Should some Oklahomans be exempt from the state's income tax?

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Let's Eat
Special Hen
Jan 8, 2009
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Wtf are you rambling?

Not all Vietnam Vets were volunteers. Many were drafted.

What is in that statement says I believe I am entitled?

Is your reading comprehension that bad or you just like mouthing off on things you know nothing about? Typical libturd millennial whining, proving their ignorance.
Vietnam was 70-80 years ago. They had options other than the draft. Hell, one that choose otherwise even became President. Again, nobody owes them anything. As far as generational stuff, go be a boomer somewhere else. Not a millennial here for sure. Just a Gen Xer tired of you old people blaming every one of your bad choices on someone else.


Special Hen
Nov 5, 2022
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Reagan, Bush I & Ii, or Trump were not perfect (no such thing exists). But, they were not actively trying to destroy the country.

Reagan was a Dem, until the Communist moved them so far left, he couldn't stay.
Bush I was in D.C. too long and involved in too much, he was just tired.
Bush II was trying to do what Daddy should have. 9-11 happened because mooslims thought he would be a do nothing, like Daddy and Carter.
Trump cared, his personality got in the way. When he started exposing the Swamp, they marked him for destruction.
the current year, still believing Muslims did 9/11...


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
So you're saying you had options?

Yes, I had options, but your original statement was along the lines that all "volunteered." I guess you don't understand the meaning of the word.

Vietnam was 70-80 years ago. They had options other than the draft. Hell, one that choose otherwise even became President. Again, nobody owes them anything. As far as generational stuff, go be a boomer somewhere else. Not a millennial here for sure. Just a Gen Xer tired of you old people blaming every one of your bad choices on someone else.

More goofy stuff. Vietnam was NOT 70 to 80 years ago. At least, not for the majority of those that served there. And, kindly point out where we Boomers are blaming everyone else for bad choices. Also, while you are at it, name the people here on OSA that are Boomers that were able to but didn't do anything about the poor choices.

mr ed

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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 14, 2009
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Every Oklahoman should pay their fair share. From the bum living under the overpass to the billionaire in the fancy mansion. No one should be exempt. Equal rights for all Oklahoman's means the same treatment regardless race, religion, sex, government service, heritage, age, or citizenship.
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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 17, 2020
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Vietnam was 70-80 years ago. They had options other than the draft. Hell, one that choose otherwise even became President. Again, nobody owes them anything. As far as generational stuff, go be a boomer somewhere else. Not a millennial here for sure. Just a Gen Xer tired of you old people blaming every one of your bad choices on someone else.


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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Vietnam was 70-80 years ago. They had options other than the draft. Hell, one that choose otherwise even became President. Again, nobody owes them anything. As far as generational stuff, go be a boomer somewhere else. Not a millennial here for sure. Just a Gen Xer tired of you old people blaming every one of your bad choices on someone else.

Mad you didn't get your participation trophy?

You should research history. The height of Vietnam was 50-60 years ago. Alternatives to reporting for the draft were less available to poor. As throughout history, the rich do not go to war. The poor and lower working class do.

Again, check your reading comprehension. What blame or excuses have I posted? None. Go be a spoiled, entitled X, in Mom's basement. Your libturd blame game just shows your true blue colors.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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Just me, but when a person hits 65 and is eligible for Medicare and SS, it’s time to stop paying taxes.

My house and everything I own is bought and paid for. I’ve paid taxes on everything I own and had taxes on top of taxes from the time I received my first paycheck as a teenager. Today I’m still paying taxes on a house and property that has been paid for. My yearly tax statement says I still pay school taxes, yet my youngest child is 29 years old.

When I retired, my take home pay was cut in half and still taxed. When I became eligible for SS and Medicare, I got a check far less than what I hoped for and a letter saying that I was now on Medicare and deductions from SS is paying for Medicare which took 2/3 of my SS check.

The only breaks I get after turning 65 is my DL is now free and I occasionally get an old farts discount from random businesses.

Use common sense and let us live our final few years of life semi-comfortably and not standing on a corner with a sign. Also, you young’uns need to keep in mind that if you live long enough, you’ll be in the same situation too.


Let's Eat
Special Hen
Jan 8, 2009
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Yes, I had options, but your original statement was along the lines that all "volunteered." I guess you don't understand the meaning of the word.

More goofy stuff. Vietnam was NOT 70 to 80 years ago. At least, not for the majority of those that served there. And, kindly point out where we Boomers are blaming everyone else for bad choices. Also, while you are at it, name the people here on OSA that are Boomers that were able to but didn't do anything about the poor choices.
Okay. Let's break this one down. I said no one made them sign up. Again, every draftee had options. Service, jail or leave the country. I mean you had three options. Hell. some of you seem like you'd have enjoyed jail better. Three meals, a place to sleep and no one shooting at you. That's the bad choices you all made. Then you complain about slow .gov services for your service related injuries and booboos. But muh VA bennyfits! Dear God, none of you should have personal responsibility for your own healthcare. This is the blaming others for your problems. You talk about being in a war and "I'm a man", then grow up and start acting like one. And you're right Vietnam was not 70 years ago. It was 68, sorry for the rounding.

Beautiful Mulberry

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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 18, 2023
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What are you doing? You may not be aware of what the "old" folks have done in their past or currently. Lets hear it.
You can’t answer a question with a question. Only women do that. You’re not a woman.

1-At market where 80% of the ppl are under the age of 35, and 30% are college students,
2-At the boys & girls home where I volunteer, 3-local jr high & high school where I have a lot of influence

we have a lot of conversations about politics, living healthy, I teach or educate how to grow your food or to hunt for it, learn basic medicine, why it’s important to either stand for something or to have god in your life as an overall authority figure. Each subject I listed above has a time of conversation with in each.
Most children are lost.(25&under) so they lean toward what is cool and free. We talk about why it’s important for self protection. (In the end most understand because no one hardly came to save them) what does it mean to be an American? What’s our job as an American? I get questions I don’t know, I seek advice from the olds. I could go on.


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