Man robs bank in order to obtain medical treatment

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Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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I was hoping you could fix those folks up with some of that Free Healthcare you were offering earlier in this thread Rick.

I realize your company sells wheelchairs Rick and that your business plan might be in danger of becoming irrelevant.
But we are trying to focus on the big picture here and not just what is best for ourselves financially.

I would be glad to try and look up the closest places for them.

As for the changes hurting my business, not a chance. It will more then likely help it. Back during Clinton's term I knew the left would sooner or later get around to screwing up healthcare so made changes to my business to deal with it. I stopped accepting Medicare / Medicaid back then and stopped accepting insurance companies several years ago. My business relies on the people who pay cash from their own pocket for items that the healthcare plans have denied them and hospitals, nursing homes, department stores, etc, and business is not bad even in this economy. Could be better but we are hanging in.

What I worry about it hurting if the healthcare of myself and my family something that is more important to me then money.

The young lady I know that is poor and needs medical help but does not qualify for state or federal help has been to DHS, the hospital, and the "payment is based on your income" med clinic places down here in cherokee county. DHS told her tuff luck, the hospital told her no pay no play except for the emergency room, and even then if they wrote her a script she would be responsible to pay for it at the pharmacy of her choice, and the payment based on income clinic would not do any tests unless she had the payment in advance for full cost of the test in advance.

My wife took her to most of these places and was with her when she was told the above, so I know it is what they told the girl. If there is indeed free meds and medical help avaliable, the above mentioned places are keeping it a good secret around here at least.

Yes they do try to keep them quite so that people are made to think they have to pay. There is a only one group I know of that has an almost impossible task getting free healthcare and while I do not mean to sound racist, it is young white males. If you are older, female, or another race there is help out there but you have to really dig for it sometimes.

OK now for a few facts, the piece Hobbes linked was about a state run healthcare plan denying treatment to patients, which is why I posted "Yep the joys of a government run healthcare system."

Medicare has a long history of denying a higher percentage of claims then any of the major insurance companies. They are trying to improve on this.

Our system is the most expensive because we demand more from it then anyone else in the world while suing everyone if we do not get it. In most countries people that we spends millions trying to save are just allowed to die. Not political BS, FACT. One reason our infant mortality rate is higher then most countries. We count our births differently and many that we count as born are counted as stillborn in other countries. This helps slant the figures on our healthcare are there are many other examples of this kind of thing.

Yes Canadians are coming to the US for normal procedures. Why? Because even though Canada does pay it's doctors well, many leave and come to the US where they can practice better medicine and even though Canada does pay for much of their training, medical techs leave and come to the US too. This means there is a shortage in many parts of Canada of people to run the test we all take for granted. I know for a fact you can wait many months for test that we get in just a couple of weeks. Canada can also not afford much of the testing equipment found in almost every decent hospital in this country. They have some of it but not enough to cover the number of patients they have to treat.

In short, yes our system has flaws but I would still rather have it for myself and my family then in other I have dealt with or know of.

And for the record, 20 or so years ago I had to use a free clinic too and got all the help I needed.


Special Hen
Mar 18, 2009
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unless I read the story wrong... the man that planned the bank robbery to get medical help was not a deadbeat.
he was gainfully employed until he couldn't physically work anymore. it was a rational decision that he carried out with planning.

the folks you are referring to are the institutionalized one who are permanently on government assistance. who are probably able bodied enough to work, but find it's easier to live off the government. those are the people that get free medical care from the government.

what's sad are all the hard working folks who saved for retirement only to be bankrupt by a major medical event. this is even with medical insurance, who typically require a HUGE contribution after a certain amount is surpassed.

medical costs have gone out of control. instead of getting rid of the insurance companies. they are entrenched further and making yet more profits than ever before. other government have zero need for insurance companies and pay direct to medical providers. why can't the US do the same?

When this guy crossed the line on committing a crime to try and get free healthcare, I lump him in with the rest of the institutionalized freeloaders. Harse?!? Maybe but this country is so far removed from personal responsibility that it is pitiful. It says in the article that he thought about trying to get help from charities but decided to rob a bank instead. Seriously?!?! How about exhaust all your legal options before committing a crime!?!?! That is beyond stupid and shows a very dangerous way of thinking.

The story doesn't say he got fired or terminated or had to quit from Coke due to physical injuries. It says his employment ended and he started another job as a truck driver after that. It was working as a cashier at a gas station that caused him physical pain. It doesn't say what happened with this job but evidently he quit.

As for your getting rid of insurance companies, Obama is doing his best to see to that and bring socialized healthcare to the US. If Obama's Healthcare Law is not stopped from going into effect, I bet most insurance companies will go bankrupt so there won't be any left to deal with. After that, you can have all the socialized healthcare and waiting lines you can handle. Look at the reports for Massachusetts. Several insurance companies that operate in the state are running in the negatives due to the healthcare law Romney signed.

EDIT: And his whole plan entailed what? Commit a crime, get free healthcare while in prison, do just enough time to get out when he can collect Social Security, and retire on the beach! Sounds like a class act if there ever was one.


Special Hen
Mar 5, 2008
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The Nations
I would be glad to try and look up the closest places for them.

I stopped accepting Medicare / Medicaid back then and stopped accepting insurance companies several years ago. My business relies on the people who pay cash from their own pocket for items that the healthcare plans have denied them and hospitals, nursing homes, department stores, etc, and business is not bad even in this economy. Could be better but we are hanging in.
Interesting insight. THX

And for the record, 20 or so years ago I had to use a free clinic too and got all the help I needed.
That was good deal for you, no?


Special Hen
Oct 15, 2008
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I am needing some plumbing done and have no plumbing insurance. Is there a free plumbing clinic I could call? I mean, I know they have bills of there own and a family to feed, but I need a pipe cleaned out. No one I call will take care of me. They want me to pay when the work is done! In fact, so does the mechanic I see and the barber that cuts my hair! It just isn't fair. frankly, I don't see why we have to pay for anything. Even cigarettes...I mean...this country owes me.

I want to remind everyone that if there is no financial reward for dedicating years of life to med school and residency, those people who are intelligent and hard working that now go to med school will find other ways to make a living. Medical schools will then take the next best applicants and I am not sure that is who I want taking care of my most precious people.

For what it's worth, I have bartered for medical care before. Just ask and I bet any doctor would be willing to work something out. We all have something of value to offer. Paint a house, tune up an engine, a side of beef, even $5 a week would be a nice gesture. Just acknowledging that you will do your best to make a payment might be all it takes. Appreciation goes a long way.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Sep 7, 2009
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Interesting insight. THX

Anytime. :D Seriously if not for the people Medicare / Medicaid denied I would have been out of business years ago. They tend to deny the things that could help someone at a reasonable cost while gladly paying for overpriced junk and when they do pay for a good, needed item, they pay way to much. When we accepted Medicare it was easier for us to sell someone a $5000 electric wheelchair then the $1500 mobility scooter that was really all they needed or wanted. A lightweight wheelchair that we sell for $300, Medicare stretched the payments out over a year and paid over twice as much. And they are the ones that set the price, not us. If as a Medicare patient you needed a wheelchair and Medicare paid for it, if you should get better to where you only needed a walker you were SOL for years. Medicare would pay for a new wheelchair if yours was damaged too bad but they will not pay for a much cheaper walker.

That was good deal for you, no?

Yes but someone still ended up paying for it and if I had been able at the time, it should have been me. That is why I believe in our system but do want to see a better safety net. As I posted before, I think doctors that get government help for school should have to spend some time working free clinics. I will go a step further and say that drug companies should not be paying taxes. It should be paid in meds to the free clinics to help those that fall through the cracks.


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Special Hen Supporter
May 11, 2009
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are you hallucinating??? Obama getting rid of insurance companies... BS... Obamacare is just about the best thing that's happened to the heathcare insurance industry.... think about it.... everyone forced to buy insurance.

now how is that helping get rid of insurance?????

all we got from Obamacare is all the negatives without the benefits. there's next to nothing in Obamacare to cut costs of heathcare. but what it does do is guarantee heath insurance companies customers.

what needs to happen is eliminate heath insurance all together. Canada don't have no stinking heath insurance companies. eliminating their profits would instantly produce HUGE savings.

As for your getting rid of insurance companies, Obama is doing his best to see to that and bring socialized healthcare to the US. If Obama's Healthcare Law is not stopped from going into effect, I bet most insurance companies will go bankrupt so there won't be any left to deal with. After that, you can have all the socialized healthcare and waiting lines you can handle. Look at the reports for Massachusetts. Several insurance companies that operate in the state are running in the negatives due to the healthcare law Romney signed.


Special Hen
Mar 18, 2009
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are you hallucinating??? Obama getting rid of insurance companies... BS... Obamacare is just about the best thing that's happened to the heathcare insurance industry.... think about it.... everyone forced to buy insurance.

now how is that helping get rid of insurance?????

all we got from Obamacare is all the negatives without the benefits. there's next to nothing in Obamacare to cut costs of heathcare. but what it does do is guarantee heath insurance companies customers.

what needs to happen is eliminate heath insurance all together. Canada don't have no stinking heath insurance companies. eliminating their profits would instantly produce HUGE savings.

I have thought about it, and done some reading instead of just taking whatever the MSM or politicians are force feeding me about all the great things about Obamacare. You really need to do some reading on your own instead of believing whatever news outlet you watch. Massachusetts already has a plan similar to Obamacare and those insurance companies are already running in the negatives. They also have some of the highest insurance rates in the nation. Also you have failed to see the report of the roughly 30% of businesses that plan to or will probably drop healthcare plans in 2014 when Obamacare kicks in. Leaving the employees to buy insurance at higher rates on their own.

If Canada doesn't have insurance companies then that just goes to show socialized healthcare will drive the insurance companies out of business. You just proved the point I made. Also when you eliminate profits of any business, what makes you think that business will stay in business? No one runs a business that constantly runs deficits except the US government.

Maybe we should focus on cutting the entitlements that are at least 70% of the spending in this country and force people to be responsible for their own livelyhood, not relying on the good old .gov teat!


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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I have thought about it, and done some reading instead of just taking whatever the MSM or politicians are force feeding me about all the great things about Obamacare. You really need to do some reading on your own instead of believing whatever news outlet you watch. Massachusetts already has a plan similar to Obamacare and those insurance companies are already running in the negatives. They also have some of the highest insurance rates in the nation. Also you have failed to see the report of the roughly 30% of businesses that plan to or will probably drop healthcare plans in 2014 when Obamacare kicks in. Leaving the employees to buy insurance at higher rates on their own.

Well said.

Another item is that people that do not get insurance at work can not bother, pay a small fine, then if they get really sick can buy insurance and the insurance company has to cover their illness.

On another note, Canada does have insurance companies. They cover the things not covered under the government plan like meds and elective surgeries like hip replacements etc.

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