NRA screws us again

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Special Hen
Nov 11, 2010
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The NRA is making far TOO MANY compromises.
If one word sums up the process of government in these United States it is compromise. There are many competing interests in this country, and the majority of them aren't complaining about the slow death of Absolutism as a form of government (which went out with George III) on gun forums. No, they are competing for their own special interests just as avidly as any Second Amendment Absolutist, and the way that these competing interests get sorted out is called compromise. Not everyone gets everything they want all the time; sometimes someone gets something they want, and that is the difference between Absolutism and compromise.


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Apr 22, 2009
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Green Country
I ask again, what has the GAO or any of the other gun lobby organizations done in congress other than take your money?

While we’re at it, what has the NRA done lately other than promote ATF regulation, ERPOs, and Fix NICS? For absolutely no reason other than to ensure that they have a job for the foreseeable future.

Convince me. Everyone knows GOA, SAF and the rest are small potatoes compared to the NRA. Why should I pay somebody to **** me over when politicians do it on a daily basis?

Nice try with the red herring, by the way. [emoji23]

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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Apr 22, 2009
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Green Country
If one word sums up the process of government in these United States it is compromise. There are many competing interests in this country, and the majority of them aren't complaining about the slow death of Absolutism as a form of government (which went out with George III) on gun forums. No, they are competing for their own special interests just as avidly as any Second Amendment Absolutist, and the way that these competing interests get sorted out is called compromise. Not everyone gets everything they want all the time; sometimes someone gets something they want, and that is the difference between Absolutism and compromise.

In the context of the 2A, compromise means both sides give something up until the final version of the bill gets voted on. Then somehow what we were supposed to gain gets stripped out and we lose. And we lose. Rinse and repeat, ad nauseum.

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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
You guys can preach your philosophy till the cows come home. This is the reality of what you are up against.

Screen Shot 2018-03-17 at 11.56.53 PM.png


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Apr 22, 2009
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Green Country
You guys can preach your philosophy till the cows come home. This is the reality of what you are up against.

View attachment 115816

You understand how sad and ironic that statement is, right?

The size of the number doesn’t matter. If it starts shrinking, the NRA will sit up and notice.

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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
While we’re at it, what has the NRA done lately other than promote ATF regulation, ERPOs, and Fix NICS? For absolutely no reason other than to ensure that they have a job for the foreseeable future.

Convince me. Everyone knows GOA, SAF and the rest are small potatoes compared to the NRA. Why should I pay somebody to **** me over when politicians do it on a daily basis?

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Your response tells me exactly what I wanted to know. You have never looked or considered with the NRA has done for the 2A.
Convince me what the GOA has done.
If your not a member of the NRA, how can you justify trying to change their platform? It's the same argument we have about illegal aliens changing our laws in the US.
The NRA members have been instrumental in changing the NRA. When Wayne Pierre commented about jack booted thugs in relation to our LEO, the membership rose up in rebellion and he had to do a lot of backpedalling.

What I find interesting is that the main stream anti gun media has cause this rift between those that support the 2A.
Its by design and its working.
The final results of the take guns before litigation has started in Florida, with a pretty good example of why there should be exception of why it should happen.
The purist 2A supporters think gun ownership should never be restricted, think that a person like the Florida school shooter professed the willingness to become a school shooter on social media should be OK to keep and own their guns? They have already willingly acknowledged they will kill, and your ok with this as a 2A Purist?
Somebody help me on this. I'm looking for answers, and I can't see where that situation could not have been prevented by intervention by the FBI, and Local LEO, PRIOR to the school shooting.
I can see the argument of a liberal neighbor not liking your guns, and I can also get onboard with massive fines for filing a false/frivolous report.


Dream Master
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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
The gun grabbers really hate the NRA and welcome any help that you guys give them in weakening the NRA. They know the power that the NRA has in Washington and have launched a fresh attack to vilify our most powerful pro gun voice. The NRA is not perfect but is still our best ally. I for one have just renewed my membership. I strongly support them. I say that it would be better to support them and tell the NRA leadership about the things that you disagree with. If you tear them down you are working with the gun grabbers to destroy the organization that does have the loudest pro gun voice. Just my two cents.
We can’t do anything to change the NRA. Wayne LaPierre has it set up where it is next to impossible for him to ever lose his position. It is also set up where the board is a joke. Even if you vote for someone that is good they won’t win. And even if they do, so what. The NRA has supported every single major piece of gun control legislation that has ever been passed. They supported the NFA, GCA 68 and the 86 machine gun ban. There have been many other things they have supported that are anti gun. They may have some power in Washington. But that doesn’t mean it is a good thing for us. They only care about money. And the more people that join the more money they have. They put out these videos all the time convincing millions that they are the only thing keeping the 2A alive. That is a flat out lie. If you want to support an organization that truly does fight for the 2A wholeheartedly, then join the GOA. And trust me, they have plenty of power and influence in Washington. Plenty of politicians have voiced their fear of the GOA. I think there is a reason the media never mentions the GOA and always focuses on the NRA. And to those that think the NRA is playing 4D chess. Wake the heck up. They are supporting legislation that could potentially screw millions of us law abiding citizens. How in he world can anyone say that they have our backs? If they do I would hate to see if they didn’t. Sad to see so many Americans continue to support them and also to believe they actually give a rats rear about us or the 2A.


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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 22, 2009
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Green Country
Response to dennishoddy:

Your response tells me exactly what I wanted to know.
To borrow from Metallica, you hear only what you want to hear, and know only what you've heard.

You have never looked or considered with the NRA has done for the 2A. Seriously? I looked and considered, hence I'm not a member anymore.

Convince me what the GOA has done. Why? I don't care if you join.

If your not a member of the NRA, how can you justify trying to change their platform? It's the same argument we have about illegal aliens changing our laws in the US.
The difference is that I'm a US citizen and the NRA is giving political cover to those who would restrict my rights. Should I become a Democrat so I can get them to change their stance on abortion?

The NRA members have been instrumental in changing the NRA. When Wayne Pierre commented about jack booted thugs in relation to our LEO, the membership rose up in rebellion and he had to do a lot of backpedalling.
Good for them. Maybe they will speak up this time and get the NRA to get its mind right, and then I will have a reason to join. Again.

What I find interesting is that the main stream anti gun media has cause this rift between those that support the 2A. Its by design and its working.
So now those critical of the NRA are dupes of fake news? Good grief.

The final results of the take guns before litigation has started in Florida, with a pretty good example of why there should be exception of why it should happen.
Who needs that pesky due process, right?

The purist 2A supporters think gun ownership should never be restricted, think that a person like the Florida school shooter professed the willingness to become a school shooter on social media should be OK to keep and own their guns? They have already willingly acknowledged they will kill, and your ok with this as a 2A Purist?
Now you're resorting to ad hominem attack?

Somebody help me on this. I'm looking for answers, and I can't see where that situation could not have been prevented by intervention by the FBI, and Local LEO, PRIOR to the school shooting.
So why is the NRA promoting more laws if existing ones could have prevented Parkland?

I can see the argument of a liberal neighbor not liking your guns, and I can also get onboard with massive fines for filing a false/frivolous report.
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