What is life like in Oklahoma?

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Crosstimbers Okie

Special Hen
Jul 16, 2006
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I grew up in Oklahoma. My family moved me to Naples Florida when I was 16. Then I moved to Orlando. Back to Oklahoma around 23, then to North Carolina around 27 and back to Oklahoma at 30.

Lots of people move away, but most come back. Now great things about Oklahoma that florida doesn't have.

1. Four real seasons. There is more to this than just weather. I have come to believe that 4 real seasons is part of what keeps people sane. You always have something to look forward too. It would seem that it would be nice if it was always spring or fall, but that's what folks in Florida have and many of them seem just downright wacko. Of the places I've lived, Oklahoma and North Carolina both had really genuinely nice folks. Florida everyone had some kinda wierd quirk about them, IMO and no offense if your one of them.

2. Beautiful girls. Florida Girls are so cliche. Real hot chicks come from Oklahoma. I got me one from right here in Norman. I often wonder if this comes from the large % of indian blood mixed with other races around here. Course my wife has no Indian in her, but girls that have aout 10 to 50% are usually pretty attractive.

3. The best sunsets. Okay so they aren't over water like the were in Naples, but man, Oklahoma has way better sunsets than Florida ever thought of having.

4. Real conservatives. This one is actually a draw. On one hand it's nice to live in a state where you can count on the folks with conservative ideals winning most elections. On the other hand sometimes I wish I lived in a state where it was closer so I knew that my vote would make a difference. (I still vote none the less).

5. I'd say great college football, but Florida has a pretty good tradition there too. Course we got Stoops and he's not going to florida like people always speculate. After all why would he build a castle if he was planing to move to flordia? And Mike Gundy too. He's turned out to be a pretty amazing young coach. It's awesome what he and TBoon Pickens have done with OSUs program lately.

6. Tough anti illegal immigrant laws with more in the works. OK passed a law a couple years ago requiring anyone doing business with any OK Gov entity to screen all their employees through an instant ID verification system. It's on hold right now cause it's in the courts(last I heard) but none the less this seemed like a bunch of extra paperwork for me as a business owner, but really only until it's setup and working right. On the other hand it would have drastically cut down on the number of jobs available to illegals in the state. I understand there was a pretty big exodus the week before the bill first was supposed to take effect. Also from what I've heard they are supposed to be considering Arizona type laws as well.

7. Churches. I don't know your religious background, but if you think churches are a good thing, then there is no shortage here. When I lived in Florida they seemed few and far between. Here there is practically one on every block. Maybe not quite that dense but there are a lot. From small 20 member churches to the large mega churches with 1000's of members. We got it all.

8. Arbuckle Mountains. If I recall right from my childhood they are the only mountains in the country where the rock layers run vertical instead of horizontal? Someone else could back me up on this.

9. Barbecue! Van's Pig Stands is the best! Nah, really Q is really a personal thing and there are lots of places out there that are good enough to be someones favorite. I am a bit partial to Van's though. ;)

Well, I guess that's enough info from me. It seems like some nationwide magazine rated Norman, OK (or was it OKC) as one of the best places to live right now? I also believe we have been listed as one of the areas least effected by the recession.

I grew up in Shawnee. Van's Pigstand is the best!

The Arbuckles are also the oldest mountain range in the world.


Special Hen
May 4, 2009
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I have some clients that are definitely 1%'ers. They are more polite to my staff than some of the so-called Christian folk. ;)

Just don't knock over their bikes...



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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 25, 2006
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Ponca City,OK.
I moved here from Virginia in 1978. I've never been more proud of this state as I was over the elections. Every county voted for McCain. It is a more laid back pace than the East Coast,less crowded , lower cost of living,and I think less crime. The people are friendly. I live in a small town and love it here. My parents lived in Fl. and I hated going there to visit them. It's way too crowded.


Special Hen
Jul 29, 2010
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But some of those bikers are yuppies! They are just dressing the part. Hell, some of might be the guys who buy "Sons of AnarchY" colors on EBAY.

I have some clients that are definitely 1%'ers. They are more polite to my staff than some of the so-called Christian folk. ;)

LOL, that's funny. The night my Vette got broken into in Bricktown there was a Harley(Hardley) ride thing going on in town. I expressed my curiosity of them to the responding LEO. He said, "Nah, they are mostly just guys that are real well off on overpriced bikes. They just like to look like they are slumming on the weekends". Loved it.


In Remembrance / Dec 27 2021
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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 16, 2010
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Yukon, OK
I was born and raised in Yukon (just West of OKC). At the age of 19 I joined the military. I didn't hate Oklahoma, just didn't value it at all. Spent 20 years traveling and have lived in several states and 2 foreign countries. Traveled to and worked in more than a dozen other states and countries. The more I traveled the more I deep down honestly, honestly began to value this much put down state. During my military career people were ALWAYS putting down the state. They of course had never been here. The first several years I would defend Oklahoma. One day it dawned on me. One very good thing about Oklahoma is jackasses like them weren't living there. From then on when coworkers would put down this state I'd say "Yeah, you're right. Don't ever live there." My hope was to keep as many jackasses out of the state as possible.

By the time I'd gotten down to my last few years left in service I could come up with no where else I'd rather live. I had a clean slate and could take my family and start in any state I wanted to. In my opinion (an opinion that carries with it experience), on the whole, Oklahoma is a tough state to beat. It really is. I'll grant you, it's not for everybody. NO STATE IS. I've know a number of people that couldn't wait to move back to thier beloved California when the got out of the military. Good for them. Seriously. Good for them, go right ahead. I can't come up with an annual salary big enough to go live in that "flipped-up" state.

I like Oklahoma just fine. I honestly thank God in heaven that I moved away, traveled and now have a deep appreciation for this state AND it's people. Is it perfect? No. NO STATE IS. But I love it for what it is and the many, MANY things it is not. Some days, it's the things it is not that I am the most grateful for.

A+ on above. Almost identical to my story. Could have gone anywhere after 21 years in the USMC but chose to come back here. It's just the quality of the people, Okies are the best people around, in my opinion. Sure we have our scumbags, but every state does. However, if you suffer a tragedy, complete strangers in Oklahoma will line up to give you blood etc. Witness the outpouring of help after the Murrah Bombing, the devastation wrougt by the big tornadoes, etc. If you need help, real Okies stand up for each other.


Special Hen
Jul 29, 2010
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A+ on above. Almost identical to my story. Could have gone anywhere after 21 years in the USMC but chose to come back here. It's just the quality of the people, Okies are the best people around, in my opinion. Sure we have our scumbags, but every state does. However, if you suffer a tragedy, complete strangers in Oklahoma will line up to give you blood etc. Witness the outpouring of help after the Murrah Bombing, the devastation wrougt by the big tornadoes, etc. If you need help, real Okies stand up for each other.

You know you mention that and I have to wonder! With something annual and destructive like tornadoes, are they a large part of why people are how they are around here? You grow up either suffering or supporting in the aftermath of such things. What goes around comes around, and our weather sure keeps that in the front of the mind.


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 11, 2010
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I grew up in northern Illinois and southern Michigan. I've lived in Wichita Ks. and Houston Tx. None of those places are Hell but you can see it from some of them. I've been in Oklahoma for 15 years now and I can honestly say it can be much worse.

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