Campus firearm bill sees new life, again

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Special Hen
Feb 12, 2009
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CC can leave their weapons in their cars, which means there are unguarded guns in cars for thieves to potentially steal and use in an illegal fashion.

That to me (and yes, I have done that) seems way more dangerous than carrying my gun on my person where no one knows I have it.

I don't go to parties. I don't do drugs. I don't have a temper.

Me having a gun on what liberals see as hallowed ground poses absolutely no threat to anyone there.


Special Hen
May 6, 2007
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Broken Arrow
“Police officers, we carry (firearms) every day. We’re used to the weight of them. We handle them every day, and there’s a familiarity that comes with our training that makes us carrying our weapons inherently safer than the general population,” Harp said.

What an a$$. "We won't allow you to carry because we carry all the time so we're used to it". Maybe if they would let us carry there we would be used to it too, jacka$$. I'd like to see the training they go through and see what scores they have at the range, as well as in live fire situations.



Special Hen
Feb 20, 2009
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What an a$$. "We won't allow you to carry because we carry all the time so we're used to it". Maybe if they would let us carry there we would be used to it too, jacka$$. I'd like to see the training they go through and see what scores they have at the range, as well as in live fire situations.


I've shot with enough cops to know that many of them can't shoot for beans. They stay good enough to qualify every year and that's about it. What most people on the other side don't get is that concealed carriers are mostly sport shooters who improve their marksmanship for fun.

Also, people seem to think that police are these highly trained robotic killing machines because they went through the police academy. Someone needs to tell them that there's a lot to being a police officer and most of it doesn't involve shooting anybody.


Special Hen
Sep 12, 2009
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I thought I was the only one that noticed the condescending remarks in the uco article made towards gun owners. It really baffles me to see professionals that arrogant and conceited. They really believe that law enforcement has a monopoly on proper and safe gun handling and every one else is nothing more than a bungling fool. The two firearms accident that we have had in this county in the last ten years were police officers shooting themselves and each other during training. The last one I saw on the news was a cleet trained security officer accidently discharging his weapon during the search for a gunman at OCCC just the other day( Was his name Barney Fife?). What is even worse is I have encountered this attitude from LE concerning the security in our courthouse, which is non-existent, leaving every one to be a potential victim. I have always been concerned about my daughters safety at UCO and now I am really worried knowing what kind of dumb donkeys are running the show. Glad she graduates this spring. Sad part is that these boneheads are the only ones the media ever quotes and you don't see anything printed from LE personnel that that see it differently. Many things remind me of Ron Whites famous saying, You can't fix stupid, I sure wish the media would quit talking to them.


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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 5, 2007
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Yukon, OK
LEOs are so well trained and accustomed to carrying that they never have an accidental discharge. Right?

I actually had a firearms instructor in the academy that had survived 3 self inflicted wounds. And he was on full time street duty.


Special Hen
Aug 23, 2009
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First off I want to state that I am a Police Officer at a University in Oklahoma and I am an NRA certified pistol instructor. I dont have a problem with properly trained, competent people with a valid concealed carry permit carrying concealed firearms on campus. Thats where the issue is. Oklahoma concealed carry training lacks a lot. My girlfriend took the class last year. It lasted about 3 hours, no targets to shoot at, the instructor said load the gun, point it in a safe direction, and pull the trigger a few times. That was it! If this law passes thats the level of trained people I will have to deal with.

Currently there is already a provision in the law to allow a person to carry a concealed weapon on a university campus.

Title 21, Chapter 53, Section 1277, Paragraph D:

D. No person in possession of any concealed handgun pursuant to the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act shall be authorized to carry the handgun into or upon any college or university property, except as provided in this subsection. For purposes of this subsection, the following property shall not be construed as prohibited for persons having a valid concealed handgun license:

3. Any property authorized by the written consent of the college or university president, provided the written consent is carried with the handgun and the valid concealed handgun license while on college or university property.

In the five years I have been employed with the University you know how many people have gone to the Presidents office and asked? None. I know because I asked his secretary.

Maybe more people should just try to follow the rules that are already in place instead of having to make new rules.


Special Hen
Jan 22, 2008
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SW Oklahoma
First off I want to state that I am a Police Officer at a University in Oklahoma and I am an NRA certified pistol instructor. I dont have a problem with properly trained, competent people with a valid concealed carry permit carrying concealed firearms on campus. Thats where the issue is. Oklahoma concealed carry training lacks a lot. My girlfriend took the class last year. It lasted about 3 hours, no targets to shoot at, the instructor said load the gun, point it in a safe direction, and pull the trigger a few times. That was it! If this law passes thats the level of trained people I will have to deal with.

Currently there is already a provision in the law to allow a person to carry a concealed weapon on a university campus.

Title 21, Chapter 53, Section 1277, Paragraph D:

D. No person in possession of any concealed handgun pursuant to the Oklahoma Self-Defense Act shall be authorized to carry the handgun into or upon any college or university property, except as provided in this subsection. For purposes of this subsection, the following property shall not be construed as prohibited for persons having a valid concealed handgun license:

3. Any property authorized by the written consent of the college or university president, provided the written consent is carried with the handgun and the valid concealed handgun license while on college or university property.

In the five years I have been employed with the University you know how many people have gone to the Presidents office and asked? None. I know because I asked his secretary.

Maybe more people should just try to follow the rules that are already in place instead of having to make new rules.

Was your girlfriend taking an Oklahoma concealed carry course? If so, that class lacked a LOT. it is supposed to be 8 hours including a live firing portion.

Now, with respect to OU (since I went there also). Does anyone realistically think that President Boren would sign off on this? Really? I'll wager thats why people don't ask...because its a foregone conclusion. Case in point: remember the stink he had when similar bills have been introduced in the past?

Also, taking a concealed carry course doesn't necessarily make you well trained. Typically its the person's own efforts that will accomplish that. But whether or not they do seek to improve themselves, they will be equally trained on, or off university property. Since we allow these same individuals who did not receive "adequate" training in their CCW class to carry almost everywhere else, it follows that they should be allowed to carry on campus as well. What, really makes a college campus so much different, in practical terms of shooting, from other places like a mall, or the state fair?

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