevermind that he was shooting through the cab of her truck, glass and seat or that she had shot at LEOs and regular Joe citizens multiple times and places just prior. :rolleyes:


Dream Master
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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
POS violent criminals deserve what they get.. I’m glad when people stop them. Initially I think the “good guy” was certainly operating within what I’d consider a perfectly reasonable manner given the threat. However…. The walking up and doing the point blank headshot when dude was obviously already down for the count seemed a bit questionable. Also that he apparently left the scene before police arrived, that’s questionable too.
If I was on the jury he would walk. People like the thug criminal don’t deserve to walk this earth. I’d this happened more often this crap wouldn’t go on near as much.


Dream Master
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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
Not arguing that you didn't read an article saying as much, but I'd be pretty shocked that a DA in Houston wouldn't be tooting their woke bullhorn and frothing at the mouth to send this guy up on any charge he could. Houston is as bad as Austin.

If this was in Oklahoma I'd lay money on the table that he'd get charged. Remember that LEO that shot and killed the female active shooter in the process of committing the crime? He got charged with murder IIRC. On duty, in the line of duty, and all. Seems he fired too many rounds from his high caliber AR15 and it just looked too mean since she wasn't actually shooting at that very instant. Nevermind that he was shooting through the cab of her truck, glass and seat or that she had shot at LEOs and regular Joe citizens multiple times and places just prior. :rolleyes:
Our law really needs to change in this regard. Or maybe it isn’t the law, maybe it’s the scumbag DA’s. I just hope I never have to use my gun.

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