‘McJobless in Seattle’: $15 to $17 Hourly Min. Wage = $0 Hour Wage In The Real World

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Jun 20, 2005
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Special Hen Supporter
May 20, 2011
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South West, OK
Sound slike the next city council move is to mandate using humans to take orders. Can't be done? In NJ a gas station owner is not allowed to use self-service gas pumps - the gas must be pumped by humans. In some service stations they actually have the self-service type pumps installed but the station still has to use human attendants to pump the gas even if they merely do the very same steps a self-server would do. Since gasoline is, to some extent, an inflexible demand product the additional cost of the human attendants is simply absorbed by buyers.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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Sound slike the next city council move is to mandate using humans to take orders. Can't be done? In NJ a gas station owner is not allowed to use self-service gas pumps - the gas must be pumped by humans. In some service stations they actually have the self-service type pumps installed but the station still has to use human attendants to pump the gas even if they merely do the very same steps a self-server would do. Since gasoline is, to some extent, an inflexible demand product the additional cost of the human attendants is simply absorbed by buyers.

Yikes... that's ridiculous. You can make a case for safety in that situation (however ridiculous), or at least maybe could have many years ago - but I think it's been proven that the average slackjaw (although maybe New Jersey-ites are that far below average??? - after all, they elect these people!) can safely pump their own gas.

I can't see an obvious reason why you can't use a kiosk to order your McGriddle or Big Mac - in fact, I've seen these machines at Carl's, Jr. for several years. Used 'em once or twice to bypass a line. I'm almost in favor of adding this to most restaurants, even sit-down models. You'd still need someone to run your food, but I could see it improving my service - if I can hit "we need refills on Coke, sweet tea and another basket of chips" on our table's screen, and the server and kitchen get the memos, then it streamlines things since I can't get my server's attention half the time. I'm jus' sayin'... eliminate the coming over and asking, "Do ya'll need anything?" step. It's not needed these days. Chili's already has the pay-at-the-table screens, it's easy as HELL to integrate that into ordering and refills. Easy-peasy.

The minimum wage isn't meant to be a living wage - we've discussed it ad nauseum. Let's face it, if you're 35 and dropping fries and have been for 15 years or more and you're not in management yet - you're not reaching the top of the heap for some reason.

Ask the REAL question here - is it POSSIBLE for a society to exist where EVERYONE is "middle-class" and everyone is happy? I mean... owning a middle-class home, driving your middle-class SUV or sedan, etc. Is that kind of "utopia" truly possible? Personally, I don't think it is. This is a perfect example of the vilification of the American business-owner and every larger company out there. If you hate corporate America so much, why do you issue building permits or business licenses in the name of the large corporate entities? Why not mandate every burger joint has to be locally-owned and -operated, that franchising is not permitted, no drive-thru windows, no fast-food, etc.? It's obvious that they are rejecting as unacceptable the business model that has swept the world and made McDs and others massively successful. And they're rejecting it because it is abhorrent to them socially - all while their population/constituency is continuing to patronize them. The ultimate in hypocrisy, I suppose? "I hate how you do business, but gimme a Whopper with cheese while I dress you down"?

Another reason not to live on the left coast - or the upper right coast.

We haven't heard anything about NY in all this - anyone happen to know the minimum wage in NYC? I have a heard time believing it's $7.25.

Actually I looked that up, and here it is - Minimum Wage By State. Interesting.

$8.38 in Jersey (that guy that pumps your gas).
$7.25 in OK.
$8.75 in NY - and specifies 1 24-hour period off - no working 7 days straight
$9.00 in Cali
$10.50 in District of Columbia

Good to know how much those guys slangin' your fries are making. Which goes up first/more? Cost of living or minimum wage? It's a never-ending cycle.


Special Hen
Dec 20, 2014
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Oklahoma City
Gotta love the comments that automation was coming no matter what. That may very well be, but I can still go to a McD's in anyplace other than Seattle and get human service. Seattle's $hike will probably accelerate automation for the rest of the country just because the necessity to quickly bring it to one market will domino effect into others.

Liberals. Literally ruining the world through their insanity.


Special Hen
Dec 20, 2014
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Oklahoma City
You bring up some interesting points....the issue is, the disease gripping this country for the past 50-60 years is liberal progressive big.gov. The fruits of their labor just happen to be coming to a head right now and why it's almost no holds barred with what we as a country are witnessing them doing. The elites start a class war NOT to make things more equal for their fellow humans, but to protect the wealth of the elites by getting the population to want more taxes and regulations to help the poor. But it takes all that money and power and gives it to the elites. Obama sold his entire administration around distribution of wealth from the elites to the poor. Now this country has a faltering middle class, more poor, and more wealthy people. That is socialism. Obama has created more poor and protected the wealth of the elites with an entire country inspired to root him on through his lies of helping people. Look at California which I have personal experience dealing with. In the past 7 years, the insanity of what is currently going on in that state started to come to fruition (really, it's been going on for longer than that but it was about 7 years ago when the cost of living in CA started to really skyrocket). It started by the state being sold on helping the poor, taxing the rich, saving the environment. When things started coming to a head, I noticed stark changes. What used to be a pretty neat place to live morphed into a whole lot of middle class families moving out because the cost of living skyrocketed because of the constant tax and fee hikes, artificial raising the of cost of energy (you know, for global warming prevention California style), everything just skyrocketed as a result of government intervention sold as helping the poor and the environment and all it did was destroy the middle class. Normal people simply couldn't afford it so they started moving out....or worse, they stayed and became poor themselves. Even now, when my wife and I call our few friends who decided to stay in California....they're all living with their parents because they don't make enough at $100,000 per year to live any sort of decent life. It's insane. Then, after all the middle class started moving out, all the rich folks started moving in and things got even more expensive. Then more homeless people started coming in to mooch off the rich or the middle class that stayed became poor. So what used to be a healthy mix of lower, middle and upper class is now lots of homeless and Mazeratis. The middle class has been removed. The rich are now a stronghold. It's been sterilized. Now, you go talk to the average lib and they'll tell you how it's evil corporations that are doing it. Well, in a way they're right. That evil corporation is government. But that average lib is clamoring for even more government intervention. That's why libs are the stupidest people on earth because they allowed people like this to stay in power and to take everything from them (and you and me) in the name of helping, in the name of political correctness.

Wake up and fight hard, folks. Fight very hard against modern liberal progressives. WA, OR and CO have completely changed because of ex-Californians moving there and turning those locations to the left. What you're seeing in Seattle is a result of ex-Californian liberals who, after ruining California, moved to Seattle and brought their politics with them. The notion of helping people is great. The notion of government doing it by raising taxes means the government will be taken over by criminals who lie to get higher taxes in order to enrich their own lives and the elites who keep them in power. The poor will not be helped. The middle class will be destroyed. The elites get richer. WAKE UP.

Ask the REAL question here - is it POSSIBLE for a society to exist where EVERYONE is "middle-class" and everyone is happy? I mean... owning a middle-class home, driving your middle-class SUV or sedan, etc. Is that kind of "utopia" truly possible? Personally, I don't think it is. This is a perfect example of the vilification of the American business-owner and every larger company out there. If you hate corporate America so much, why do you issue building permits or business licenses in the name of the large corporate entities? Why not mandate every burger joint has to be locally-owned and -operated, that franchising is not permitted, no drive-thru windows, no fast-food, etc.? It's obvious that they are rejecting as unacceptable the business model that has swept the world and made McDs and others massively successful. And they're rejecting it because it is abhorrent to them socially - all while their population/constituency is continuing to patronize them. The ultimate in hypocrisy, I suppose? "I hate how you do business, but gimme a Whopper with cheese while I dress you down"?

Another reason not to live on the left coast - or the upper right coast.

We haven't heard anything about NY in all this - anyone happen to know the minimum wage in NYC? I have a heard time believing it's $7.25.

Actually I looked that up, and here it is - Minimum Wage By State. Interesting.

$8.38 in Jersey (that guy that pumps your gas).
$7.25 in OK.
$8.75 in NY - and specifies 1 24-hour period off - no working 7 days straight
$9.00 in Cali
$10.50 in District of Columbia

Good to know how much those guys slangin' your fries are making. Which goes up first/more? Cost of living or minimum wage? It's a never-ending cycle.


Dream Master
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
I can't believe California has that low if minimum wage. Their cost of living is through the roof. People here need to look at that and maybe they won't feels no bad making $7.25 with our cost of living. I always thought that when we got into the 2000's and beyond that we would be living like back to the future part 2. Sadly we are no where near that. Lol. I am still waiting for my hover board and automatic lacing Nike's!!


Special Hen
Jun 4, 2009
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Here, but occasionally There.
I'm not so sure that things still won't be messed up at MacDonaldland. I was in a hurry to get somewhere a while back and stopped at a convenient Macky-D in Colorado Springs because it was right on my way. There were only 3 or 4 other customers in the store, but when the delivered our food, they still got them wrong. They switched orders between myself and one other guy. So, even if the kiosk thing works well, there's still a human delivering the food to the counter and calling out the name/number.

By the way....

....I STILL HATE their so-called hash browns.

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