GunWorld in OKC?!?

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mons meg

Special Hen
Jul 6, 2005
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Oklahoma City
A guy here at work has done rangemaster duty over there (when they have people on the range) and he knows the guys and absolutely will not buy from them. Prices simply aren't competitive. It's reality, not bashing.

Jim Dandy

Jun 16, 2005
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jmitch12 said:
have anyone of you told the owner how you feel...I was always taught that if you are going to talk about someone, to do it to his face instead of behind his back. Most people are in business to make money and if I am not happy with their prices then I just tell them that they are to high and leave. Their is no reason to bash a person or make fun of them behind his or her back.
You betchum, Little Beaver. I told you -- or your boss, Mr. Matthews, if that's the case -- that I didn't like his attitude or the way I was treated when I stopped to ask your "gunsmith" a question about my Auto 5 in April of 1994 when your operation used to be located on Penn. You just didn't care. You insisted that I check my gun in for service and pay a service charge for a work estimate, even though I EXPLICITLY stated that I wasn't sure I was ready to spend any money. You stated, and I quote, "Look, we're not going to look at it for free." Real-damned-customer oriented. In fact, your attitude hadn't changed markedly from the time I previously visited your shop in the fall of 1987. You just don't care.

There was a time when I thought maybe, just MAYBE it was me. Until I started chatting with the guys with whom I shot sporting clays at Tri City Gun Club. You don't reserve your generally nasty and arrogant attitude for any one person or group, you're an equal opportunity jackass.

I think the REAL reason you moved to MWC was to take advantage of the transient traffic offered by Tinker Field. Because none of the local shooting community will spend any money with you. At least not if they're smart.

So let's just cut the crap, "Jim Mitchell," and disclose your TRUE relationship with Mashburn Arms/Gunworld.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 13, 2005
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jmitch12 said:
I just joined this site ( I thought it would be a good place to get some good info on shooting and guns) I didn't know that it was a personal bash blog. I have been reading through these posting and it seems that most of you know your guns and are fairly intelligent people.....have anyone of you told the owner how you feel...I was always taught that if you are going to talk about someone, to do it to his face instead of behind his back. Most people are in business to make money and if I am not happy with their prices then I just tell them that they are to high and leave. Their is no reason to bash a person or make fun of them behind his or her back. I realize it is easy to do behind a username on a web page......why don't you do it in person so the party can defend their actions...I thought this would be a great site for gun info but so far all I am finding is small people with small vindictive minds talking behind some poor suckers back....not my kind of site...I think I will look somewhere else.....oh and just so you know that I do not hide behind my user name my name is Jim Mitchell.

There is a difference between a good businessman/business and trying to literally screw everyone that walks in the door. The people in this thread educated themselves of the prices of the weapons they intended to purchase. I'm sure most of them don't mind a little price hike to support local business. However, if their prices are universally too high for people that weren't born 5 min ago then let's call the spade a spade, shall we? I'm not going to go argue with the place about their prices. It is their choice. In the same respect I don't shop at Albertson's.... and you definately won't see me go in and argue about their high prices on groceries. They are quite aware of their prices just like everyone else. My absence and lack of business speaks for me.


Jan 22, 2006
Reaction score
I agree;
What could I say to them;
"hey, you guys ran a b.s. concealed carry class back when I took it here, and, oh yeah, your prices are so wacked i cant even look at them with a straight face. Oh, and your staff reeks of ignorance."

I prefer to smile!

Glock 40

Problem Solver
Special Hen
Jun 14, 2005
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olyeller said:
I agree;
What could I say to them;
"hey, you guys ran a b.s. concealed carry class back when I took it here, and, oh yeah, your prices are so wacked i cant even look at them with a straight face. Oh, and your staff reeks of ignorance."

I prefer to smile!

I third that agreement. You could say exactly what olyeller said and their response. So leave if you don't like it. Simply becasue they are a predatory company that only cares to rip off the uneducated. There are a ton of those uneducated people still out there unfortunatly or crapholes like this would be out of bizness. It takes longer for some places than others but sooner or later places with bad service get wiped out.

As for haggeling I personnaly don't care for it. On a car or a house sure, on a gun or something smaller I just don't care to waste my time. I will do it but honestly I figure why should I have to haggle if their prices were inline even a bit higher than online I would just pay it. If they are selling something where I can get it online and still save 25% after ffl and shipping I ain't wasting my time haggeling. I generally don't ever ask for price breaks at places that give me good service. I know they are in bizness to make money. If they earn my repeat service they earn me paying full price is my take. If a place gives everyone their family discount they can't stay in bizness.

Case in point. If I want a new g19 I can go to OPS or Academy and get one for 500 + tax without issues. Don't have to haggle or any bullsheit. I promise you there are atelast 3 shops in Tulsa that are trying to sell a G19 for 579 or more. Please explain why I should have to ask them to lower their price rediculous price? They would just as soon rip me or someone else off as lower their price. So thats really my take if it ain't a decent price I ain't wasting my time haggeling with someone that wanted to screw me. Put a decent price on it and I will buy it. Sell it at 525 and treat me right and I will buy it. Don't be a predatory sales man though and try and screw the unedjucated. Thats makes me angry. I tell people all the time hey don't purcahse that here. Go to x or y they will sell it to you for xyz. I have been asked to leave stores before for telling someone they were gonna get ripped off. Oh well I leave and normally the person thanks me that just got saved from getting cornholled on that purchase.


Special Hen
Feb 26, 2006
Reaction score
Midwest City, OK
In response to Jim Dandy......I do not like people insinuating that I am A liar and the way you are talking, thats what you are name is Jim Mitchell and I do not work for gunworld....I am a customer and I have always been treared good by everyone there. Ypu say this is a place for disscussion and opinions and not bashing....well the way you "Jim Dandy" act it is not ok if I give you my opinion.....and when I do you insinuate that I am lying and not even using my real name......Your attitude certainly gives "good marks" for this site, they ought to make you their ambassador of good will. So why don't you "cut the crap".


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OAS Sponsor
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 15, 2006
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Most of us gun nuts still belive in Pride, Honesty, Honor, ect. and most HATE to go looking through all the bull:censored: to find a new car. Really most of us just did not expect to find a gun business/range being run like an overpriced car lot.:contract:

jmitch12: So far all here on this site have been very informative and fare for the short time I have been a member. People just do not like being treated like they are stupid when it comes to things that they are quite well versed in, nor do they like being ripped off or fellow shooters being ripped off. We try to look out for one another thats all. And unfortunatly we expected that from Gunworld and thats why some are so angry. kinda like buying a lemon.


Jan 22, 2006
Reaction score
I didnt give you any crap; you dig gunworld, Im cool with that.
-but very seriously, do you hang out there or just go in and shoot? Have you bought any guns there, or ammo?
Ever been anywhere else shooting?
Are you an leo?


Special Hen
Feb 26, 2006
Reaction score
Midwest City, OK
I go in and shoot almost every Saturday and I have bought several guns there. I know that they are higher than others but I can honestly say that they have always treated me good and the service has been good. It is convienent from where I live and I get a free lunch every Sat. With a little horsetrading I did not always pay their listed price on the guns I bought. I don't like driving all around looking for cheaper prices...but thats "my thang" each his own.
And no I am not a Leo...why.

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