Constitutional Carry!

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Aug 19, 2010
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over yonder


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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True that’s why it is tough for me to decide like what happened at Louie’s thank God the 2 permit holders were there to stop him but at the same time if we had CC there probably would of been other armed good people in there eating and with the shooter knowing that he may not of done it at all like I said I see both sides

Correct me if I am wrong, but I never saw in the reports of the shooting at Louie's that either of the two Good Samaritans were permit holders. I don't believe either one was carrying at the time of the incident, but seem to remember they both went back to their vehicles to get their firearms. Again, I could be wrong, and let's be honest, I'm too fecking lazy to look it up specifically. Does it matter? Maybe... if regular good ol' boys can carry a firearm in their vehicle without a permit (and you can), the next logical step is allowing them to carry it on their person to facilitate stoppage of something like what happened at Louie's, but with a quicker response.

I don't care that other states think it is ok, but it IS helpful to us as proponents of an idea to have some evidence to show those who would restrict our rights that the naysayers and "blood in the street"ers are wrong.

I remember the idiots in the legislature arguing against Concealed Carry back in 1995 - "blood in the streets, shootouts at the OK corral"

I remember the idiots in the legislature arguing against Open Carry 2011 (defeated) and 2012 (passed) - "blood in the streets, shootouts at the OK corral".

Is this any different? No... plenty of other states have led the way in this respect and plenty of other states have NOT had major problems with public carry of firearms. Are Oklahomans stupider/more careless/less qualified than all the residents of every other state? Should Oklahomans be considered less able to handle the responsibilities than others around the country? There are plenty of stupid, racist, bigshot, loudmouth, moronic, dangerous and toxically masculine (lol) residents and citizens around the country... and yet, we don't see the daily stories of blood in the streets the gun control proponents would have you believe are on the verge of happening if/when we pass concealed/open/constitutional or permitless carry.

Let's face it, I know the stupidity of humans, more than most. I've seen the holes they put in each other and themselves, the things they stick in each other and themselves, the worst of the worst they do to each other. The temptation is to paint with a broad brush - I know! But the evidence just doesn't bear out the worry. It just doesn't.


Unarmed boating accident survivor
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Dec 22, 2017
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The State’s Leading Advocate for 2nd Amendment Rights
HB2597 Constitutional Carry To Be Voted On In The House

IT'S ON !!!... HB2597, Constitutional Carry will be voted on this WEDNESDAY afternoon on the House Floor at the OK State Capitol.

Take off work for the day or afternoon and come to the Capitol to talk to Legislators and to witness history in the making!

We will meet on the 4th floor rotunda at 12:30 pm and go to the House Gallery, on the 5th floor, to quietly observe the House in session.

Park on south side of the Capitol and enter through the south entrance. Firearms are not allowed in the Capitol (not yet).

Don't forget your OK2A name badges, and if you don't have one, yet, we have one for you! See you there!

Over 3 Dozen OK2A Requested Bills...
This year, alone, there are over 3 dozen OK2A requested bills to be heard in the Oklahoma Legislature.

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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 8, 2008
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Sand Springs
I do not do face book, is there some where else I can get a listing of what is being worked on and when things are coming up for vote?

For any bill before the Oklahoma Legislature, you can use this page to follow the progress: For this bill, you would enter HB2597 in the left search box and keep the session selection as "2019 Regular Session" and click Retrieve. A similar bill, SB12, has been introduced in the state Senate but it is not moving at the same pace as the House bill. You can follow it in the same way by using the SB12 entry in the left box.

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