Silly debate my son and I had

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Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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Here is the thing guys, a zombie outbreak is the one SHTF scenario where the more people working together, the better. Yes you have to feed them all, but if picking over a house or store for supplies, the weaker go in with a few fighters and do the searching, carrying, the fighters clear the building and then protect. I am talking the classic slow, not so bright zombie. The fast, climbing type zombie just kiss your a$$ goodbye because they will run you down.

The slow type, you need an easily defend place (to bad we do not have real castles in this country) you need fighters, medics, someone to keep track of supplies, someone to watch the kids, and after the zombies have rotted away, farmers to keep you all fed. I figure with typical Oklahoma weather, most zombies will be gone within 3 years. With no blood supply the meat part of the zombie will rot away fairly quickly leaving a skeleton that can not move. The brain will rot away about the same time as the muscles so that should end the zombie. Those that have been embalmed should last longer so you would need to watch for those.


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Nov 18, 2009
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Edmond OK
Ok, I'll pose this question here and give me and my son's responses and reasons.

Say a zombie apocalypses actually happened. Now you rural folk probably wont be too worried, but us city folk, well we would need some place secure if we could not get out of the city rapidly. So I posed to my son this question: If you had to find a place that was easy to secure but would be stocked for a while, where and what would you do.

My response: Take over a wal-mart. The doors can be locked and the entrances blockaded with items you won't need that are heavy. Most super centers have automotive departments that you could park a vehicle. They have food, clothes, cleaning supplies, health supplies, and some still have firearms and ammo. They even have plenty of air mattresses, blankets, pillows, etc. And if you can rig up a way to the roof you would have a good shooting floor for defense.

My son's response: take over a school. Plenty of room, locking doors. Has a kitchen. Not known to hold a lot of supplies so less of a target. Would need to make supply runs, but would be more secure than most other places.

Ok, now time for your thoughts.
A school next to a walmart...

But Ive thought about the walmart scenario before myself....


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Nov 18, 2009
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Edmond OK
One good option I would have is at the corps of engineers lake 10 miles north of me. The concrete ramp on the spill way has a 1950's
era fall out shelter built under it. It is a steel tunnel, covered by feet of concrete, with big heavy metal doors at both ends. We used to get
to go on tours of it in the 70's in grade school. It used to be stocked with rations, and water, probably all bad now. endless supply of water,
that of course would have to be purified, and lake to fish in, and surrounded by woods to hunt. Fairly remote, and pretty well hidden
Ive seen that before. At the local lake around where i grew up.


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Jun 1, 2009
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Agreed. I look at it this way, picture the economy crashing and we enter another great depression. What are all the people shuffling along looking down at their phones while trying to find their next handout going to look like?

Seriously if you plan for a zombie out break you are prepared for most SHTF scenarios.
I’m looking at this as a SHTF situation, which I believe is very possible. Unfortunately I can’t get my wife onboard, she thinks I’m negative and a bit nuts… oh well… my major concern is water, regardless of where you “hold your ground” - I WISH I WAS in the country, but not. I’d say I hope a few of my neighbors could/would join in for additional aid and defense purposes. Not = we’re screwed..


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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I’m looking at this as a SHTF situation, which I believe is very possible. Unfortunately I can’t get my wife onboard, she thinks I’m negative and a bit nuts… oh well… my major concern is water, regardless of where you “hold your ground” - I WISH I WAS in the country, but not. I’d say I hope a few of my neighbors could/would join in for additional aid and defense purposes. Not = we’re screwed..
Did your wife vote for Biden? Just kidding. :P :P


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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I was in charge of a big remodel on the bank, basement and 2nd floor. Yep pretty secure. The basement was where the money was kept. Sat on 100 million dollars one day and ate my lunch. First and only time I saw 100,000.00 dollar bill, actually several of them. Found them on display board behind a door in a storage area. Called the guy upstairs that I dealt with and he said " Oh, we were wondering where that went".
It is now a private company that I helped install hundreds of cameras and the access control and security system. They have more trained security than you want to tangle with.



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Dec 9, 2021
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Tulsa, OK
Lots of windows is problematic. How do you defend against break-ins? Converse argument is if you cannot see outside how do you react preemptively?

if you make it through as the 20-30% who survive societal disintegration what do you do after struggling for two years or so when your friendly invaders show up to take over? They will have a full military.

At any rate, a mall with something like a target and drug stores and maybe a sporting goods store would be a nice position to defend. May take a hundred or so defenders to hold so much material. Anything which is so big and possibly stocked will be a constant target.

in the country it will be more random gangs searching for easy marks. Close to a big city? They will come in waves and not having multiple defenders will make you more vulnerable. Everything is survivable but possibly being very remote or the ability to be mobile might be your best chances.

But I have never thought these things through.

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