Info on the big churches in OKC area?

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Jan 6, 2008
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Again, your doing your best to find the scriptures that back up what you want to believe. There are far more that prove baptism IS essential. It is not an act of faith. It is a requirement. And before Jesus died and was resurrected he could forgive anyone he wanted to. Just like that thief on the cross. Many people always use that. It’s easy to debunk. The new covenant had yet to be established. As for John the Baptist’s baptism. It was different. But there is only ONE baptism in regards to Jesus Christ and being saved. And that is for the forgiveness of sins. But I know I’m wasting my breath. Like I’ve said before, either you and others are right and we all have heaven wrapped, or I am right and many won’t make it to heaven. I ain’t taking any chances. As I’ve also stated, this isn’t about me being right. It’s about the truth. I see many folks try harder to prove you just have to believe than they do living according to scripture. Belief is easy. Even the demons believe. So your telling me they are going to heaven? Because if baptism isn’t required then they should go to heaven. Baptism is meaningless if not done for forgiveness. Theft is no reason to “show others your faith”. Do they save you or does Jesus? And why haven’t you answered my questions about where it says that in scripture? We both know why. It’s not found anywhere in scripture. But you know what is? That we MUST be baptized to be forgiven of our sins. Jesus said it, Peter said it.

When you piece together all the scriptures on salvation and forgiveness it’s clear what we are to do. And it’s not just believe. There is nowhere that says to get baptized to show your faith to others. Baptism represents us burying our old sinful selves in the watery grave and raising a new creation, being born again. Which Jesus told Nicodemus you had to do to go to heaven. He said you have to be “born again of water and the spirit”. Then acts 2:38 says that we just confess our sins and repent of them, be baptized to be forgiven and THEN we receive the Holy Spirit. We don’t receive it any other way. I know sometimes the COC go to far with how strict they are. But most other places are far to loose. There has to be a middle ground. Far more is involved with being a Christian than just belief. Yet a great many believe that’s the ONLY requirement to go to Heaven. That is blatantly false. We are to deny ourselves and take up the cross daily and follow Jesus. That means we are to suffer for Christ and turn our backs on the world and the flesh. Which is not an easy thing to do.
As for some in the COC thinking that we are the only ones going to Heaven, that is wrong. But I can understand how some feel that way. I’ve struggled with it myself. If a congregation teaches the truth and lives according to scripture it doesn’t matter what the denomination is. Usually though, the one’s that choose names other than Churches of Christ or Churches of God, tend to not follow scripture. I mean, I why would someone name a congregation after a man? It says in scripture that there are two names for the Lords church. Churches of Christ or Churches of God. So when I see a place that has ignored that I Immediately question what they believe. If they would ignore that, they would more than likely ignore other things. Which many places do.

You've been misled. Neither the "Church of Christ" or the "Church of God" are the recognized names of the offical church. Clearly in Hebrews 12:23 it says the name "Church of the Firstborn" is registered in heaven. Seems your elders have led you astray. If I were in your shoes I'd stand in the assembly this Sunday and call them out over their wrongful ways.

New King James Version Hebrews 12-23.
"to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect,"

I attended "The General Assembly and Church of the Firstborn" for about a year as that's the sect my ex-wife was raised in. What I can tell you is that you're not worthy enough to carry their water bucket.

They do not believe in doctors, medicine, insurance, banks, television, alcohol or tobacco. Women cannot cut their hair or wear pants nor can men travel to yonder cities to buy and sell or get gain. They do have church services twice on Sunday and once on Wednesday and Friday. Their typical church service last three hours but can go as long as five hours.They also participate in feet washing and the exchanging of the holy kiss. As the only registered church in heaven they do not use musical instruments in worship and baptisms must take place in a river with moving water.

Clearly "The Church of the Firstborn" is the only name recognized in heaven for the earthly church.


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Oct 27, 2012
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"The Church of the Firstborn" is the only name recognized in heaven for the earthly church.
I guess a person wouldn't have time to work a job if they went to that church?? twice on Sunday, Wed and Fri=beau coup hours, maybe 12 plus hours. I couldn't handle those hours, that is punishment and not freedom.

The Church of the Firstborn was a sect of the Latter Day Saint movement that formed as an offshoot of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1861 and was involved in the Morrisite War. Its adherents were known as Morrisites, and schismatic sects that emerged from it were extant until 1969.
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Jan 6, 2008
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I guess a person wouldn't have time to work a job if they went to that church?? twice on Sunday, Wed and Fri=beau coup hours, maybe 12 plus hours. I couldn't handle those hours, that is punishment and not freedom.

The Church of the Firstborn was a sect of the Latter Day Saint movement that formed as an offshoot of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1861 and was involved in the Morrisite War. Its adherents were known as Morrisites, and schismatic sects that emerged from it were extant until 1969.

"The Church of the Firstborn" and "General Assembly and Church of the Firstborn" are two totally different entities. You just didn't enter the right Google search words.

You're correct though that is was a lot of church attendance. We only went on Sunday mornings and learned to sit at the end of the pew in the back. About an hour was my limit.

"The General Assembly and Church of the First Born (often shortened to just “Church of the First Born”) is a fundamental faith healing sect. This group has no affiliation with the various Mormon fundamentalist groups with similar "Firstborn" names."


Dream Master
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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
I always found it interesting that the thief on the cross didn’t have time to be baptized but JESUS said to him? You should know the rest of the story :coffee2: KJV
As I mentioned in one of my previous posts, a lot of folks like to refer to the thief on the cross to try and prove that you don’t have to be baptized to be saved. Jesus hadn’t yet died and resurrected so the new covenant hadn’t been established yet. So Jesus forgave them man for his sins. But once Jesus died and resurrected the new covenant took effect and you had to be baptized. The fact remains that many folks either ignore scripture or have been brainwashed to believe a lie. It’s a lot easier living with the belief that all you have to do is believe to be saved. It’s once saved always saved which is easily proven false.


Dream Master
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Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
You've been misled. Neither the "Church of Christ" or the "Church of God" are the recognized names of the offical church. Clearly in Hebrews 12:23 it says the name "Church of the Firstborn" is registered in heaven. Seems your elders have led you astray. If I were in your shoes I'd stand in the assembly this Sunday and call them out over their wrongful ways.

New King James Version Hebrews 12-23.
"to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect,"

I attended "The General Assembly and Church of the Firstborn" for about a year as that's the sect my ex-wife was raised in. What I can tell you is that you're not worthy enough to carry their water bucket.

They do not believe in doctors, medicine, insurance, banks, television, alcohol or tobacco. Women cannot cut their hair or wear pants nor can men travel to yonder cities to buy and sell or get gain. They do have church services twice on Sunday and once on Wednesday and Friday. Their typical church service last three hours but can go as long as five hours.They also participate in feet washing and the exchanging of the holy kiss. As the only registered church in heaven they do not use musical instruments in worship and baptisms must take place in a river with moving water.

Clearly "The Church of the Firstborn" is the only name recognized in heaven for the earthly church.
I detect a lot of sarcasm in this post. I think you need to study some more. I haven’t been misled about anything. Everything I believe I can find in scripture to back it up. I unlike many folks that claim to be Christians. I can get it straight form the Greek text.


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Oct 27, 2012
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I think we can all agree to disagree without being disagreeable. There are many churches and many of those churches say they are the only ones that will "make it." AOG used to be that way as I think the Baptists and Catholics but over the decades they have begin to call each other brothers. And that is not what Satan wants, he wants to divide the sheep and kill the weakest ones. The Lord wants us to all get along and love one another as Christ has loved us.


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
You've been misled. Neither the "Church of Christ" or the "Church of God" are the recognized names of the offical church. Clearly in Hebrews 12:23 it says the name "Church of the Firstborn" is registered in heaven. Seems your elders have led you astray. If I were in your shoes I'd stand in the assembly this Sunday and call them out over their wrongful ways.

New King James Version Hebrews 12-23.
"to the general assembly and church of the firstborn who are registered in heaven, to God the Judge of all, to the spirits of just men made perfect,"

I attended "The General Assembly and Church of the Firstborn" for about a year as that's the sect my ex-wife was raised in. What I can tell you is that you're not worthy enough to carry their water bucket.

They do not believe in doctors, medicine, insurance, banks, television, alcohol or tobacco. Women cannot cut their hair or wear pants nor can men travel to yonder cities to buy and sell or get gain. They do have church services twice on Sunday and once on Wednesday and Friday. Their typical church service last three hours but can go as long as five hours.They also participate in feet washing and the exchanging of the holy kiss. As the only registered church in heaven they do not use musical instruments in worship and baptisms must take place in a river with moving water.

Clearly "The Church of the Firstborn" is the only name recognized in heaven for the earthly church.

Question: With regards to that in bold and underlined above, the words "who are" indicates to me that the "firstborn" would be plural. Yet, unless one includes the Father and the Holy Spirit, the Son would be singular. Reading that "paragraph" in full context leads me to believe that the "church in the New Jerusalem" would be that church and would include all the firstborn, not just Jesus. Thus, am I anywhere near correct in that it means plural?

Uncle TK

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Sep 12, 2013
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Oklahoma City
Question: With regards to that in bold and underlined above, the words "who are" indicates to me that the "firstborn" would be plural. Yet, unless one includes the Father and the Holy Spirit, the Son would be singular. Reading that "paragraph" in full context leads me to believe that the "church in the New Jerusalem" would be that church and would include all the firstborn, not just Jesus. Thus, am I anywhere near correct in that it means plural?

You need to read it in Greek (Textus Receptus to King James) not a paraphrase (Modern Translations)

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