The Invasion

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Sgt Dog

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Dec 6, 2010
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Oklahoma City
Grasshoppers, fellow grasshoppers, please, I beseech you. Don’t resist the opportunity to learn at the feet of Master Hired Hand. Wisdom, virtue, repentance, righteous retribution, even the chance to alter the visions in front of your lying eyes and the history behind you through the prism of righteousness and condemnation is at hand. Be silent and learn. There is no truth but one.


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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Sounds like a White People Problem. Let’s do what the communists did and build a wall. That was clearly a successful idea.

Naive pre-1400s civilizations of what we know today as North, Central and South America should have slaughtered our ancestors as they got off the boats. Instead our ancestors slowly took this land for themselves and allowed the poor and down trodden from their homelands to migrate here and then claim it righteously as our own.

Guess you all should be afraid. Our comeuppance might be due.
Well, if they’d have written their Constitution to, or would have amended their Bill of Rights to refrain from letting the pesky Europeans in to take advantage of their technology, medicine, etc., they wouldn’t have had that problem.


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Oct 9, 2012
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It’s not a race issue, it’s a culture issue. We could have an equal percentage of white, black, brown, yellow and purple with pink polka dots and it wouldn’t matter of we all shared the same values about life, freedom, independence, human rights and the proper roles of our government.

Likewise we could all be the exact same shade and color and it wouldn’t matter if we shared the same values as above. Simply put, we’ve never had a completely unified culture and rather than coming together, we’re splitting further apart.

Our nation is being torn apart by forces who have their own agendas. They don’t want to make our nation “better”, they want control. It’s a story as old as time and it’s pretty much inevitable.
And oddly enough, immigrants from all the 3rd world countries choose White - governed and established countries to flee to. Isn't it fascinating that it's always the same scenario, whether it's England, France, Sweden, or the good old USA? I'm starting to suspect that race does play a part in all this.


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Jul 5, 2006
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Kingfisher County
And oddly enough, immigrants from all the 3rd world countries choose White - governed and established countries to flee to. Isn't it fascinating that it's always the same scenario, whether it's England, France, Sweden, or the good old USA? I'm starting to suspect that race does play a part in all this.
Interesting train of thought. I lean more toward their lack of education and being a disarmed populace unable or unwilling to rid themselves of a despotic dictatorial government.

When you can't fight, one will likely take flight. Once those people see a better way of life, even as the lowest of the low, any uptick in their life style is all the attraction they need to flee their current situation. Better they should revolt against their oppressors and institute a republican form of government similar to ours and reap the benefits they earn for themselves and not for the benefit of their current oppressors.

Seal the border and they'll either have to accept their chains or rise up and rid themselves of their masters.

Sealed borders will also stem the flow of our enemies who are already in numbers large enough to form fifth columns.

No new law is required. Just enforce those we have on the books. This new law being proposed by Lankford and his ilk is just a way to reset the law to legalize a flow of what are now illegals. It's a bad law to begin with, and in time will be ignored just like the laws currently on the books. If those in government won't enforce the current laws, where is the proof that they will abide any new laws?

Close the borders - all of them including our ports and shoreline. Let no one enter who can not be of benefit to us and will not be any kind of burden. Period.



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Sep 13, 2007
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Tulsa Metro
So you believe anyone should be able to come in at anytime?

It’s crazy how that worked for the first 150 years of our nation.

Ok, now it's eugenics? Would you like to go all the way and make it Nazi? Amazing.

And saying the border isn't open is ridiculous on it's face. We have the population of Tulsa flowing in every 10 days. What would constitute an open border to you?

Eugenics. Scientific Racism. Quota systems that ranked people based upon where they came from and almost completely excluded others. The desire to maintain a certain racial composition of the American. Go read up on who drafted the Immigration Act of 1924 which most of the ideas that you and many others think are reasonable come from. Today we use coded language like culture or say it’s a plan to bring in new voters for the other party, or an invasion force. It’s still the same fear mongering.


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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1. It's not about race. Each race is represented in the flood.
Hispanic, Chinese, Venezuelan, Syrian, Lybian, Italian, Irish, Polish, etc are NOT a RACE, but a Nationality.

2. The immigrants of the past were fleeing famine, corruption, persecution, poverty, etc; whether legally or illegally entering. The difference being, they came here to better their family situation, assimilate and BE AMERICAN. The majority of the flood are not here to become American. They were SENT here, are here to take what they can, continue their life of crime, disrupt and destroy America.

The Dumbasscraps welcome the invasion, believing they are gaining power and control. They only gain as long as the $$$$ sustains the invasion.
The Dumbasscraps are not in control, their puppeteers (Soros, Gates, the NWO) are and they want to destroy America and what WE stand for. They are succeeding.


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Mar 6, 2009
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Yukon, OK
It’s crazy how that worked for the first 150 years of our nation.

Eugenics. Scientific Racism. Quota systems that ranked people based upon where they came from and almost completely excluded others. The desire to maintain a certain racial composition of the American. Go read up on who drafted the Immigration Act of 1924 which most of the ideas that you and many others think are reasonable come from. Today we use coded language like culture or say it’s a plan to bring in new voters for the other party, or an invasion force. It’s still the same fear mongering.
I'm not sure if you are being obtuse or this is a trolling exercise.

Decisions based on merit are not racist. Like I said earlier, I could care less what color someone is if they bring the skill we need. And they enter through a legal and thorough vetting process.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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It’s crazy how that worked for the first 150 years of our nation.

Eugenics. Scientific Racism. Quota systems that ranked people based upon where they came from and almost completely excluded others. The desire to maintain a certain racial composition of the American. Go read up on who drafted the Immigration Act of 1924 which most of the ideas that you and many others think are reasonable come from. Today we use coded language like culture or say it’s a plan to bring in new voters for the other party, or an invasion force. It’s still the same fear mongering.
Now look at the immigration act from 1965 and see if you think we're better off. Eugenics isn't a dirty word, by the way.

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