NRA screws us again

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Dec 22, 2015
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Lawton, OK
If one word sums up the process of government in these United States it is compromise. There are many competing interests in this country, and the majority of them aren't complaining about the slow death of Absolutism as a form of government (which went out with George III) on gun forums. No, they are competing for their own special interests just as avidly as any Second Amendment Absolutist, and the way that these competing interests get sorted out is called compromise. Not everyone gets everything they want all the time; sometimes someone gets something they want, and that is the difference between Absolutism and compromise.
No compromise from the NRA, PERIOD. When the NRA comes out and does a 180 on EPOs', that's not a compromise, that's caving, PERIOD


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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
If you want to support an organization that truly does fight for the 2A wholeheartedly, then join the GOA. And trust me, they have plenty of power and influence in Washington. Plenty of politicians have voiced their fear of the GOA. I think there is a reason the media never mentions the GOA and always focuses on the NRA. .
Can you quote how the GOA has passed any legislation in favor of the 2A supporter that has superseded what the NRA has accomplished?
Can you quote the power and influence they have in Washington?
Who has expressed fear of the GOA? Names please.
There is a reason the media never mentions the GOA, and its because they do little to nothing and they are not a big player in the legislative field of saving what we have left of the 2A.
I'd be all over the GOA if they had the power, but sadly, they don't.


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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
You understand how sad and ironic that statement is, right?

The size of the number doesn’t matter. If it starts shrinking, the NRA will sit up and notice.

I don't want to stop them. I want them to pull their heads out of their collective asses and grow a pair.
If their membership rolls starts shrinking, so does their power in D.C. effectively "stopping them" which is exactly what the Brady bunch and leftists want.


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Apr 22, 2009
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Green Country
If their membership rolls starts shrinking, so does their power in D.C. effectively "stopping them" which is exactly what the Brady bunch and leftists want.

If that $434 million dropped to $400 million, I'm sure they would find a way to keep on keeping on; while at the same time realizing "holy ****, maybe we've lost touch with the people we purport to represent".


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Apr 22, 2009
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Green Country
Can you quote how the GOA has passed any legislation in favor of the 2A supporter that has superseded what the NRA has accomplished?
Can you quote the power and influence they have in Washington?
Who has expressed fear of the GOA? Names please.
There is a reason the media never mentions the GOA, and its because they do little to nothing and they are not a big player in the legislative field of saving what we have left of the 2A.
I'd be all over the GOA if they had the power, but sadly, they don't.

Again with the GOA this, GOA that. Take the GOA out of the equation. All the NRA has to do is quit appeasing people who will never be satisfied until the 2A is completely shredded.

I don't believe the saying goes "the best offense is a good defense".


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Dec 22, 2015
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Lawton, OK
Your response tells me exactly what I wanted to know. You have never looked or considered with the NRA has done for the 2A.
Convince me what the GOA has done.
If your not a member of the NRA, how can you justify trying to change their platform? It's the same argument we have about illegal aliens changing our laws in the US.
The NRA members have been instrumental in changing the NRA. When Wayne Pierre commented about jack booted thugs in relation to our LEO, the membership rose up in rebellion and he had to do a lot of backpedalling.

What I find interesting is that the main stream anti gun media has cause this rift between those that support the 2A.
Its by design and its working.
The final results of the take guns before litigation has started in Florida, with a pretty good example of why there should be exception of why it should happen.
The purist 2A supporters think gun ownership should never be restricted, think that a person like the Florida school shooter professed the willingness to become a school shooter on social media should be OK to keep and own their guns? They have already willingly acknowledged they will kill, and your ok with this as a 2A Purist?
Somebody help me on this. I'm looking for answers, and I can't see where that situation could not have been prevented by intervention by the FBI, and Local LEO, PRIOR to the school shooting.
I can see the argument of a liberal neighbor not liking your guns, and I can also get onboard with massive fines for filing a false/frivolous report.
Damn Dennis, that's a load of crap. I WAS a member for years
I ask again, what has the GAO or any of the other gun lobby organizations done in congress other than take your money?
They lobby just like the NRA does, except they dont make compromises. Ron Paul described the GAO as the ONLY no compromise gun lobby in DC. The amount of money they spend lobbying is a drop in the bucket compared to the NRA. BUT, imagine if a NO COMPROMISE gun lobby had the funds the NRA did.


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Apr 22, 2009
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Green Country
I can't help but wonder what percentage of NRA members are happy with Chris Cox and Wayne LaPierre.

When Marty Daniel posted his ill conceived letter regarding fix NICS, it took about a day of backlash to change his tune. Not everyone who ripped his ass was a previous DD customer, and most probably wouldn't have been in the future. Marty Daniel was smart enough to look at the reaction of people on his "team" (ie, pro-2A) and do some math. I also think he just didn't give serious thought to the issue before writing the letter, but who knows. He suddenly realized that he didn't want to become a 21st century Bill Ruger, and that the bottom line of his company stood to take a serious hit if he didn't engage in some serious damage control.

At the end of the day, IDGAF about his motives. He screwed up, people let him know in no uncertain terms that he screwed up, and he got his mind right. Good on him, and good for the 2A. The NRA should take advantage of that teachable moment.


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 7, 2009
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I've got mixed emotions on this. I support the NRA but recognize EPOs are a slippery slope to abuse by the neighbor down the street who has a beef with you, or even the government itself (think IRS abuses during the 2012 elections). But, considering the nut case in Florida where an EPO was used - I can see the "theory" behind it.

If EPOs are going to be supported, it can only be AFTER Due Process. But, I'd also like to know what that Due Process looks like. In the case of the Florida nut case - expedited Due Process while under surveillance would seem appropriate to me.


Special Hen
Mar 26, 2008
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Folks, just remember Wayne La Pierre stood firm after Sandy Hook.
Enforcing NICs is not a bad thing. If it is done with due process.
I love the GOA and my next best thing is the NRA.
They are the only 2 orgs that understand that universal background checks are an excuse for gun registration and ultimately confiscation.
2AF unfortunately favors universal background checks.

Hence my money goes to NRA-ILA (life member of NRA already with frequent contributions to NRa-ILA) and GOA.
If you can spare the price of a box of ammo, consider sending money to these.

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