I guess they banned me...

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Glock 'em down

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 26, 2006
Reaction score
South Central Oklahoma.
As some of you may know, I have been a big opponent of Facebook since I first heard of them, way back in 2006.

I always said that the difference between them and us, is that we basically share the same interests (firearms) which makes us more than just a bullsheet website, where people post about every single thing going on in their life.

Ashley is feeling lonely...Robert is having a slice of pizza...Veronica's dog took a huge dump... :blahblah:

Anyway, my 9 year old grandson put the Facebook IM ap on his Kindle and he wanted me to be able to message him and him message me. So, despite me always saying FB is only for juveniles and pedophiles, I swallowed my pride and joined up last night.

This morning I wake up to a couple dozen friend requests, some people I know, some I don't. So I'm adding friends, building a profile and posting a few pics, like everybody does, and I post these four pics...


I just wonder, because of their nature, it caused the ban hammer? I think it's a sign that I'm not meant for a Facebook page, since I've cursed it for all these years. I dunno. Your thoughts please.

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