Gay marriage

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Aug 14, 2012
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I'm going to have to leave you with this theory of yours lol. Altruism is biological in it's foundation and that's quite easy to prove as there have been several cultures devoid of any of the major religions you described that have exhibited significantly higher levels of altruism relative to let's say.... christianity. Spirituality may promote it, but again, it doesn't have the monopoly because it choses to reinforce it, generally, out of manipulation.

Finally, Hitler didn't murder all those Jews by himself, a nation full of christians stood by and participated. Of course there are other historical examples, but that would fill up another thread.

I missed you.


Special Hen
Jun 17, 2015
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Change my life? No. More ashamed to say I'm from this country? Yes.

We should also remember that in the past 20 years, 34 states voted to define marriage as between a man and a woman (INCLUDING California). Once again, a panel of 7 people has overruled the will of MILLIONS.

Man, you hit it right on the head. This isn't just about gay marriage, it's about making an end run around America's Christian majority.


Mar 2, 2010
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Edmond, OK
One more time. There are people who are against same sex marriages who are not of any religious affiliation. They are indeed bias (which is obviously the subject of this conversation) and their logic or lack thereof may or may not have any relevance. Again, fact remains there are people who are of no religious affiliation who do not believe in any sort of “God” that are against same sex marriage because they simply can’t get past their hatred of gays.

Which begs the question of why do you feel the need to blame religion?

IF what you say is true then you should have multiple examples.

There are people that simply hate for no other reason. With that said, there are some homosexuals (and I don’t know if they are of any religious affiliation) who oppose or had opposed same sex marriage because they wanted something different than what us “breeders” have. Elton John fell into the latter group. Common sense should tell one that there is likely more than one.

I am not saying nor have I said that religious beliefs are not a factor. But there are other factors sans religion that are in play too. For instance, “culture” plays a huge role as well. Look at the demos of the black communities. Again, there are examples where religion does not play a role in their objection to the "down low" of same sex unions.

If you conveniently feel that makes no difference then you don't understand bias and how it reflects upon what was initially said in this thread.

We are obviously talking about bias. That was never in question. The question is what motivates one’s bias and not everyone that is against same sex unions is doing so for religious reasons.

I'm really believing you can't see the forest for the trees here as I laid it out quite simply.

“Quite simply” like as in this gem?

You can't prove that secular argument came from an atheist.

It's just a reality that many religious people don't want to admit. Of course, history is filled with the same kind of hypocrisy.

Religion is not the only motivation for people who oppose same sex marriage. To say that it is blaming religion and Webster defines that in two words … ignorant and bigoted.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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One more time. There are people who are against same sex marriages who are not of any religious affiliation.

Religion is not the only motivation for people who oppose same sex marriage. To say that it is blaming religion and Webster defines that in two words … ignorant and bigoted.

It's funny that you want to cling to that Elton John example when he eventually got married himself, so it's obvious you don't understand what he said. Rather it was a definition difference in lieu of a opposition of the concept.

The "Black" culture shows a significant amount of ignorance in terms of why they keep it on the "down low." That's christian upbringing through and through and it weighs heavily upon their culture, this is NOT breakthrough information to say the least. It's the same with several other demographics.

Nonetheless, most of my questions were rhetorical as I knew they wouldn't or couldn't be answered.

Either way, to not blame religion for at least a vast majority of hate towards homosexuality shows a significant amount of ignorance of social structure and history in general. Sure you might believe that there is a unicorn out there of a non-religious version of the round hole/square peg girl I described, but you can't provide an atheist or agnostic demographic and I think that's weighing in on your cognitive dissonance.


Aug 14, 2012
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One more time. There are people who are against same sex marriages who are not of any religious affiliation. They are indeed bias (which is obviously the subject of this conversation) and their logic or lack thereof may or may not have any relevance. Again, fact remains there are people who are of no religious affiliation who do not believe in any sort of “God” that are against same sex marriage because they simply can’t get past their hatred of gays.

Which begs the question of why do you feel the need to blame religion?

There are people that simply hate for no other reason. With that said, there are some homosexuals (and I don’t know if they are of any religious affiliation) who oppose or had opposed same sex marriage because they wanted something different than what us “breeders” have. Elton John fell into the latter group. Common sense should tell one that there is likely more than one.

I am not saying nor have I said that religious beliefs are not a factor. But there are other factors sans religion that are in play too. For instance, “culture” plays a huge role as well. Look at the demos of the black communities. Again, there are examples where religion does not play a role in their objection to the "down low" of same sex unions.

We are obviously talking about bias. That was never in question. The question is what motivates one’s bias and not everyone that is against same sex unions is doing so for religious reasons.

“Quite simply” like as in this gem?

Religion is not the only motivation for people who oppose same sex marriage. To say that it is blaming religion and Webster defines that in two words … ignorant and bigoted.

You know I ain't gonna respond to all your nonsense.

Here's some numbers that's easily googlable and searchable. I won't post a link because I don't want good Christians to see anything they don't wanna see.

About 80% of women and over 70% of men have had anal intercourse. Now trust me on this, a butt is a butt. A woman's rectum is no different than a mans.

Now look around and ask any 7 out of 10 men why they are anti gay. Ask any 8 Christian women out of 10 and any 7 Christian men, why they are a little hypocritical about being anti gay anything.
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