Seems to be a few conflicts on the channel lately or I just noticed a few.

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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 7, 2021
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Conflicts and hurt feelings are normal now and then. It happens. I've been the cause of a few of them because I wrote before I thought about things or responded in a crass way. I've gotten better and after reflection, I was guilty each time of being an instigator and should have been kicked off the site. I did get a few strikes (well deserved) but I try not to blow up over stuff without thinking about it. Mostly, I try not to be an ass and it's been working.
This is a great site and the Mod's have their hands full with people like me (in the past I hope) and others that just seem to have one mission in life and that's to be miserable and make as many people around them miserable as well.
I'm sure it's stressful as hell to deal with that.
Get a bunch of men together with an issue and you'll have a room full of 5 year olds fighting over a Crayola. (If this sounds like any of you, sorry, but stop eating the red ones).
End this with thanking the mods and the members. I enjoy the site and when I spent the better part of 2 years in hospitals, it was a lifeline for me to read, laugh, learn and thoroughly enjoy.
Humans are good at believing their opinions are scripture and others should yield to it. I agree with you. Thanks for posting and thanks to the staff that manage this site


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
Reaction score
Here, but occasionally There.
Now Terry. You are a very good man and I doubt you would say a bad word about anyone. One of the coolest things was you coming by and seeing me in the Hospital. I'll never forget that.
Thank you

Ahem.... just haven't been in our work van with us while we are doing the road and pavement condition surveys here in Rhode Island. What with trying to work the streets in downtown Providence and on the perimeter of the downtown part, you would have heard me say LOTS of bad words about the drivers here.

As for visiting you in the hospital, meeting you and your lovely wife (and later meeting others in your family) was a distinct blessing.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
We do need to stick together. We already have respect for the second amendment we can use as the glue :). I'm sure we all like low taxes and secure borders too...we have plenty of ways to come together on this forum despite the few wedge issues that get debated from time to time (mostly social issues).


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 10, 2015
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Coalgate, Ok.
Yeah, I'm still here but not under my original username (obviously).
Me too. I figured Hunter S. Thompson was a bit much so I changed to Steelfingers.
It’s the
Ahem.... just haven't been in our work van with us while we are doing the road and pavement condition surveys here in Rhode Island. What with trying to work the streets in downtown Providence and on the perimeter of the downtown part, you would have heard me say LOTS of bad words about the drivers here.

As for visiting you in the hospital, meeting you and your lovely wife (and later meeting others in your family) was a distinct blessing.
Thank you Terry. Thank you very much. It meant a lot to me.


Special Hen
Oct 18, 2022
Reaction score
Tulsa, OK
We do need to stick together. We already have respect for the second amendment we can use as the glue :). I'm sure we all like low taxes and secure borders too...we have plenty of ways to come together on this forum despite the few wedge issues that get debated from time to time (mostly social issues).
It always helps to have a common enemy.

When news comes in about bodies of young girls found on a repeat offender's property, we can all agree on appropriate punishment (and/or prevention) and express the necessary incredulity against how our justice system's leniency is at fault.

I moved to OK to maximize my freedoms and that of my family, and appreciate that most here couldn't dream of it being another way.

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