Open carry

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Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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I just sent this email to my State Representative:

"Dear Representative Sears,

I am writing to you in support of House Bill 1414. I am a concerned, law-abiding citizen of the State of Oklahoma. I was raised in this state and am currently a practicing physician in your district. I would like to encourage you to support House Bill 1414 which would allow the open carry of firearms in the State of Oklahoma by law-abiding citizens with no criminal background. I do not believe such a right should ever have been infringed upon by the State constitution or any state law. This is a right that was required for the ratification of the Constitution of the United States, and as such should be considered absolutely sacrosanct and inviolable by any legislature or judiciary in our land.

As I am sure you are aware, Oklahoma is one of only 6 states in the union that currently forbids the open carry of firearms in public for personal defense by private citizens. I am a taxpaying, voting and concerned member of this State. I believe that we as a nation must do something to discourage the criminal element in our society from preying upon the People, who have been denied their right to adequate protection in this modern age. The Police unfortunately cannot provide adequate protection at all times. The only way to preserve our Freedoms is to exercise them. We are not allowed to do so in this State. I work in a field that is unfortunately exposed to the aftereffects of criminal violence on a regular basis and I for one would like to do my part to discourage criminality in our free society. I would also like to encourage others to do so.

We live in a land where criminals fear nothing. They kill our friends, our family, our CHILDREN in our schools, churches, public places, restaurants and even our military bases. How many of the incidents in the last 10 years, and how many lives lost during those incidents could have been prevented by a single brave, responsible individual who risked his or her own life to save the lives of others? Unfortunately, the ability to do so in this State is severely limited. I have recently applied for my permit to allow me to carry a concealed firearm in the State of Oklahoma. I would have liked to do so many years ago, but the cost of the class and license (a total of almost $200), the time (an average processing time of 3-4 MONTHS), and the administrative hassle involved (multiple trips to the county courthouse for fingerprinting, and even a trip to OSBI headquarters in OKC for some) have all been prohibitive for me and for others. I finally bit the bullet and decided to jump through the hoops required by the laws of our State, however unconstitutional and convoluted I may perceive them to be.

You see, sir, I wish to be a contributing member of our society. I wish to be able to help end this wave of helplessness and apathy that is sweeping our great Nation. I refuse to be a Sheep any longer, but I wish to do so in a manner consistent with the laws of the land in which I choose to live.

As such, I ask with all sincerity, humility and concern - Please support HB1414, not just with your vote, your phone calls, your words, but please CO-SPONSOR this bill or another like it in our legislature!

I am not asking you to GRANT us our rights as Free People of the United States and the State of Oklahoma.
I am asking you to tell the State to STOP INFRINGING upon our rights in this matter!

Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions in this or any other matter. I would be happy to speak with you at your convenience.

Daniel J. Holdman, M.D."

Wes Kenney

Oct 10, 2009
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Though I would not personally carry openly very often, if at all, I very much support the right to do so. As a pastor, I'm not sure the folks in my church would appreciate me being seen everywhere with a gun on my hip, though most of my church members know I'm armed whenever it is legal for me to be. But I support open carry if for no other reason than that I would not need to worry about the wind (which does occasionally blow here) temporarily exposing my pistol.

Of course, there are other reasons, and good ones, but this is the most direct effect legal open carry would have on me. I'll be contacting my legislators after the holiday.

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