glad to see our community hasn't been affected yet.

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Special Hen
Jul 25, 2007
Reaction score
I'm glad most of us that are still selling firearms (handguns, shotguns, and ARs) an ammo at a reasonable price and not drinking the hysteria koolaid. Now as for some of our local dealers they can't help themselves but to jump on the supply and demand band wagon. I think after all the hysteria dies down a lot of local dealer here will lose business based on their greed. In that same aspect other dealers that aren't price gouging will gain an even bigger following. I really hope this is just another per OBAMA 2008 election (EDIT) reaction buy but my gut says other wise.
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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
LOL Reddog1 get a new keyboard, you gave me a freakin heartattack!!!!!

Duringth big snow storm two years ago, I was the only one in the Claremore area that had diesel fuel, I thought about raising the prices since supply and demand was in my favor, but i kept my prices equal with my competitors. Now if my competitors (who didnt have any diesel) had raised the prices I would have followed. I really hope this is just people freakin out, but something is telling me that its not, (maybe its my paranoia). The last several days have been different, there have been just way to many stores in the news of people going out and randomly shooting people. Im from Chicago, you here about gun violence all the time, mainly gang related, this is nothing like that. The day of the CT shooting, someone in bartisville was planning something similar, and some guy gets arrested with 40 something guns(he threatened to do something similar). Im worried!

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