The NRA and Free Speech

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Jan 15, 2010
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Originally Posted by Danny
Got your tin foil hat on?

Just because someone doesn't buy into the hysteria does not mean they/we/I are antis pretending to be supporters. Geeze.

The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

Any comment on the opinion of the dissenting board member quoted above? Is she just a paranoid fly in the ointment?

There is endless reams of hard evidence..much of taken from their OWN RAG...over the dispel the slightest doubt concerning the anti-gun stance of the NRA.
Those that continue to deny that fact are either new to this fight...or part of the problem of gun control in this country.

Make NO MISTAKE about it...many, if not MOST gun owners are closet gun control supporters...just lying about it.
They trust government more then they trust their armed neighbors.

Check out my thread on 'supporters of gun control'...look at the tiny numbers willing to put their 'John Henry' on the Second Amendments ORGINAL meaning...instead of the meaning get no weapons without government PERMISSION...crawling on your belly to get that permission.


New to the site!
Jun 2, 2010
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Oklahoma City
I first heard about this issue when listening to Gun Talk for June 20 2010. I was about to join the NRA probably with a lifetime membership. :withstupi

I did some research on the story and what I found out made me very dissapointed in the NRA and any gun owner that still supports them. :(

They were oppssing the Disclose act after the Republicans made them some promises but broke them about a decade ago in the McCain Feingold act. They seem to be deathly afraid of losing their political power. :lookaroun

When the progresives agreed to give them the carve out they agreed to stop opposing the bill. On one hand the NRA says they still oppose the bill but the offical story in the progressive media says they agreed to stop opposing it. :giveup:

When the NRA emailed me back they did not deny that. :oops3:

The problem is that they claim to fighting for the right of all law abiding citizens to keep and bear arms. Yet their actions indicate they only care about their own political power.

I find this act completely unacceptable for such an organization. :angry3:

I emailed Tom Gresham. He emailed me back saying we need the NRA. :comfort:

I emailed him back saying We don't need the NRA :buttkick:

The truth is that the NRA needs us. Without gun owners they have no power. They seem to forget this. :screwy:

I for one want nothing to do with the NRA. I will not join the NRA because of this deal with the progressives. :talk2hand:


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