Kentucky court clerk....

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Jan 12, 2007
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I understand exactly what you guys are saying, I just think if it were reversed and the law was changed to force people to attend church or something you guys would be cheering her on if she stood up to it. I see a huge double standard at play here with some showing their hatred of religion and some their distrust of government. Both are fine if you remember one simple fact.

Just because she works for government does not take away her rights, the same rights as you or anyone else.

She has the right to fight for her beliefs, the right to sue, the right to appeal, the right to civil protest, etc, etc, etc. Same as you or me.

As far as her marriages, under her religion she can be forgiven her sins, but to her gays want the right to keep sinning and if she gives them the license she is condoning it.

Now as far as those of you calling her names because you do not agree with her, know that she gets along fine with many of the protesters, has taken them water on hot days, etc. She can have a civil debate with them which seems to be beyond many of you.

She has individual rights. Her position (County Clerk) does not. She isn't supposed to issue gay marriage licenses personally, the County Clerk is. Her rights are separate and have no bearing on her duty. If she cannot fulfill the responsibilities of the position, she has the RIGHT to vacate it.

Does that make more sense?


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Jun 13, 2010
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Norman, Oklahoma
Poor religious folks. It must be tough to have to judge others all the time. It sure is nice that we have them to tell us who's going to hell. Otherwise life gets confusing. Don't worry about getting an abortion though. The Pope says that cool. Just don't let gay folks get married, otherwise religious folk will be pissed!


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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Why get so upset over this? It will sort itself out. I assume those who are gay and desiring to get a marriage certificate in that county can just go to the neighboring county court house instead.

Y'all are getting way too worked up over this. It's just theater IMO.


Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
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Oxford, MS
Why get so upset over this? It will sort itself out. I assume those who are gay and desiring to get a marriage certificate in that county can just go to the neighboring county court house instead.

Y'all are getting way too worked up over this. It's just theater IMO.

why get worked up when an elected official stops citizens of this country from exercising their legally protected rights... you're right. Nothing to see here. Move along.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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Why get so upset over this? It will sort itself out. I assume those who are gay and desiring to get a marriage certificate in that county can just go to the neighboring county court house instead.

Y'all are getting way too worked up over this. It's just theater IMO.

BINGO!!! We have a winner!

She is just trying to force a ruling on if the rights of one over rules the rights of others. So far the Supreme Court has NOT ruled on that. They did turn down her request for a stay but that is not the same thing.

This kind of protest has happened throughout this countries history and will happen throughout the rest of it. You guys have your panties in a wad because she is doing it because of her religious beliefs.


Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
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Oxford, MS
BINGO!!! We have a winner!

She is just trying to force a ruling on if the rights of one over rules the rights of others. So far the Supreme Court has NOT ruled on that. They did turn down her request for a stay but that is not the same thing.

This kind of protest has happened throughout this countries history and will happen throughout the rest of it. You guys have your panties in a wad because she is doing it because of her religious beliefs.

If the Supremes wanted to hear the case they would have issued a stay. They didn't, nor did they even comment when denying her appeal. It wasn't one justice denying the request, but the whole court. They upheld the lower court's implementation of the ruling. What does she think will happen next?

Again, it's not really that hard to imagine why an elected official holding up equal protection under the law because of privately held religious beliefs would bother people.

But then again, maybe the flip side of this coin is that some people only support her disregard for the law because she is against the gays.


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Jun 13, 2010
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Norman, Oklahoma
I hope they put her in jail and leave her there until she complies, or her term expires.
What a bigot. So gays are able to fight, kill and die for their country, but they can't get married. What a complete bunch of holier-than-thou BS. Maybe she should go join ISIS if she wants to be a religious fanatic.

Zaphod Beeblebrox

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Sep 18, 2008
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C'ville, America
She's an elected official and must uphold the law. The Supremes have told her what that law is. It isn't up to her to try and "change" it by ignoring it.

It's no different than an OK sheriff refusing to issue CCW permits because he has strongly held beliefs against violence. Or strong beliefs most people are lunkheads, and can't be trusted with anything more dangerous than a sharpened crayon. It doesn't matter what he believes, the law is OK is a "shall issue" state. Therefore, he shall issue a permit to anyone eligible, regardless of his beliefs.

If she wants to change the law, she has avenues to do so. Refusing to enforce a court order is pretty dumb way to do it. Unless you look particularly fetching in orange, of course.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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Tell me this folks, when it was a pharmacist was refusing to sell the morning after pill you said it was wrong because he dealt with the public (Muslims get a pass it seems), when Hobby Lobby did not want to pay for 4 types of birth control you said it was wrong because they are a company, now this. When is it OK in your opinion for people to follow their beliefs? Only when they agree with yours? Only if they hide it? Only when it does not go against what is PC?

And no the Supreme Court has not ruled, they refused to hear a stay so have set it up to where if removed or forced out, she can file suit for infringement.


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Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
She has individual rights. Her position (County Clerk) does not. She isn't supposed to issue gay marriage licenses personally, the County Clerk is. Her rights are separate and have no bearing on her duty. If she cannot fulfill the responsibilities of the position, she has the RIGHT to vacate it.

Does that make more sense?


GTG is right. As many people that gets the application of the 1A wrong I tend to think that this is exactly what it's intent is. .gov can't dictate to a group citing religious grounds which is exactly what this case did. I personally think they got the gay marriage ruling wrong and were simply legislating from the bench and that they went against the majority of the population in doing so. But it is what it is and the recourse to be had was tried and lost unless they can regroup their argument and get it in front of SCOTUS another way, or congress gets off their ass and does it right. Until then this woman doesn't really have a case whether we like it or not...

Edit: This is a quote from the O/P's article that was made by this woman's husband. It just goes to show the state we're in but doesn't hold any weight legally speaking.

"They want us to accept their beliefs and their ways," he said. "But they won't accept our beliefs and our ways."

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