Baby boy names

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Apr 13, 2010
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Picking a name really is very important. It seems that these days many are chosen without regard to what it will be like when they are grown individuals with names like "Shazzam".....little bit hard to take them seriously at that point.
I do not mean to say that unconventional names should be ignored....please just give some thought to longevity. A cool little kid name does not equate to a respectable adult name. In general I'd stay away from cartoon or movie characters, brands of cologne or names of certain NFL or NBA players. Ocho? Seriously? I know his parents did not give him that name but really? Jovan? Moon Unit? Ke$ha?
Descriptive names are a little dangerous too....what if the child turns out to NOT be like his/her name.
Naming after a LIVING famous person is scary.....what if the namesake turns out to be notorious? How many kids have the name Adolf? Or Benedict?

Gunner is good. Two different ways to look at that. Gunner is a long respected European name and well....aren't we all gunners.
Smith is good even for a first name.
The wife and I could not use Ruger....we named the Schnauzer Ruger.
I like the idea of looking back through family history but you do have to be careful of combinations....had an ancestor named Christopher but....the middle name....Columbus. Um well OK.
Good luck!!

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