Chicago Crime Due to Federal Gun Laws

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Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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Apparently loose federal gun laws are to blame for crime in Chicago and are "akin to racism." This sounds a lot like the captain of the Titanic blaming global warning for the increased number of icebergs. In Supt. McCarty's world, the limited gun freedom we have is a bad thing. I'd argue that Chicago gun laws keeping guns out of the hands of lawful citizens is what is killing people there.

Chicago Police Supt. Garry McCarthy earlier this month told parishioners at St. Sabina’s Church that federal gun laws are akin to “government-sponsored racism.”

“I want you to connect one more dot on that chain of African-American history in this country, and tell me if I’m crazy: Federal gun laws that facilitate the flow of illegal firearms into our urban centers, across this country, that are killing black and brown children,” he said according to an WMAQ-Channel 5 story that aired Thursday.

McCarthy can be heard telling the congregation in the video about the NRA, “The NRA does not like me, and I’m OK with that.”

McCarthy went on to say that in the debate about gun control, there has to be “a recognition of who’s paying the price for gun manufacturers being rich and living in gated communities.”

McCarthy told parishioners an anecdote about a brutal night of killings in Newark, N.J., where he was previously head of the police department. McCarthy said that after he got home that night, he turn on the TV to relax, and tuned in to Sarah Palin’s Alaska.

“She was caribou-hunting and talking about the right to bear arms,” McCarthy said. “Why wasn’t she at the crime scene with me?”...

In a statement Thursday, McCarthy said “strong gun laws against illegal firearms are critical in order to maintain public safety and private rights.”


Special Hen
Nov 10, 2008
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Mustang, Ok.
This type of thinking is the same as the fools working the budget and debt issues.....lets bash the easy stuff first. Why look into cutting or modifying SS or Medicare when we can just cut defense (which may well need some cuts), fed employees, and a few projects around the USA, but never getting to the root of the problem (SS, Medicare and entitlements).
So, lets bash the 280 + million good citizens, and the millions of good gun owners instead of hitting the root problem.....drugs, unwed mothers, and two generations of punks that think the gangsta' lifestyle is cool and thats all they will ever amount to.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 20, 2011
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South West, OK
Supt McCarty has already sold his soul to the Chicago political machine or he wouldn't be superintendent. I guess he assumes that more laws and tougher enforcement would be the answer? But his type of tougher laws would essentially do nothing to deter criminals but he would be able to show real results in guns confiscated from law-abiding citizens.
You know many criminals also use cars perhaps tough federal laws banning unnecessary or excessive car ownership would stop the racist use of cars against minorities?




Special Hen
Apr 13, 2010
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Sand Springs
I was watching a story on 60 minutes i believe it was, just yesterday and they were talking about violence in Chicago. The whole thing was filled with BS propaganda. It was an obvious attempt to spread acceptance of gun confiscation and then eventually enslave the general population for the benefit of the rich and powerful. They were refering to a highpoint carbine as a "fully automatic SK" which was funny till you realized they were serious. There are some bad people at work and they have control of much of the media. If they've never shot anyone then don't give up your guns, ever. As for Chicago they have much bigger problems then some nickel plated jennings in the hand of a crack head. Lets arm the good guys so we can take care of the bad ones.

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