totally creeped out!!

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mons meg

Special Hen
Jul 6, 2005
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
Once, over in the KSA back in '91, back during the air phase, on rear perimeter watch at 0230. I was as armed as any single person could have been and still walk, (M60, ammo, AND M16A2) and still got the heebie jeebies from something out in the darkness.


Special Hen
Mar 7, 2007
Reaction score
OK, don't think I shared this here yet. 2 years ago, returning home late with my son from something, we stopped at Taco Bell. In the drive through, they were very slow and my drink was all soda water and no syrup so I asked them to fix it. We had been in the window for a while. After we finished and pulled out, I noticed the car behind me didn't stop at the window. I just assumed they were pissed off and decided not to get their food there. I noticed they were on my a$$ and pulled up behind me at the stop light (that was red). I was in the left turning lane. Something was not right, why don't you stop at the window for your food. At that point, I realized I was stuck at the light with heavy cross traffic. My son was in the back and I told him to get in the floor. Still don't know why though. My eyes were on the rear view mirror and I decided it was time for steel to clear leather. At that point, the passenger door of the car behind me opened. There is no reason for them to open their door at the stop light behind me. I made the call and decided I was not going to let this happen and began to open my door. Of course, the dome light turned on and they saw light and me. Almost instantly, the passenger closed the door and they went from the left turn lane, across the two right lanes and burned rubber all the way around the corner.

Still don't know what it was all about. What I know, I paid attention to my surroundings and noticed something was out of place.

Trust your senses, they exist to keep you safe.


Special Hen
Jul 24, 2005
Reaction score
I think one should listen to that inner voice or whatever it is that gives us that feeling. Humans have a good survival mechanism that merits attention.

I read a book awhile back, about survival stories.
Not so much about how to survive in the wilderness, but about the people who survived (e.g. plane crash, shipwreck, getting lost in the woods, etc). In a high percentage of the stories, the survivor (after the event) said they had a “bad feeling” before the incident that stranded them happened – and chose to ignore it.

As Avenger says . . . listen to that inner voice.


Special Hen
Dec 3, 2005
Reaction score
I'm a firm believer that your "gut" should be listened to.

...As long as it's not telling you to go to Vegas and go on a 5 day bender instead of going to work:D

I have had that feeling before out in the middle of nowhere. Call me crazy, but even though it creeps me out, I actually enjoy it. You'll never feel more alive than you do during those moments. Your senses heighten to really high levels and your heart races...good times.


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
One of the freakiest experiences I've had sounds similar to JB's, I was looking at a property to buy.

The property had an old abandoned house on it, guy said it need to be burned and hauled away. He had bought it at auction and "just want to get rid of it." This was in the middle of BFE, in August. The place was grown up and had enough junk and scrap to make a salvage yard envious. He said all the junk went with the sale and he had not even looked around, had know idea what was out there. The shack set about 800 feet of the gravel road, back in some thick woods and brush.

The guy on the phone said to hop the gate and have a look around, so I did. Curiosity got the best of me, and I was drawn to the old shack. The front porch was collapsed halfway, and was completely covered in firewood. Windows busted, holes in the roof, just a total mess.

I walked around to the back door, and pushed it open. I immediately saw a kitchen counter, with plates and utensils and whatnot on it. I looked to the right and saw a table, on the table was a couple of bowls still filled with petrified food, and some glasses and pop cans.

I was a little freaked out, but ventured further in to the other half of the shack. The floor was completely missing in some areas, and half the living room was filled with firewood, it was just piled up everywhere. An old stove sat in the corner. There was a mattress on the floor and I looked up at a closet and it was completely filled with clothing, hanging on hangers. I turned and looked at the wall and there was a calendar hanging up dating 2 years prior.

That did it. I got the hell out of there, and wasted no time in doing it. I have seen some shacks in the Ozarks of Arkansas and in Oklahoma, and have seen all kinds of ratty houses, but this was the most dilapidated and strangest of them all. It freaked me out a little that people were living there that recently, but what pushed it over the edge was the fact that whoever lived there appeared to have left in the middle of a meal, leaving everything behind.

I went back with 2 other people just to show them, and they though it pretty strange they way things were just left there. We still talk about it also.

That sounds about like a bachelor pad.


Special Hen
Aug 7, 2008
Reaction score
That sounds about like a bachelor pad.

LOL, maybe that's it. Some dudes girlfriend got too serious and wanted him to clean up his place so he split!:D

No, this place was weird, but the fact that they left everything behind just freaked me out a little. They might have just got hauled off to jail or something, who knows.


Special Hen
Aug 5, 2008
Reaction score
Walking in to the deer stand I was stationed at last year and had the heebie jeebies. Decided to wait till a little later to head on in. There was some very large fresh scat in a Y of the branches of this stunted gnarly old oak my stand was set up on. Talked to the doc who owns the property and lets me hunt, he said he hadn't seen it in a couple of years but he still finds tracks around his ponds, and I found em too. Yep mountain lion. Have to wonder if that's why my stand and feeder wasn't getting much action.

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