Open Carry OK HB1414

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Rod Snell

Special Hen
Aug 10, 2006
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I know a few people with their CCW that make me worry! I wish they would make the class a little harder than it is

If the answer is that we need a government test to decide which of our Constitutional rights we may exercise today, then you're asking the wrong question.

That's called PRIOR RESTRAINT and is the whole premis of the gun-control crowd. "Somebody might do something wrong, so we'll restrict law-abiding people, just in case."


Sep 9, 2007
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43mi. S. of Tulsa
I understand your concern and to a point a I agree. However there are benefits to open carry that are worth considering.
As the current laws is if you are CCing and say you are walking into Wally World and the wind blows your cover garment and exposes your weapon there is a distinct possibility that if the wrong person sees it your life could get very complicated.
If we can get open carry that wouldn't even be an issue.

+1 My thoughts as well.


Special Hen
Apr 19, 2009
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N.Central OK.
my thoughts exactly definately dont want some nut job open carrying just because now he can. This is kind of a hard subject as you have licensed conceal carry holders who have already taken a class and went through the motions to be completely legal. If this bill gets passed it should be somewhat of the same way to get your conceal carry i believe solely for the fact to deter the goofballs and maybe even be more acceptable by the general public that dont like firearms.

I'll be getting my CCW regardless just my thoughts on the subject.

You "law abiding" people just don't get it. Those "goofballs" are already carrying concealed and you don't even know it. Half dozen or more that I come in contact with weekly carry w/out permit. These aren't the criminal type. How about the ones that are the criminals? Hold-up men,thieves,rapests,etc. They got a permit? Is the 2nd A not enough permit? My country is being permited and politicaly corrected out of existance.(rant off for the nonce.)

mons meg

Special Hen
Jul 6, 2005
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Oklahoma City
House leadership is predominantly Republican in Oklahoma. Not that I expect people to tow party line, but I'd be surprised if there weren't some gun rights' advocates among the bunch.

I don't want you to be disappointed, but if we want pro-2A type legislation to move, it will be by putting immense pressure on the Republicans. Folks like Murphey and Ritze, and Brogdon on the Senate side are still in the minority. The majority of the Republican caucus is still too "Chamber of Commerce".

Recap from the last 18 months or so: Murphey's controversial campus carry bill only got out of committee when folks like the ORA, NRA, local talk radio, and a few thousand of their friends (OSA played no small part) lit them up on the phones and in emails, and the post. (I know I'm referring to a different bill here, but the principles are the same.) It would never have even come to a vote in the full house without public outcry over their antics behind closed doors int he Republican Caucus.

The bad news is, we still have largely the same makeup of "COC" Republicans in the House this session.

The good news is, we know how to get their attention.


New to the site!
Dec 5, 2009
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midwest city
hi everyone... what's to stop liberal law enforcement (local, state & federal) of harrasing one of us openly carrying a weapon...
this is going to be a hard sell both the media & officials... gonna need a huge ACORN-like move on the capitol....


Special Hen
Nov 21, 2009
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Hi all. I belong to the forum also and this conversation is going on over there in the Oklahoma thread and thought you might be interested in another email from a state representative that was posted over there.

Posted: Tue Mar 24th, 2009 06:46 pm Quote Reply

RE: Open Carry‏ From: Glen B. Smithson ([email protected])
Sent: Tue 3/24/09 10:43 AM
To: 'JAMES OCHOLIK' ([email protected])

Why is it so important to you to carry a firearm in the open. Is it so you can intimidate people or will it just make you feel bigger. It is very intimidating to people to walk down the sidewalk and see people walking the streets with two gun rigs tied to their legs. I am a Vietnam vet, a 27 year state trooper and have taught concealed carry classes since their beginning in 1996. As a state legislator I have passed many guns laws making our concealed laws among the best in the nation. If you give an inch people want more, my fear is that if we get to free wit our law it will jeopardize our whole law and we will eventionally have to revoke the whole thing. When is enough, enough???????

Then I posted this in reply:

No, it is so I can intimidate the BG that is trying to make me into a victim.

Make me feel bigger???? Dude, I have been 5'2" all my life and have been physically intimidated by larger people all my life. Nothing will make me feel bigger, but when I developed assertiveness, I am called a *****.

Just which people will be intimidated by a law-abiding citizen open carrying? And you don't think that gang-bangers wearing colors are not intimidating?

As for some young buck wearing two gun rigs tied to their legs, well, I submit the fashion of wearing oversized jeans hanging off the butt with boxers showing on top is not conducive to OC a gun and might relegate that fashion disaster to the dumpster where it belongs.

I salute and thank you for your service. I also appreciate your diligence and effort in making our CONCEALED CARRY laws some of the best in the nation. But we are talking about OPEN CARRY.

We are not asking for lawmakers to give anything. We are demanding our RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS as affirmed by the Constitution of the United States. That document also states that this right will not be interferred with by the Government, of which you are our servant. We, the People are speaking. You are required to listen and act in support of our mandate. If not, you can and will be replaced.

How does the free exercise of our RIGHTS make you fearful that We the People are too free with our laws? How does a law-abiding citizen jeopardize the laws?

And just who will make the decision to "revoke the whole thing?" The Concealed Carry law was passed into law by a majority vote of the People of the State of Oklahoma, not by legislators. It would take a vote of the People to REPEAL the law.

We the People are saying "Enough is Enough" and obviously you are not listening. You will hear us in November 2010.

Rep. Glen Bud Smithson, D, District 2
Capitol Room 539
Route 2, Box 48-E3
Sallisaw, OK 74955
Capitol Phone: 405-557-7315
Email: [email protected]
Counties: Sequoyah


A total of 212 murders was reported by law enforcement agencies in 2008.

Murders accounted for 1.1% of all violent crimes and 0.1% of all index crimes reported.

A total of 148 murders was cleared by arrest or exceptional means, representing a clearance rate of 69.8%.

The 25-year-old to 29-year-old age group accounted for the highest percentage of persons arrested for murder at approximately 15.5% of the total.

Of the 161 persons arrested for murder, 49.7% were White, 39.8% were Black, 9.9% were Indian, and 0.6% were Asian.

Firearms were employed in 60.4% of all reported murders. The use of a knife or other cutting device was involved in 15.6% of the murders.

The murder of one family member by another accounted for 35 offenses or 16.5% of all murders; 5.2% of the 212 offenses resulted from one spouse killing the other.

The victim-offender relationship was identified in 155 of the 212 reported murders. In 84.5% of these cases, the victims were known by the offenders.

The full report can be found in this .pdf and I recommend also perusing the statistics in the tables on page 36.

While I am not a resident in District 2 and my vote cannot affect whether or not Rep. Smithson will retain his office, perhaps these ramblings will be of some help to those of the district who can.


Special Hen
May 1, 2009
Reaction score
Hi all, I'm not the best with the written word, I can talk for days but writing is tough. So I was wondering if someone could draft a somewhat generic letter that I could email to my senator & rep.? I would appreciate that tremedously and I believe it would make my voice heard in a positive note rather than as a rambling redneck.

Thanks Tex.

p.s. first post, though I'd chime in on this one.

p.s.s I am a ok resident I'm just from Texas.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
Big-Tex, I'd be happy to help you out. I would just give you a copy of mine, but since you and I are writing to the same legislator, it would likely be obvious to him that your words were canned.

I'll send you a PM with excerpts of the conversation I've had with our State Representative. Then we can talk about specific things you'd like to say about the issue and I'll help you come up with a final draft.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
Reaction score
I'll also make it a point to send a slightly more polite and respectful email to Representative Smithson from Sequoyah county.

<edit> It's not kosher to refer to a member of the State House of Representatives as "Dude" and the issue has nothing to do with fashion trends. Foul language also doesn't help our case.

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