Bradley Manning found not guilty of aiding the enemy

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Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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Im curious. Lets say; as a hypothetical, we were to divulge ourselves completely from overseas influences either military, economic or political. Is there a length of time, in your opinion, that can pass where our past sins are absolved and we would be justified in using force against aggression? Or, is there a reparation that can be made which would have the same effect?
Any one else, feel free to answer this as well. I am genuinely interested.

That's a good question. When you spend decades constantly doubling down on your mistakes, sometimes it's a pretty deep hole to dig out of - particularly when those mistakes frequently result in dead civilians, and brutal rulers that terrorize the population for years. Compound that with our worship of Israel, and it only adds fuel to the fire. Don't know what we do to make amends, but I'm pretty sure sending a revolving door of men and munitions to "free the hell out of them" isn't going to do it.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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Im curious. Lets say; as a hypothetical, we were to divulge ourselves completely from overseas influences either military, economic or political. Is there a length of time, in your opinion, that can pass where our past sins are absolved and we would be justified in using force against aggression? Or, is there a reparation that can be made which would have the same effect?
Any one else, feel free to answer this as well. I am genuinely interested.

How about this: we withdraw from the ME, and state the facts: "the U.S. will from now on act only in it's citizens' best interests, and will refrain from interfering in affairs not on our continent. We will henceforth stop all military and financial aid to foreign countries"

lets be fair about this. He knew because the Japanese were attempting to blackmail us into continuing our material support of their conquests in Asia by telling us we would be attacked if we cut off the oil. The context makes all the difference.

so the Japanese siad we'd be attacked if we cut off the oil, so we cut off the oil? and what of the lend-lease program, clearly designed to provoke the Japanese?

How about applying George Washington's foreign policy?

uncle money bags

Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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so the Japanese siad we'd be attacked if we cut off the oil, so we cut off the oil?
that is my understanding of how we knew, at least on the macro level. So what do you do, give in and piss off this side or refuse and piss off the other side? reasons aside, we were justified in not participating in Japan's conquests, IMHO.

and what of the lend-lease program, clearly designed to provoke the Japanese?
Dont know enough about that to say one way or the other, but I will research it. As I understand it we were providing credits and material to china in much the same way as we were doing for our other allies, albeit it seems the help was less effective.

How about applying George Washington's foreign policy?
The one about foreign entanglements? kind of made sense 250 years ago, would make sense today if it were practical to isolate ourselves. which I dont think is reasonable.

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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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I'm confused 9/11 was the most recent attack on our nation since WWII and Pearl Harbor. If I recall correctly more Americans died on 9/11 than at Pearl Harbor.

And nearly to a man, all of the attackers were Saudi nationals being trained and controlled from Afghanistan. So why did we invade Iraq and why haven't we "punished" the attackers sufficiently in nearly 12 years of warfare???

And since then, we've gotten involved in Egypt, Lybia and we're desperately trying to horn in on Syria. To what end? :anyone:

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