581 people have been shot and killed by police so far in 2017

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AKA Michael Cox. Back by popular demand.
Special Hen Banned
Jan 1, 2006
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What has our leader done to help the contentious police/community relations our society is currently experiencing? Do you think his remarks are helping those in any way?...if yes, who are they helping?

He supports the police and that’s a lot more than I can say than our last apologizer in chief did. He got elected as a law and order President and for many of us, that’s just fine. For a long time, our nation has be n going further and further into worrying more about PC BS than enforcing our laws. I could care less about community relations. Those abiding by the laws will do just fine. The whiners and criminals, not so much.

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Special Hen Moderator Moderator Supporter
Dec 26, 2016
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Yukon he said criminals not people that are arrested, and sometimes people do get arrested that should not be.

Our media is throwing more fuel on the fire than Trump is!!

How long do we try diplomacy?? Been trying that with the criminals for years and that is not working!!

Now having said that, Trump is not helping matters but to listen to our media you would think this world got this way after Trumps swearing in... established politicians/diplomats have been running the country long before Trump ever put his name in the running.. so I say they are the ones that brought us Trump. A vast majority of America has had it with fed/state government running this country to fill their pockets instead of doing what is right for the population. Agenda based news and crappy government is what we the people need to be raging against, regardless of political beliefs, sexual orientation, race or religious belief. But we keep pointing at each other and screaming your wrong because you think/look/act different than I do.
Now let me put on my tinfoil hat and ponder, you think maybe there is reason for all the lying and half truths put out there, like divide and conquer. Keep us serfs arguing among ourselves, so we miss what the real issue is. Bad government and worthless news!!! We loose!
I am just repeating what smarter people than me have said, but the more I watch the more I know they are right!


Special Hen
Jan 5, 2006
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Yukon he said criminals not people that are arrested, and sometimes people do get arrested that should not be.
Nope, he specifically incited police violence toward people that are arrested.

Our media is throwing more fuel on the fire than Trump is!!
Agreed. That does not make Trump's further fueling ok. In fact, I would think he could do better than they do...but he's proving that he can't.

How long do we try diplomacy?? Been trying that with the criminals for years and that is not working!!
I'm not saying there is an easy solution. It's a complex problem that will require complex and multifaceted solutions. However, Trump is in *no* way helping with his current actions, quite the contrary.

Now let me put on my tinfoil hat and ponder, you think maybe there is reason for all the lying and half truths put out there, like divide and conquer.
Agreed...Trump's current approach is dividing, for sure.

Keep us serfs arguing among ourselves, so we miss what the real issue is. Bad government and worthless news!!! We loose! I am just repeating what smarter people than me have said, but the more I watch the more I know they are right!
Yes, that is what we have...bad government, starting with our president, and worthless news...that's the way it's been for a long time, so nothing new there. Trump's biggest scam is convincing the american people that it would different with him.


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May 15, 2010
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Every thing between those 2 sentences was lost!!
I will say it again, try adding to the discussion with out the hostility!!

And there's the problem, liberals cannot seem to listen to what they don't want to hear. They only understand when people agree with them. I don't give two bull poops if you read it or not, but I'm saying my peace wether you or anyone else wants to hear it. I'm hostile because damn liberals are trying to destroy what the founding fathers and honorable men and women of this country have built. If that's doesn't piss you off, I don't know what will.


Special Hen
Jan 5, 2006
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And there's the problem, liberals cannot seem to listen to what they don't want to hear. They only understand when people agree with them. I don't give two bull poops if you read it or not, but I'm saying my peace wether you or anyone else wants to hear it. I'm hostile because damn liberals are trying to destroy what the founding fathers and honorable men and women of this country have built. If that's doesn't piss you off, I don't know what will.
Here is a professor that is leading the fight *for* conservative voices in academia. His info here might be of interest:


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Special Hen Moderator Moderator Supporter
Dec 26, 2016
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LOL Yukon!! Trump, Trump, Trump. Don't like him much do ya !!!

Trump is not "the" problem and probably not the solution!! But he will probably be gone after one term!!! Unless he can figure it out.
I am willing to give him a chance to learn his role for the next 3.5 years , if he does not, well we will vote someone else in to give a shot!!
He did not get where he is at by being an imbecile, there is a chance he figures it out.
But lambasting his every action will do nothing, I choose to sit back and watch the **** show and see where the ride takes us. Maybe he gets impeached, maybe he figures it out. More than likely he gets through his term and hopefully the other politicians pull there collective heads out of their asses and start working together!!! Hows that for me being a dreamer!!:cool:


Special Hen
Jan 5, 2006
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LOL Yukon!! Trump, Trump, Trump. Don't like him much do ya !!!

Trump is not "the" problem and probably not the solution!! But he will probably be gone after one term!!! Unless he can figure it out.
I am willing to give him a chance to learn his role for the next 3.5 years , if he does not, well we will vote someone else in to give a shot!!
He did not get where he is at by being an imbecile, there is a chance he figures it out.
But lambasting his every action will do nothing, I choose to sit back and watch the **** show and see where the ride takes us. Maybe he gets impeached, maybe he figures it out. More than likely he gets through his term and the hopefully other politicians pull there collective heads out of their asses and start working together!!! Hows that for me being a dreamer!!:cool:
I agree with most of this. But I won't "sit back and watch" as the supreme leader of our police force purposely harms police/community relations--at the minimum, he'll be called out on it. Of course we can choose to wait for another leader, but I get the sense that most of the country is tired of the empty rhetoric and waiting for the next one. People from all perspectives are more engaged now, and overall that is a good thing...whoever is in office, any office, will be held to their word and job-duty. That's not whining. That's public engagement, and will lead to change (change that is balanced by the parties--see the TED talk I just posted for details). The election of Trump was a change, just not the change everyone thought it would be...however, it's a change in public engagement, which is healthy and good for our country. We'll be allright.

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