Senate Rules Trickery to Make Gun Control Easier

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Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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Oppose the trickery afoot which aims to make it easy for Senate Republicans to let gun control slip into law. GOA Alert 1-23-2013

I can't believe that Senate GOP Leader Mitch McConnell is about to conclude an agreement with Majority Leader Harry Reid which would sell out pro-gunners and limit the minority's rights, under the Senate rules, to use the filibuster.

Given that Harry Reid has consistently abused the Senate rules and locked Republicans out of the amendment process, why should Senator Mitch McConnell reward him with this massive expansion of his powers?

And what does this say about the likelihood that the Republican leadership will show any courage on the gun issue when it comes before the U.S. Senate?

The President and his allies in the Congress want to impose Universal Background Checks, among other things, upon every gun purchaser in America.

I agree with Gun Owners of America that this would finally give gun grabbers the information they need to identify and register every gun buyer (whether the purchase was completed as a private sale or through a gun dealer).

Given that the Democrats in New York are trying to CONFISCATE guns from law-abiding gun owners, I URGE YOU IN THE STRONGEST TERMS to oppose any legislation or rules changes that would allow federal bureaucrats to register gun owners.

And more to the point, I would demand that you leave the Senate rules alone!

ACTION: Click here to contact your U.S. Senators immediately. While you can contact them here through CapWiz, we would strongly encourage you to call your Senators and DEMAND that they leave the filibuster alone!

You can reach them by calling the U.S. Senate switchboard at 202-224-3121. And, please call Sen. Mitch McConnell (202-224-2541) and tell him to make NO DEALS to limit the use of the filibuster.

You will need to cut and paste to contact Sen Coburn at

Sen McConnell's phone was busy when I called - good. He can also be contacted at
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