totally creeped out!!

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JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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When I was younger (and a flat belly) I used to camp out by myself. Spent ten days up in the San Juan National forest in Pagosa Springs CO two different times and many nights in New Mexico, Arkansas and in SE Oklahoma. Mostly never felt anything strange.

The strangest/weirdest/worst feeling was here in Tulsa. My wife and I stopped to look at rental house we were thinking about buying. We walked in and it was as if we both got sick and really creeped out. Like something really really bad happened there. Just a very disgusting spooky feeling. Could not get out of there fast enough. We still talk about that once in a while.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
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One of the freakiest experiences I've had sounds similar to JB's, I was looking at a property to buy.

The property had an old abandoned house on it, guy said it need to be burned and hauled away. He had bought it at auction and "just want to get rid of it." This was in the middle of BFE, in August. The place was grown up and had enough junk and scrap to make a salvage yard envious. He said all the junk went with the sale and he had not even looked around, had know idea what was out there. The shack set about 800 feet of the gravel road, back in some thick woods and brush.

The guy on the phone said to hop the gate and have a look around, so I did. Curiosity got the best of me, and I was drawn to the old shack. The front porch was collapsed halfway, and was completely covered in firewood. Windows busted, holes in the roof, just a total mess.

I walked around to the back door, and pushed it open. I immediately saw a kitchen counter, with plates and utensils and whatnot on it. I looked to the right and saw a table, on the table was a couple of bowls still filled with petrified food, and some glasses and pop cans.

I was a little freaked out, but ventured further in to the other half of the shack. The floor was completely missing in some areas, and half the living room was filled with firewood, it was just piled up everywhere. An old stove sat in the corner. There was a mattress on the floor and I looked up at a closet and it was completely filled with clothing, hanging on hangers. I turned and looked at the wall and there was a calendar hanging up dating 2 years prior.

That did it. I got the hell out of there, and wasted no time in doing it. I have seen some shacks in the Ozarks of Arkansas and in Oklahoma, and have seen all kinds of ratty houses, but this was the most dilapidated and strangest of them all. It freaked me out a little that people were living there that recently, but what pushed it over the edge was the fact that whoever lived there appeared to have left in the middle of a meal, leaving everything behind.

I went back with 2 other people just to show them, and they though it pretty strange they way things were just left there. We still talk about it also.


Aug 17, 2009
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I've had it once. I was bowhunting on a place near Jennings (before I had my CCL) for a couple years. I went out one evening, about a mile back into the woods down into the middle of a draw. The west side was fairly open with some ceder trees, a pond to my north and a heavily wooded, rocky ridge to the east/south.

I was there about 30 min. when the hair on the back of my neck stood straight up. I'm sure there was something up on that ridge watching me. I waited as long as I could trying to see whatever it was but no luck. Needless to say I high-tailed it out of there before dark. I've always thought it was a cougar.

What's crazy is the spot you just described sounds like spot near a place out there call Rock Hole Creek, a boy died out there in the late 80's he jumped into the the pond out there and landed in a deep freeze, when it closed shut on him, he couldn't force it back open.....

But yeah I had that feeling last Monday, showed up to work early, was sitting there in the parking lot at about 4:30, and just had this weird feeling that I needed to get into the shop and lock the doors, about 10 minutes later somebody walked up to the backdoor and stood there for about 2 minutes, just looking in the window, the lights inside were still off, and I just sat there watching him, and waiting for him to try and come in, ever since I've kinda thought about it, I've had my CCW for about 2 years now and have never thought about shooting anybody, but that morning, I was ready the guy looked creepy, and I knew he was up to no good, I don't know if he saw me there, but I'm glad I didn't have to do anything.

Sorry for the wall of text.


Special Hen
Jun 15, 2009
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i've leased a piece of property for years with some friends.we know it like the backs of our morning last deer season one of my buddy's and i got out of the truck and walked in different directions to our was the most freaked out i had ever been walking in.i had a SERIOUS feeling i was being the same time there was a strong odor of feces and B.O..later, over coffee my buddy says "man,i don't want to sound like a ***** or anything,but i was freaked out.i knew i was being watched and there was weird odor of **** and body odor" now i don't believe in all the "weird" stuff but i'll never forget that morning.

Now THAT was the Sasquatch. :lmfao:


Special Hen
Oct 25, 2008
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I travel alot and have two storys, first one was I was laying in bed asleep in a hotel. Sound asleep when I work up and jumped out of bed. I felt someone grap my foot. The strange thing was I could hear them laugh. I turned all the lights on in the room and looked every where, even in the hallway. Nope no one there. Second one me and one of the guys I travel with alot. We where in a small town in Eastern Kentucky working. Its right on the Kentucky/ Virginia stateline. Lots of small coal towns in the mountains. We were fishing a small stream and came up on a run down house. Shack more like it, anyway we walked up and looked in the front windows, the backdoor slamed shut and we heard people talking. We froze waiting for them to come around front.. No one ever showed up. We walked around the house and had the feeling someone or something was there. Still get goose bumps when I think about it.

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