Home Protection until I know how to shoot

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Special Hen
Nov 21, 2013
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Honestly, if it comes down to an actual fight with someone who means you harm, I think you would be better off with a gun and little to no training with it, versus trying to tangle with the intruder with a hand to hand weapon like a bat or knife, which actually takes a lot more training to be effective with. This ain't the movies... even those who are well trained in hand to hand, if they're honest, will tell you that odds are a well trained fighter will STILL get cut or take some blows in an all out fight to the death with someone who is similarly armed. That is aside from any disparity in size and strength, which you will likely be dealing with too. If it comes to a fight, I believe a loaded revolver will give an untrained person a better chance to walk away than a bat or a knife will. Of course your first and best option is always to avoid the deadly situation in the first place... which means getting away if you can do so safely and without contact with the intruder(s); and if not, hunkering down behind cover in a room with that revolver trained on the doorway, and popping rounds off at anyone who tries to come through it.

A good used .38 Special revolver (i.e. Smith & Wesson :) ) is something that even a total n00b can pick up and get rounds on target with. Cartridges go in the chambers, and it shoots where you point it if you squeeze the trigger. Nothing could be simpler. Now obviously going out and buying a gun without having any training in it is not the best option and I would encourage taking a pistol class as soon as possible... but it is preferable to going up against an armed intruder who is probably larger than you with a hand to hand weapon or a less than lethal weapon that might just piss him off.

I'd go down to H&H and talk to some of the guys in the gun rental area. For not much money you can try out several types of handguns to see what works for you, and get some decent advice on what to buy. In the process, you will get at least some instruction on how to safely handle and operate a handgun, and a much better idea of what you will actually want to buy.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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For home defense, I'd recommend this one:



Works just like a fire extinguisher! :)


Special Hen
Aug 24, 2010
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Galt Gultch
That industrial size pepper spray is some nasty stuff. I was on the wrong end of a that grizzly spray one time. I wanted to test it before I ended out on an elk bow hunt in Wyoming. It has a 20 foot range, so you don't have to be in their face. One big ass dog, a can of industrial strength pepper spray and a ball bat would be a major hurt on someone.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
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Port Charles
A word of caution though. Be sure and try out that pepper or bear spray to make sure it's not gonna incapacitate you. GC sprayed a big dog that was trying to climb on top of our VW Bug to get one of the cats one time and I got just the slightest whiff of the backspray from it. I choked and gagged and spit up snot the rest of the night. Back of my throat burned for 2 days after ...

And I was upwind of all the "good stuff" ... The dog?? Yeah ... He took a direct hit right between the eyes. Got down off the car, looked at GC like "WTF, dude" shook his head and just walked off ... Might as well have sprayed him with water ...

There were a couple of neighbors standing around with us. None of them were bothered by it. GC was like "WTF is wrong with you? You weren't even over here on this side of the car ... :scratch:"

Stuff is bad ju-ju ... :crying:


Special Hen
Nov 21, 2013
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SMS is absolutely right on a security system, motion lights, and a dog... it's all about layers of protection. The idea is that the earlier layers get rid of the less serious threats, like the bad guys who are into light property crimes, or a quick and easy B&E. The majority of the time this stuff works, and the criminal isn't going to break in if he thinks someone is home; or if he realizes it, he will split immediately. But of course this doesn't apply to all of them. There are some who will not be deterred by any layer of security short of one that puts big holes in their vital organs... but fighting with them is a last resort, and is dicey at best even for the well-trained.

I still think you people are crazy for saying that if she has to fight, she should do it with a bat, a knife, or a can of spray rather than a revolver, for want of training.

uncle money bags

Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
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heres the deal. You dont need to have years of experience to effectively use a firearm against an enemy.

Start now, begin a stair step approach to training beginning with the safe operation of a gun and a familiarization program with various types taught by some one with patience and experience. You will find with the right instructor you will progress rapidly from the duh stage to the "i am comfortable" stage. Much quicker than you think.
After you get there seek continuing training and regular practice to build on the foundation.
I have seen people, specifically women who had no desire to handle a gun, in fact were scared to death of them get through the first stage in a week.

I am sure you know several people who would be happy to help out.

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