Train them up! Did you vote?

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Special Hen
Apr 14, 2010
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Your vote for president doesn't, unless you vote with the majority in your state. Otherwise, they change your vote to whomever the collective drones in line for.

Hate to break it to ya but if everybody would quit assuming that the vote is going to one presidential candidate or another we would probably see some major changes in electoral college votes. I would bet that many of the Oklahoma youth would have voted for Obama (because they are idiots) but they didn't vote at all. They could have even swung a few counties probably.

But more importantly is all those that refuse to vote are doing theirselves an injustice in the local community. Judges, county commissioners, tax rates, and bonds are all set at the local level. so if you don't get out and express your opinion in the way that matters you can't *****


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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Hate to break it to ya but if everybody would quit assuming that the vote is going to one presidential candidate or another we would probably see some major changes in electoral college votes. I would bet that many of the Oklahoma youth would have voted for Obama (because they are idiots) but they didn't vote at all. They could have even swung a few counties probably.

But more importantly is all those that refuse to vote are doing theirselves an injustice in the local community. Judges, county commissioners, tax rates, and bonds are all set at the local level. so if you don't get out and express your opinion in the way that matters you can't *****

I can ***** all I want. I never said anything about local elections. My choice is to participate or not to participate in this flawed, rigged and broken system, which in no way negates my right to talk about it. So I'll "respectfully" suggest you might stick your righteous indignation somewhere dark and smelly, mmmkay? If I wanna talk, I'll talk. If I wanna vote, I'll vote. And your opinion as to whether I'm qualified or worthy of doing either means as much as the TP it's written on.... both for your attitude of superiority as well as your assumption of facts not in evidence.

My statement was that those who vote in the Presidential election (again... I said nothing about any county, city, local, state, other federal elections or whatnot) risk having their vote effectively CHANGED - yes... they will CHANGE your vote if you do not vote with the majority.

Thus... observe.

If 100,000 Oklahomans vote in the Presidential election.

And 50,001 vote for candidate A...
And 49,999 vote for candidate B...

Then candidate A will be allotted all 7 of Oklahoma's Electoral College votes. Not 4 to candidate A and 3 to candidate B.
To one candidate.

So anyone (of the 49,999) who voted for candidate B had their vote forcibly changed in favor of candidate A.

Dispute this, if you will. Your opinion that voting is the only way "that matters" to express your opinion I reject with disdain and disgust.


Special Hen
Apr 14, 2010
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Not trying to be richouse at all. As you said I am stating my opinion. It is my opinion that those that don't vote shouldn't ***** about the results. I have no idea if you vote or not. You said you missed this one, I didn't assume anything about any others. Also I was making no attack on you personally. I was stating my opinion on voting as a whole. And you are right I will just have to assume as you point out. There is no way that I know of what those that choose not to participate are wanting.

The electoral college is f'ed up no doubt. That was not what I was addressing in any of my posts.

Lastly, voting may not be the only way to express ones opinion but it is the one that matters the absolute most. If senator A goes against everyone in the states wishes but the people of the state never get off their duffs to vote him out because they have decided that he is the incumbent and cant be beat then there is no reason for senator A to ever do the will of the people. People must speak with their voting power to show their appreciation or disgust with those put in place to govern. Look how much good it did for Colorado when they finally decided to wake up and cleanse themselves of their anti 2nd amendment leaders. If only they would have paid attention the whole time.


Special Hen
Jun 26, 2011
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Warr Acres
I sometimes wonder how it would have turned out if we didn't have the electoral college and Gore would have won on the popular. I didn't vote on that one, couldn't hold my nose tight enough to vote for either of those douchebags.


Eye Bleach Salesman
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Here is the plain and simple truth folks, if you do not vote they assume you support what is happening to this country. If you ever get a chance listen to some politicians talk without reporters or cameras around. The ONLY thing they are scared of is people getting off their asses and voting them out of office. If you do not, they assume you are fat, dumb and happy.

If you do not vote, you do not matter and you can whine all you want without making a single bit of difference. You can tell yourself that you are not going to support the masters, that you are not going to play their game, or whatever else lets you sleep at night but the fact is YOU DO NOT MATTER!!!!

And now I will get off my soapbox and let you get back to your regularly scheduled whinefest.


Special Hen
Jun 26, 2011
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Warr Acres
From the guy that does his regular scheduled whinefest about Obama from his soapbox. I didn't vote for either of those douchebags either. They didn't represent my beliefs.


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2005
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But more importantly is all those that refuse to vote are doing theirselves an injustice in the local community. Judges, county commissioners, tax rates, and bonds are all set at the local level. so if you don't get out and express your opinion in the way that matters you can't *****

When there were very real differences between candidates and those elected acted upon those differences voting had an impact.

Unfortunately be one democrat or republican the end result is the same. They all act the same once elected and at a macro level create the same legislation - they just do it for different reasons.

Add to that that almost 50% of the population of the late great USA is on the dole in one form or another (and I don't include social security in that) and voting becomes even more of a useless exercise.

That said: I've not missed a national or state level election and have missed only a very few local elections since I became eligible to vote in 1971. But now - for the 1st time I consciously chose not to vote in Tuesday's joke and may very well choose not to vote in November's joke.

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