Getting disability, how the hell do you do it????

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Special Hen
Oct 9, 2007
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I know they will send him for "vocational testing" to see if they can find a job you can do, it does not matter if you know how or want to do the job. (my testing was in Tulsa and lasted 5 days)

The SS attorneys get a % not like workman's comp that get a cut of a check for years, SS limits the amount the attorney gets. Well they did a few years ago.

His age is the first reason they will deny, if he has been denied then the appeals should be on going, if he made it to a Judge and was denied, that may make it harder. To get Medicare takes two years of waiting, that time starts when he applied. (my two years was over before getting approved)

The entire process is set up to get the applicant to give up, I was sent letters with a 20 day time to respond, then the SS folks would get back to me in 120-180 days. Now that is a kick in the butt.

I was sent to 4 Dr's for evaluation for SS, when I made it to court I got to see those reports (the report belongs to SS and you do not see them) My Judge was ticked, we had wasted his time, all 4 of the SS Docs had recommended me to be approved, yet I was denied. This crap cost me everything but my house, it has been many years and we still have not recovered from what we lost. My case was over in 5 min. the Judge was not happy with the SS guy or the Vocational man in his room.

Best of luck to get him the medical help needed.


Jan 24, 2013
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I have a 25yr old nephew that was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes in his pre-teens that can't work, but was denied disability. He is in pretty bad shape, I don't know what the medical term is but he has a tube coming out of his stomach that drains his urine. He can't control his bowels, his vision is poor, it's pretty cut and dry yet the SS office denied him saying "he can be a receptionist". He has had several menial jobs since high school, the latest was a year ago when he worked at Sprouts, but they cut him to 4 hrs a week and told him he could sweep the store only, this was after he got low and almost passed out. He can't afford to go a doctor and my parents who are barely getting buy pay for his insulin. So all that said, do you guys know what he can do to get help?

In Oklahoma (yes, it's a federal program but each state administers its own claims) the initial denial rate is 72%. You then file an appeal, and that denial rate is a whopping 90%. At this point you get a lawyer, and then file for an appeal hearing. There it's 50/50 if the claim will be approved. The entire process take about a year. Now, in your case because he never made much, the monthly benefit would be very little. Maybe a few hundred dollars. But, he would automatically covered by Medicare. The most important thing, and really the only thing that matters, is medical records. Get ALL the records you can get your hands on. Sounds like you have received the first denial. That's okay. Don't give up, it's a process that you have to go through.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Does anyone else fail to understand how leaches get disability while truly deserving people keep getting denied?

I'd tell him to go to the person that denied his claim and spend a few days in their office to "help out". When that clown gets tired of having him around, perhaps they'll approve the claim? *

*Obviously I'm kidding, the SS office would have him tased and dragged out of the office. :(


Special Hen
Oct 9, 2007
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I know a few of them myself. I wish they paid a bounty for turning those people in, it would be a good way to make a living. The sad thing is many of the leeches get approved right off, why dont they get run through the load of crapola I got, it was almost 3 years before I got approved.

Does anyone else fail to understand how leaches get disability while truly deserving people keep getting denied?

I'd tell him to go to the person that denied his claim and spend a few days in their office to "help out". When that clown gets tired of having him around, perhaps they'll approve the claim? *

*Obviously I'm kidding, the SS office would have him tased and dragged out of the office. :(


Jan 24, 2013
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I know a few of them myself. I wish they paid a bounty for turning those people in, it would be a good way to make a living. The sad thing is many of the leeches get approved right off, why dont they get run through the load of crapola I got, it was almost 3 years before I got approved.

Something like 70% of new approvals are for people with mental issues. It's to the point that physical issues has taken a backseat to mental issues. And the amount of time an applicant has worked is dropping every year. It used to be that people that had worked for 20 years and had a serious injury or illness like cancer was the typical applicant. Now it's a guy that's worked sporadically for a few years who's been diagnosed bi-polar.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 6, 2008
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Yep, get one of those lawyers who advertise on the TV,,,
The Social Security people routinely deny people they should have allowed,,,
It's in part because of the lawyers this situation exists and it's not right but it is the way of the world.

They will take a fairly heavy percentage for a couple of years,,,But it beats him getting nothing while others do get their share of the pie.



This is incorrect. By law they can only take 25% of the back payment award. Attorney fees are strictly
controlled by the SSA. They cannot take anything from the future monthly benefit.

Contact Ramona Hanson, Atty. in Edmond. Without an attorney it's an almost impossible battle. She one of the best disability attornies i've met and she takes cases from all over Oklahoma.


Special Hen
Oct 9, 2007
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I am talking about the ones that work a full/part time jobs, get paid cash and draw a check from SS monthly. No matter the mental status. They are some of the leeches that need dropped off the system.

Something like 70% of new approvals are for people with mental issues. It's to the point that physical issues has taken a backseat to mental issues. And the amount of time an applicant has worked is dropping every year. It used to be that people that had worked for 20 years and had a serious injury or illness like cancer was the typical applicant. Now it's a guy that's worked sporadically for a few years who's been diagnosed bi-polar.


Special Hen
Jul 31, 2008
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Hire an social security attorney, that's what we had to do for my step son.

This. I knew someone who applied for disability and had a reputable attorney lined up, but fortunately didn't end up needing him.

The attorney did say that it seems like the SS office will deny a lot of claims from unrepresented people the first go around and then crumple as soon as a good attorney gets involved. He felt it was almost like a feigned resistance to the claim.

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