A little clarification on Mr. Bergdahl...

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Jan 12, 2007
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I'm leaning towards traitor myself, but there were also reports that he wanted to walk out of Afghanistan and into China (or some such). That would be desertion.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
Listen to most of you guys.....charge him with this...charge him with that...hes a deserter, hes a traitor, no a defector. What did his very well trained and informed chain of command do or say?

Did they write him up or charge him with anything in the last 5 years? If he did something wrong they would have started and concluded any charge 5 years ago. If youve been in the military and understand or remember how the discipline system works, it goes like this.

You screw up or get accused of screwing up, your squad leader or if in the Navy a POIC, writes up some kind of infraction report. Then a Platoon SGT or CPO gets involved, then maybe a company commander then maybe XO or CO, then further up the chain to Battallion or Brigade.....there would be a huge paper trail. Especially for something like this.

Early on in this war, kidnappings were fairly common, esp in the northern parts of the country. Company Commanders were even given lots of cash on hand to pay the ransom n get our guys back.

There were even some rumors n whispers that some soldiers would go into town, get captured and split the ransom......

This whole story reaks with amateur propaganda.

Really? Your perspective must be distorted.

He basically told them what he was doing in the note he left. They also have his emails, tweets and whatever the hell else he did on the internet. I'm sure all of this is part of the "classified" file. He was a private when he left. He wasn't SF or anything special. Why is anything classified after all this time? Answer: Because it's politically expedient. That's all I need to know, but we have all of these squad mates saying the same thing. I'll take their word over anything from the WH or DOD pukes out with this administration. Any day, all day, everyday. They have nothing to gain while others do. Hell, the drunk uncle willing idiot (SECDEF) stated today that he knew of no casualties during the search for this guy? You really buy their BS?


Edit to add: If the administration wanted to get the truth (but they really already know it) they would keep this guy completely isolated from the outside world. No TV, telephone, mail, radio, internet, nothing....until he could be thoroughly debriefed. That hasn't happened, he's been cleared to call his parents at any time. This guy's story is never going to be believable if he knows of the outrage in the public. So of course he's going to stick to the story that he was nabbed and wasn't deserting. At the very least one would think they'd sequester him for intel purposes, but big O just isn't interested. He's the most despicable CIC I can imagine.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Did they write him up or charge him with anything in the last 5 years? If he did something wrong they would have started and concluded any charge 5 years ago. If youve been in the military and understand or remember how the discipline system works, it goes like this.

You screw up or get accused of screwing up, your squad leader or if in the Navy a POIC, writes up some kind of infraction report. Then a Platoon SGT or CPO gets involved, then maybe a company commander then maybe XO or CO, then further up the chain to Battallion or Brigade.....there would be a huge paper trail. Especially for something like this.
You obviously have not been following how this administration works. Their is a huge paper trail that will never be seen by the general populous. Under Obama's watch this soldier defected and left a paper trail of his intentions, and why he decided to defect. This is Obama's war, not GWB's war.
He has to cover his azz. The soldier left letters, and social media instructions about why he was disillusioned with the war and alluded to the fact he wanted to see what was on the other side of the mountains. Why in the fuch did his squad/platoon have to sign statements saying they would not talk about the incident? There are tens of thousands of combat troops that have not been required to sign non-disclosure statements when a fellow soldier was captured by the enemy, or was a deserter, or traitor. 6 soldiers died and dozens of others were wounded in operations to find the guy. The fact he still got promoted was because he was never declared a POW. He was missing and captive. I don't see the difference, but that's the classification he was listed under.
Of course your going to find a way to dismiss the fathers taking over the white house for the muslims in the rose garden.
I just don't see how you can come to the naive conclusions you do regarding this subject. Even the Democratic leadership is up in arms over this. For Gods sake Dianne Feinstine is pissed about this. Where are you coming from?

Early on in this war, kidnappings were fairly common, esp in the northern parts of the country. Company Commanders were even given lots of cash on hand to pay the ransom n get our guys back. There were even some rumors n whispers that some soldiers would go into town, get captured and split the ransom......
Where in the hell did you get this info MSNBC? For Gods sake, post some credible links.

This whole story reaks with amateur propaganda.

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