If you want to really make their day, go buy them a compressor with at least 5CFM capacity at Harbor Freight (sell it after) and the Raptor liner kits off of amazon. You'll have a new bedliner paint job for well under $1000!
That's exactly what I would do normally, but I'm lazy and don't really have the time to invest. I'm slow too. HA!
The oldest boy (he's 12) is all about using his hands ... He is not the least bit interested in college -- is planning on (actually already doing lawns for anyone who will let him) starting a lawn service when he turns 16, i.e. gets his license, and wants to do trade school but doesn't have the slightest idea which one yet.
He is interested in EVERYTHING. So that compressor isn't a bad idea. We were thinking about getting them both shotguns so they could start shooting skeet but that could wait ... It's not like they aren't going to the range with Grumpy every chance they get now. Lol
I never thought I'd say this outloud much less mean it but it's kinda nice having kids around again. They are pretty good at keeping Grumpy outta my hair.