A question for all Members of OSA

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ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Tulsa Area
I know more than a few who would not be what you classify as reluctant, or half ass guardians.

No offense, but I know more than a few who shouldn't be around other people, let alone children (and God forbid, guns). No doubt there are good gun-savvy folks out there in the teaching field, but there are a lot of idiots and folks that I don't know if I could trust to make the situation better instead of worse when given a gun and the task of looking another human being (or monster or whatever you want to call them) in the eye and pulling the trigger.

Lots of sheeple freeze in panic mode and this would just give another weapon to the perp (which I'm not a fan of).

I'm onboard with teachers carrying, but there needs to be a high-enough requirement for training that you weed out the folks who can't/won't be able to perform the additional duties of armed protection (possibly with a semi-annual qualifying process).

ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
Tulsa Area
I'm sorry. While I feel less guns is not the answer, I don't think more guns are the answer.

Flame on, folks.

Here's the weird thing - I'm inclined to agree to a certain extent. I feel that having armed guards would be better, but the TSA argument always makes me reconsider that as well. I think arming all (or even just "the wrong") teachers is the wrong answer, but then who do you pick? One or two from each building? What happens when they're sick?

Do you screen them? I would think Psych-evals would be a good idea (again though, I have a sort of hair-standing-up-back-of-neck feeling about requiring that as it starts to get into the 2nd in a way that I don't like).

Definitely need training and a solid plan that is well communicated and taught properly to all the staff), but teachers carrying (at least in my mind) would require things like retention-holsters - which are typically not as easy to conceal, so do we allow open-carry? Do the kids know who is and is not carrying? Are they informed of the plan?

My wife is a teacher and I honestly have gone over a lot of things with her since these events (ironically, they had a situation where an employee's ex had given the staff cause to worry just the week before and we had a serious talk about everything then as well). I'm not sure I'm comfortable with some of her co-workers carrying, but I'd really want her to - however in the real-world, we can't pick and choose and deny some teachers but allow others without some sort of qualification criteria.

I don't know - I've purposely avoided as much news-coverage and media hype about this incident as I could until today - but I still don't think I have all the answers as to what happened, and even if I did - the scenarios of just the last 10 school shootings make for a very difficult plan of action for all of those variables.


Special Hen
Feb 25, 2010
Reaction score
I'm down to donate a couple of new glocks. (If they are not banned by then).

While this thread took a totally different track from why it was started I may have to just donate $$$$. I went to buy two G19's in case this actually happened of course they were sold out today. Btw if this thread was sent to news station it just looks worse that we are not united and look like redneck idiot's fighting amongst ourselves.


Special Hen
Dec 31, 2008
Reaction score
north of tulsa
i'm in .
we already know the bad ideal or proposed solution , and any i have read here are just as valid .
the rifle didn't do the killing , and to remove it doesn't remove the killer .
i don't believe we can remove the threat , only perhaps prevent frution of the desires and plans of madmen.
no one will do it for us and it will be done by us .
i can only give of what i am i pray it is correct and enough . amen



Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 16, 2009
Reaction score
I would give free classes to teachers to obtain their permits and also free NRA basic and advanced handgun classes. Also great deals on handguns purchased thru my store ...i.e. at cost plus tax.


Special Hen
May 11, 2009
Reaction score
So no one thinks arming every teacher is just as bad of a knee jerk reaction as starting up gun bans?

Some of you may be the greatest people in the world, but I don't want you armed around my kid unless I am around. Crazy people come from all corners. Crap happens in your daily lives. Thanks, but I think its a bad idea. How bout putting all that effort into beefing up mental health care... seeing what you can do to get PDs a little more in their budget so they can stand to throw a few more officers on school duty.

Hate to say it, but you guys are just as bad as the gun controlling left. So polar.

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