581 people have been shot and killed by police so far in 2017

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Special Hen Moderator Moderator Supporter
Dec 26, 2016
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And there's the problem, liberals cannot seem to listen to what they don't want to hear. They only understand when people agree with them. I don't give two bull poops if you read it or not, but I'm saying my peace wether you or anyone else wants to hear it. I'm hostile because damn liberals are trying to destroy what the founding fathers and honorable men and women of this country have built. If that's doesn't piss you off, I don't know what will.

Way right of liberal here, and I happened to serve our country to defend everyone's freedom of speech !! But i do not believe our founding fathers meant to include name calling and spewing acid on a civil discussion!!! I agree with what you said between those 2 sentences it just gets lost through that kind of hostility!!


Special Hen
Nov 24, 2009
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Yukon, Oklahoma, United States
And there's the problem, liberals cannot seem to listen to what they don't want to hear. They only understand when people agree with them. I don't give two bull poops if you read it or not, but I'm saying my peace wether you or anyone else wants to hear it. I'm hostile because damn liberals are trying to destroy what the founding fathers and honorable men and women of this country have built. If that's doesn't piss you off, I don't know what will.

Same can be said for those on the right. They only want to hear what aligns with their own thoughts and feelings.


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Special Hen Moderator Moderator Supporter
Dec 26, 2016
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Yukon You are right, we will be alright!! Hopefully good or bad Trump being on office opens our leaderships eyes and we hear a loud and resounding pop as they pull their collective heads out !!! Hopefully we can agree on one thing that Trump said "the swamp needs drained" LOL


Special Hen
Jan 5, 2006
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Yukon You are right, we will be alright!! Hopefully good or bad Trump being on office opens our leaderships eyes and we hear a loud and resounding pop as they pull their collective heads out !!! Hopefully we can agree on one thing that Trump said "the swamp needs drained" LOL
They will stay in the game as long as they can because it pays well...they will not pull their heads out because their heads are right where they want them. We, the american people, will have to do the pulling and pushing by creating the government we want...and the increased public engagement, disagreement, and overall interaction is one sign that we're headed in that direction.


Special Hen
Jan 5, 2006
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Crap I better go look at some guns for a while !! Agreed with a liberal twice in one night!!! :cool: Cheers folks going to drink some Jameson and drool over some gun porn for a while!
Drink one for me! (here's a secret: I'm not really a liberal, nor a conservative...but rather I share some values with both and other ideologies as well!)


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May 15, 2010
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Way right of liberal here, and I happened to serve our country to defend everyone's freedom of speech !! But i do not believe our founding fathers meant to include name calling and spewing acid on a civil discussion!!! I agree with what you said between those 2 sentences it just gets lost through that kind of hostility!!

Here I go again, promising I would not wade back into the pool. If you read it, great! If you didn't, that's ok too. Thanks for your service, sir. I'm tired of conservatives and libertarians just bending over and looking weak (if you couldn't tell). I'm not letting any perceived liberal progressivm notions go. Not backing down. We've given in far too much for far too long. Time for the tides to turn. May way not be right or best, but it's the tact I'm taking this week. And our forefathers didn't spew acid, they shot forth lead. :fullauto:
If you think calling liberals, liberals is acid, well I cannot help your angle of perception. Cheers and I'm out. I need to let these brand new bp meds settle out before I post again in controversial topics.


AKA Michael Cox. Back by popular demand.
Special Hen Banned
Jan 1, 2006
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Drink one for me! (here's a secret: I'm not really a liberal, nor a conservative...but rather I share some values with both and other ideologies as well!)

Then why do you take everything Trump does or says and paint it with your negativity? Do you not believe he really does want to make America great again? What is wrong with law and order? Should criminals be treated better than their victims? Sure seems to me you lean pretty left now in most posts I read. I freely admit that I lean far right. It’s time we put America first, criminals in jail or the ground, and people out of our country that don’t contribute their fair share to the betterment of our society. Just curious if you care to share, who did you vote for and why? Most people that didn’t vote for Trump won’t answer that question.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Special Hen
Jan 5, 2006
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Then why do you take everything Trump does or says and paint it with your negativity?
I'm critical and skeptical of all, Trump included. He's not special in any way. Because this is a right-leaning site, with majority right-leaning people, minority opinions and voices will tend to stick out more. It's no different on left-learning sites.

Do you not believe he really does want to make America great again?
Nope, not at all. He'll have to prove that, and he hasn't. In fact, he's mostly hurt his credibility on that claim.

What is wrong with law and order? Should criminals be treated better than their victims?
Nothing wrong with law and order, but those maintaining law and order have to indeed follow law, order, and the constitution as well. That's a delicate balancing act. Trump inciting violence against arrested people (which haven't been proven guilty yet) does nothing to maintain law and order; in fact, it creates an environment that reinforces disorderly and unlawful actions (by everyone involved). That is, if law and order is his goal, he's setting us up for failure.

Just curious if you care to share, who did you vote for and why? Most people that didn’t vote for Trump won’t answer that question.
Gary Johnson. He was a terrible candidate for POTUS, but somehow that was better than any of the other candidates. Hopefully by 2018 and 2020 the democratic and republican parties will have burned long enough that some reasonable candidates can make it through our big-money, bought-and-sold political system.


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Jun 13, 2005
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F-Ing liberals on a gun forum. Wow! Y'all are more worried about what Trump 'may do' and 581 people shot by the po-leece. Really?
How about the 200k that are killed due to medical mistakes?
The black on black crime touch anyone or disturb you?
How about veterans and how they're treated at the VA? By a bunch of progressive-minded beauracrats, mind you.
Or how about $21 Trillion dollars in debt, and more of it by your homeboy than all other 43 prior CiCs.

You pick on police officers because they tend to be 90%+ conservative, honest and hard-working people and I think liberals just can't stand by and let them stand between anarchy and their way of 'reforming' the United Socialist States of Ammerika.
Come on, 581 out of 331 million is so statistically low as to be nearly immeasurable. Do I like to see cops kill citizens? Heck no! Put come on, most of these people needed shooting to be stopped or else they would have been in YOUR home/business/space terrorizing you or harming your friends and loved ones. The only thing that stops a violent person is an overwhelming return of violence. Get over it or take your crap elsewhere. I nearly died this week, and I'm real tired of putting up with **** and ********. Pick another topic you whiny itches.

Just be glad there are no more liberal admins anymore lol..... but yeah.... it's gotten worse over the years.

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