What do you see as the future of America?

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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 4, 2011
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I suspect that the "great depression" will be viewed as a mild economic "adjustment" when compared to what's coming down the pike. When the United States of America hits the bottom, it's going to hit hard - and I doubt it can get back up because the source of its success (the Constitution) has been so weakened and diluted over the past century that it has become just another bunch of words to most people.

I see the failure of monetary currency with inflation so high that the paper is worth more than the tender.
I see the failure of transportation systems to distribute goods like food and other staples because of cost and limited availability of fuel.
I see the failure of utility systems - gas, electric, water - one after the other because of economic inability to buy parts needed to maintain them, and lack of trained people to operate them.

And I see riots the scope of which make those in the 60's and 70's look like block parties. Sadly, I believe that most of the riots will be race based if for no other reason than because that's what we see first when we look at a stranger, and as cerebral and high minded as we might believe we are it remains within our nature to the level of animal instinct to trust those "like me" more than those "not like me".
And from all of these things - death, disease, and destruction of an apocalyptic scale.
Finally, for those who remain it will be back to the land to survive, to find, grow, and harvest food for barter, because there will be little left otherwise. And there will be those who attempt to take what they themselves can't find or get any other way.

And I really, really hope I'm wrong - but we simply cannot continue to give the country away and still expect to have anything left for ourselves, our children, and our children's children.

Pretty spot on to what my worst nightmare is. Sadly it has a pretty high probability. Just let sorros and his minions keep prodding our central banks and "elected" politicians towards the slaughter house ; and the above or worse will be better than it will actually wind up. Death disease chaos pretty much speaking Spanish and living like a true third world country is how we'll wind up if business continues as usual. Hopefully I'm not here by the time the fit hits the Shan to witness the impending chaos and lawlessness that will ensue, or things take a hard 180 and somewhat correct.


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Special Hen Supporter
May 24, 2008
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the two major political parties will continue to spend until the economy collapses, then we'll witness the rise of zombies.


Special Hen
May 2, 2009
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America is not mentioned in Revelations and because we are on the cusp of the Psalm 83 War, America's time is very short. America is in the vortex of the perfect storm of impending economic collapse and the rise of a fascist police state. Our culture has descended into violence and depravity and after the Christians have left, American will become a hell on earth. I would not be surprised if in the very near future, the Yellowstone Caldera explodes followed by a 10.0 earthquake along the New Madrid fault line. Maranatha.


Special Hen
Feb 26, 2010
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Oklahoma City
This is where we are headed. If you haven't watched the movie Idiocracy, it's a must watch.

Idiocracy cover.jpg


Special Hen
Jan 5, 2010
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Simply put..I see a great reset. I can't predict what will cause it or what exactly it will be.
There will almost have to be some kind of reset in order to change the mindset of our population, to change how we run our own lives and how we chose our leaders to run the country. The path we are on now is not sustainable. Not just economically but on a cultural and societal scale.

I don't know how hard the reset will be, set us 200 years back kind of reset or a mild reset that wakes a bunch of people up. It could be a gradual reset, at least that's a hope..

Until the reset happens, we'll continue to see a transformation of the country no matter which side is in charge.
Peeps we got problems. It's taken years to get here but like technology, the problems double every four years or so and fixes are kicked down the road. We can blame much on leadership or lack there of BUT...Our society is ultimately to blame, we are the ones who vote we are the ones who truly have the power to do something. Our founders gave us something great and we continue to crap on it and take it for granted.

Society is changing, character is lacking, demographics are changing, values are changing, the world is changing at a rapid pace. In a large part, We as a country are the gimme my goodies society and its sad.

Hang in there, be good to each other, vote wisely, be vigilant, live well and hope for the best.


Special Hen
Jul 31, 2008
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It will be a lot like it is today in many ways, and a lot different than today in many ways. People will ***** and think it's the end and then will spread some religious hokum.

Last century they had a red heifer and flew the flag at the temple mount. Still waiting for the outcome of that one...

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